How to Find Minimum Value in Excel (6 Easy Ways)

For different circumstances, you may need to find the minimum value in Excel, you can do that easily. Today we are going to show you how to find the minimum value in Excel.

How to Find Minimum Value in Excel: 6 Easy Ways

In this article, we will demonstrate to you how to find minimum value in Excel using the MIN function, the SMALL function, combining the MIN and IF functions, the MINIFS function, the Pivot table, and the VBA code.

We have a table where the number of students and their scores for four courses have been stored. We will find the minimum value using this table.

Note that this is a basic table with dummy data. In the real scenario, you may encounter a much larger and more complex dataset.

Easy Ways to Find Minimum Value in Excel

1. Using MIN Function to Find Minimum Value in Excel

The MIN function returns the smallest numeric value in a range of values. The syntax for the MIN function is


number_range: The range from where you want to find the minimum value.

Instead of number_range, you can use multiple numbers separated by a comma (,), and the MIN function will return the minimum among them as well.

1.1 Finding Minimum Value Within Row

In this section, we will show you how the MIN function works for rows

Let’s imagine a scenario, where you need to find the minimum value each student has scored.

Step 1:

  • Each row has the scores for every student. We will find their least score from rows. So, use the MIN function for the row.
  • Firstly, select the H5 cell.
  • Then, write down the following formula.
  • For finding the least score of Peter, we have written the MIN function for the first row.
  • Finally, hit ENTER.

Finding Minimum Value Within Row in Excel

Step 2:

  • Lastly, we have found the minimum score within this row.
  • Then, use the Fill Handle tool and drag it down from the H5 cell to the H17 cell.

Step 3:

  • As a result, you will see all the minimum scores for all the students in the H column.

1.2 Finding Minimum Value Within Column

You may need to find the minimum value within a column, no worries! MIN function can also be used for columns.

To show you examples for columns, we are set to find the minimum score for each course. Let’s write the formula for the English course first.

Step 1:

  • Firstly, select the H5 cell.
  • Then, write down the following formula.
  • For the English course, we have selected the English course column within the MIN function.
  • Besides, hit ENTER.

 Finding Minimum Value Within Column in Excel

Step 2:

  • So, we have found the minimum score in the English course.
  • Then, use the Fill Handle tool and drag it down from the E5 cell to the E13 cell.

Step 3:

  • Consequently, you will see all the minimum scores for all the students in the 19 columns.

Read More: How to Find Minimum Value Based on Multiple Criteria in Excel

2. Utilizing SMALL Function for Finding Minimum Value

The SMALL function returns numeric values based on their relative standing in a data set.

SMALL(number_range, k)

number_range: The range from where you want to find the minimum value.

k: Specifies the position from the smallest value. It is an integer value.

The value k decides which of the values will be returned by the SMALL function. If you want the smallest value then use 1 as the value of k, for the second smallest use 2 and so on.

2.1 Finding Minimum Value Within Row

What we have done in the earlier sections can also be done using the SMALL function.

Write the SMALL function for the first row.

Step 1:

  • Each row has the scores for every student. We will find their least score from rows. So, use the SMALL function for the row.
  • Firstly, select the H5 cell.
  • Then, write down the following formula.
  • Since we intend to find the least score, we have chosen 1. You can choose any integer number there depending on the need of circumstances.
  • For finding the least score of Peter, we have written the SMALL function for the first row.
  • Then, hit ENTER.

Finding Minimum Value Within Row in Excel

Step 2:

  • Lastly, we have found the minimum score within this row.
  • Then, use the Fill Handle tool and drag it down from the H5 cell to the H17 cell.

Step 3:

  • As a result, you will see all the minimum scores for all the students in the H column.

2.2 Finding Minimum Value Within Column

You can use the SMALL function for the column range as well. Insert the column range within the function and that will do the job for you.

Step 1:

  • Firstly, choose the H5 cell.
  • Secondly, write down the following formula. Here, we have written the SMALL function to find the lowest score in the English course.
  • For the English course, we have selected the English course column within the SMALL function.
  • Besides, hit ENTER.

Finding Minimum Value Within Column in Excel

Step 2:

  • Since we intend to find the minimum value, we are completing the formula for the rest of the courses using the k value as 1.
  • It gave the smallest score within this column.
  • If you want the second-lowest score use 2 instead of 1.
  • So, we have found the minimum score in the English course.
  • Then, use the Fill Handle tool and drag it down from the E5 cell to the E13 cell.

Step 3:

  • Therefore, you will see all the minimum scores for all the students in the 19 column.

