Excel Functions

How to Combine SUMIF and VLOOKUP in Excel (3 Approaches)

In Microsoft Excel, we have to combine SUMIF and VLOOKUP functions to look for a value, and based on that criterion, a sum is calculated from a range ...

How to Perform VLOOKUP with Wildcard in Excel (3 Methods)

Whenever you are handling a wide range of data in your worksheet, applying VLOOKUP with wildcards is an effective way to find your texts or values ...

How to Combine Multiple Rows into One Cell in Excel (6 Ways)

Excel is a popular and useful tool for analyzing large sets of data. Sometimes we need to show the multiple rows of data in one cell to mean ...

How to Convert Multiple Rows to a Single Column in Excel

We know what rows and columns are in Excel. Basically, data is spread into multiple rows or columns. Now, in this tutorial, we are going to show how ...

How to Filter Duplicates in Excel (7 Suitable Ways)

If you are looking for the easiest ways to filter duplicates in Excel then you are in the right place. You can get a clear concept of filtering ...

How to Use Excel VLOOKUP to Return Multiple Values Vertically

Excel VLOOKUP function returns only one result that matches the lookup criteria. So, you will get stuck when you have multiple matching values and ...

COUNTIFS Unique Values in Excel (4 Easy Ways)

While working in Excel, we often have to sort out the unique values from a set of data. Sometimes we have to count the number of equal values in a ...

How to Find Text in Cell in Excel (2 Suitable Examples)

While working in Excel, we often have to search for a specific text within another text. In Microsoft Excel, we can do such jobs in multiple ways. ...

How to Use VLOOKUP to Return Multiple Columns in Excel?

In Microsoft Excel, there are several formulas available to VLOOKUP and return values from multiple columns. As the VLOOKUP function is not able to ...

How to Use TRANSPOSE Function in Excel?

While working with Microsoft Excel, some users prefer the formation of data vertically in columns, while others choose horizontal arrangements in ...

How to Use TEXTJOIN Function in Excel (7 Suitable Examples)

  Introduction to TEXTJOIN Function in Excel Summary Concatenates a list or range of text strings into a single string using a delimiter. ...

INDIRECT Function with Sheet Name in Excel (4 Criteria)

In Microsoft Excel, the INDIRECT function is generally used to return the reference specified by a text string. In this article, you’ll learn how you ...

How to Use VALUE Function in Excel (5 Ideal Examples)

Excel provides several text functions to perform your desired text-related tasks easily and swiftly. One of them is the VALUE function. Today we are ...

How to Reference Worksheet Name in Formula in Excel

Oftentimes, while working with Microsoft Excel, we may need to insert data from another Excel worksheet. Sounds complex, right? Wrong! In this ...

VLOOKUP and Return All Matches in Excel (7 Ways)

There are several ways to apply VLOOKUP or vertical lookup in Microsoft Excel to return data based on multiple matches. In this article, you’ll get ...

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