Excel Functions

How to Round Numbers to Nearest 10000 in Excel (5 Easy Ways)

Rounding is necessary when we deal with numbers. In Excel, we can easily round numbers to any specific value using different functions. In this ...

How to Assign Value If Cell Contains Word in Excel (4 Easy Ways)

If you want to assign a value to a cell based on a certain word in another cell, then you’ll need to build a formula because Excel doesn’t provide a ...

How to Find Unique Values from Multiple Columns in Excel (5 Easy Ways)

In this article, I will be showing how you can find unique values from multiple columns in Microsoft Excel. Find Unique Values from Multiple ...

How to Round Numbers to the Nearest Multiple of 5 in Excel

We use numbers in Excel in different cases. In those cases, we may get numbers with long decimals. But in most real cases, those long decimals are ...

How to Extract Only Numbers from Excel Cell (7 Easy Ways)

Although Microsoft has not provided a straight formula or syntax to extract only numbers from the Excel cell, we can incorporate a wide range of ...

How to Use TEXT Function to Format Codes in Excel

The TEXT function is one of the meaningful functions in Excel that allows you to do different formatting types or numbers. This article shows various ...

How to Separate Text and Numbers in Excel (6 Suitable Ways)

We often have to separate text and numbers from some data in Excel. Today I will be showing 4 easy ways how you can accomplish that conveniently. ...

How to Calculate Working Days in Excel Excluding Weekends and Holidays

Consider a dataset with start and end dates for employees, where we need to calculate how many working days they had. There are a few ways to do so. ...

How to Use the INDIRECT Function to Get Values from Different Sheet in Excel (5 Practical Cases)

In the following image, we have Sheet Names, Cell references, and their Total Prices. In cell B6, we entered the sheet names (e.g., Sales Report Q1) ...

VLOOKUP with IF Condition in Excel (6 Examples)

VLOOKUP with IF Condition in Excel means working with cases or Excel formulas where both VLOOKUP and IF functions are used. In this Excel ...

Excel Formula Symbols Cheat Sheet (13 Cool Tips)

In this article, you are going to see some Excel formula symbols cheat sheet. This article will be helpful for learning about the process of ...

Excel IF Function with 3 Conditions (5 Logical Tests)

When you are performing complicated and powerful data analysis, you need to justify various conditions at a single point in time. In Microsoft Excel, ...

Most Useful and Advanced Excel Functions List

Excel has a wide variety of functions that you can utilize to accomplish a myriad of tasks. We have put a list of tutorials together on the functions ...

How to Use EDATE Function in Excel (5 Simple Examples)

While working in Microsoft Excel we often need to calculate dates. But without proper function, you won’t be able to do it. Using the EDATE function ...

How to Use DATEDIF Function in Excel (6 Suitable Examples)

MS Excel users often need to calculate the difference between two particular dates. The difference can be in days or months, or years. The DATEDIF ...

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