How to Calculate Average in Excel

Conditional Average in Excel (Complete Guide)

In this Excel tutorial, we will learn how to calculate conditional average in Excel. We can use the AVERAGEIF or AVERAGEIFS function for this ...

How to Find Average with Blank Cells in Excel: 4 Easy Ways

Method 1 - Use AVERAGEIF Function to Find Average with Blank Cells in Excel Steps: Add a row named Average in row 11. Type the following ...

How to Average Negative and Positive Numbers in Excel

Averaging is a common task in the workplace like data analysis. Excel gives us lots of tools and functions when calculating the average of data. Do ...

How to Add Average Line to Excel Chart (with Easy Steps)

Excel users frequently appear to find it difficult to show or add an average/grand total line in a regular chart. An average line in a graph helps to ...

How to Calculate Sum & Average with an Excel Formula (3 Methods)

The dataset contains the names of some students and their marks in Math, Physics, and Chemistry. We will calculate each student's total marks in all ...

How to calculate the Subtotal Average in Excel – 5 Methods

  This is the sample dataset, showcasing States, Product, Quantity, and Sales. Method 1 - Using the SUBTOTAL Function Including ...

How to Find Average with OFFSET Function in Excel (3 Examples)

Suppose we have the dataset below of 6 employees’ sales in the first 4 months of a year. Let's calculate the average sales for individual months and ...

How to Calculate Average Deviation in Excel Formula

In this article, we will learn how to calculate average deviation in Excel. Average Deviation or Average Absolute Deviation (AAD) represents how ...

How to Calculate Average of Multiple Ranges in Excel (3 Methods)

Our sample dataset contains player names and their scores in different games. We'll use this data to practice calculating the average of specific ...

How to Calculate Average of Multiple Columns in Excel: 6 Methods

Method 1 - Calculate Average of Multiple Columns Using AVERAGE Function Steps: Type the below formula in cell B13 to calculate the average of ...

How to Calculate Average and Standard Deviation in Excel

Basics of Average and Standard Deviation What is Average The average is the arithmetic mean. Average = Sum of All Values/Number of ...

Moving Average Formula in Excel (8 Uses with Examples)

In the dataset below, we have some records of the Demand of a company for the 12 months of the year 2021. Using these values we will calculate the ...

How to Calculate Average, Minimum And Maximum in Excel

For illustration, the sample dataset below will be used to calculate average, minimum, and maximum in Excel. Method 1: Use Functions to ...

How to VLOOKUP and AVERAGE Specific Values in Excel -6 Quick Methods

The sample dataset contains sales information from different regions. Method 1 - Merge the VLOOKUP and AVERAGE Functions in Excel Select a ...

How to Calculate the Average Percentage in Excel – 3 Easy Methods

  Percentage Basics A percentage is a quantity or ratio that is a fraction of 100. Divide the number by the whole number and multiply by 100 ...

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