Read More: How to Find Lowest 3 Values in Excel

3. Combining MIN and IF Functions to Find Minimum Value

To find the minimum value that matches the criteria we can use the combination of the MIN and IF functions.

The IF function will check the criteria and the MIN function will find the minimum.

The formula will be something like this


Step 1:

  • Firstly, choose the I5 cell.
  • Then, write down the formula in Excel. Here we are aiming to find the minimum score for any particular student.
  • Since it is an array formula, we need to use CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to find the proper result using this formula.

Combining MIN and IF Functions to Find Minimum Value in Excel

Formula Breakdown

  • Inside the IF function, first of all, we have provided the criteria_range that is the column of Student Name since our criteria is a student.
  • Then we have inserted the entire data set range as our
  • Once the condition has matched, the MIN function will operate for min_range and it returns the minimum value 50.

Step 2:

  • Finally, we have set the student name Mick and found the minimum score of Mick.

Read More: How to Use Combined MIN and IF Function in Excel

4. Inserting MINIFS Function for Finding Minimum Value

We can do the task using the MINIFS function also.

The MINIFS function returns the smallest numeric value that meets one or more criteria in a range of values

MINIFS (min_range, critera_range1, criteria1, [range2], [criteria2], …)

min_range: Range of values used to determine the minimum.

criteria_range1: The first range to evaluate.

criteria1: The criteria to use on range1.

criteria_range2: The second range to evaluate.

criteria2: The criteria to use on range2.

Apart from the criteria_range1 and criteria1 all the other criteria_ranges or criteria are optional. You may or may not use them.

Step 1:

  • Here, we will select the I5 cell.
  • We have set the entire values in the table (C5:F17), then the Student Name column as our criteria_range.
  • Then, write down the formula in Excel.
  • Therefore, hit ENTER.

Inserting MINIFS function to Find Minimum Value in Excel

Step 2:

  • So, you may wonder how we have found the minimum. It gave the only value for Ryan within this column. If we have multiple Ryan then this will return the least score of him inside this column.

Read more: How to Find Lowest Value with Criteria in Excel

5. Using Pivot Table to Find Minimum Value

You can find the minimum value using the Pivot Table. Let’s see how can you do so.

Step 1:

  • First of all, select the table for which you want the Pivot Table.
  • Then in the Insert tab of Excel.
  • After that, click on the Pivot Table.
  • Here, we will choose a New Worksheet.
  • Finally, click OK.

Using Pivot Table to Find Minimum Value in Excel

Step 2:

  • Here, we have chosen the English course and dragged it to Values.
  • By default, the Pivot Table shows the sum of the values.
  • Right Click on the Sum of English (Here we have chosen English, so it’s showing Sum of English)

Step 3:

  • Then, you will find an option called Value Field Settings. Click on that option.
  • And, a new dialog box will come in front of you.

Step 4:

  • Therefore, select Min from there and click OK or hit ENTER.

Step 5:

  • To make the visualization clearer, we have added the Student Name as Rows in the Pivot Table.
  • You can see all the scores of the course and now we have achieved the minimum score.
  • You can choose any other courses as well.

Read More: How to Find Minimum Value with VLOOKUP in Excel

6. Applying VBA Code to Find Minimum Value

VBA is a programming language that may be used for a variety of tasks, and different types of users can use it for those tasks. Using the Alt + F11 keyboard shortcut, you can launch the VBA editor. In the last section, we will generate a VBA code that makes it very easy to find missing rows in Excel.

Step 1:

  • Firstly, we will open the Developer tab.
  • Then, we will select the Visual Basic command.

Step 2:

  • Here, the Visual Basic window will open.
  • After that, from the Insert option, we will choose the new Module to write a VBA code.

Step 3:

  • Now, paste the following VBA code into the Module.
  • To run the program, click the “Run” button or press F5.
Sub Minimum_Value()
'declaring variable
Dim Mysheet As Worksheet
Set Mysheet = Worksheets("VBA")
'returning minimum value in a range
Mysheet.Range("C19") = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(Mysheet.Range("C5:F17"))
End Sub 

Step 4:

  • Lastly, you will see the minimum value for the entire data set and the minimum value for this entire data set is 33.

Download Practice Workbook

You may download the following Excel workbook for better understanding and practice it by yourself.


In this article, we’ve covered 6 ways to find minimum value in Excel. We sincerely hope you enjoyed and learned a lot from this article. If you have any questions, comments, or recommendations, kindly leave them in the comment section below.

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Shakil Ahmed

My name’s Shakil. My articles are targeted to support you in enriching knowledge regarding different features related to Microsoft Excel. I am fond of literature, hope some knowledge from them will help me providing you some engaging articles even though some weary technical terms.

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