How to Sort Drop Down Lists in Excel – 5 Easy Methods


Method 1 – Applying the SORT Function to Arrange and Create a Drop-Down List

The sample dataset (B4:C13) contains fruit names in random order.

Apply Excel SORT Function to Arrange and Create Drop-Down List

the SORT function will order data alphabetically.


  • Enter this formula E5 and Press Enter.

Apply Excel SORT Function to Arrange and Create Drop-Down List

  • The formula will sort data in ascending alphabetical order.

Apply Excel SORT Function to Arrange and Create Drop-Down List

Creating the Drop-Down List:


  • Select any of the cells or the whole data range where you want to create the drop-down list.

Apply Excel SORT Function to Arrange and Create Drop-Down List

  • On the Excel Ribbon, go to Data > Data Tools group > Data Validation > Data Validation

Apply Excel SORT Function to Arrange and Create Drop-Down List

  • In the Data Validation dialog box, choose List from the field: Allow. Source will be displayed. Click the upper arrow in the Source field to select the source data.

Apply Excel SORT Function to Arrange and Create Drop-Down List

  • Insert the source data and press Enter. ‘#’ was used at the end of the source data to include the whole array of the sorted data in the drop-down list.

Apply Excel SORT Function to Arrange and Create Drop-Down List

  • Click OK.

  • The drop-down list is created.

Read More: How to Sort and Filter Data in Excel

Method 2 – Combining the SORT & UNIQUE Functions to Sort a Drop-Down List

The dataset below contains Orange, Coconut, and Apple multiple times.  A combination of  the SORT and UNIQUE functions will be used to sort data.

Combination of SORT & UNIQUE Functions to Sort Drop Down List


  • Enter the following formula in E5.

Combination of SORT & UNIQUE Functions to Sort Drop Down List

  • The array will contain unique fruit names.

  • Use the Data Validation option, to create the drop-down list.

Read More: How to Perform Random Sort in Excel

Method 3 – Using the OFFSET and COUNTA Functions with the Define Name Option to Organize the Drop-Down List

This is the sample dataset.

Excel Functions with Define Name Option to Organize Drop Down List


  • Go to Formulas > Define Name > Define Name.

Excel Functions with Define Name Option to Organize Drop Down List

  • The New Name dialog box will open. In Name enter Fruit.
  • In Refers to, enter the formula below.
  • Press OK.
=OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1, 0, 0, COUNTA(Sheet1!$A$1:$A$1001))

Excel Functions with Define Name Option to Organize Drop Down List

  • Go to another sheet (Sheet2). Enter this formula in A1 and press Enter.
=IF(COUNTA(Fruit)>=ROWS($A$1:A1), INDEX(Fruit, MATCH(SMALL(COUNTIF(Fruit, "<"&Fruit), ROW(A1)),COUNTIF(Fruit, "<"&Fruit), 0)), "")

Excel Functions with Define Name Option to Organize Drop Down List

  • The formula will return a fruit name in alphabetical order. Drag down the ‘+’ sign to see the other fruit names.

Excel Functions with Define Name Option to Organize Drop Down List

  • The list is in alphabetical order.

Excel Functions with Define Name Option to Organize Drop Down List

  • Create a drop-down list using the Data Validation option. Select the above list as source data.

Read More: How to Do Advanced Sorting in Excel

Method 4 – Applying the Excel Power Query to Sort Drop-down Data

The dataset was converted to a table by pressing Ctrl + T.

Use Excel Power Query to Sort Drop Down Data


  • Select the table (B4:C13).

Use Excel Power Query to Sort Drop Down Data

  • Go to Data > From Table/Range.

Use Excel Power Query to Sort Drop Down Data

  • The Power Query Editor window will open.

Use Excel Power Query to Sort Drop Down Data

  • Right-click the table and click Remove Other Columns.

Use Excel Power Query to Sort Drop Down Data

  • Click the drop-down icon in the fruit column and click Sort Ascending.

Use Excel Power Query to Sort Drop Down Data

  • The fruit list will be sorted in alphabetical order.

  • Select Close & Load > Close & Load in the Power Query Editor.

  • The table containing sorted fruit names is displayed.

  • Create the drop-down list.

Read More: How to Perform Custom Sort in Excel

Method 5 – Ordering a Drop Down List Using VBA in Excel

This is the sample dataset.

Order Drop Down List Using VBA in Excel


  • Go to the sheet that contains the source data of the drop-down list. Here, Sheet8.

Order Drop Down List Using VBA in Excel

  • Right-click the sheet name and select View Code.

Order Drop Down List Using VBA in Excel

  • The Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window will open. Enter the code below in the Module.
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngSort As Range
'Set reference to the Table and column to be sorted
Set rngSort = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet8").Range("FruitName[Fruit]")
'Use Range.Sort method to apply sort
rngSort.Sort _
Key1:=rngSort, _
Order1:=xlAscending, _
End Sub

Order Drop Down List Using VBA in Excel

  • Go to the source data table and enter any fruit name, like ‘Dates’, in B14.
  • Press Enter.

Order Drop Down List Using VBA in Excel

  • Data is sorted alphabetically.

  • The drop-down list is also sorted in alphabetical order.

Read More: Advantages of Sorting Data in Excel

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Hosne Ara
Hosne Ara

Hosne Ara is a materials and metallurgical engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is like a time-saving superhero for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B. Sc. in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she... Read Full Bio

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