How to Sort in Excel

How to Sort Alphanumeric Data in Excel – 2 Easy Steps

  What Is Alphanumeric Data in Excel? Alphanumeric is a term used to describe data that consists of both numbers and letters. The dataset ...

How to Sort Data by Value in Excel (5 Easy Methods)

The Excel Sort option allows us to customize the order of worksheet data. We can sort data alphabetically, numerically, date-wise, etc. Let’s explore ...

How to Sort Merged Cells of Different Sizes in Excel (2 Easy Ways)

Method 1 - Sort Merged Cells of Different Sizes Using Unmerge Cells and Sort Commands The data table in the following picture has merged cells of ...

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel

  1. Introduction to Sorting in Excel Sorting is the process of arranging data in a particular order.   1.1. Sorting Methods You ...

How to Sort by Column Without a Header – 5 Methods

This is an overview: This is the sample dataset. To sort the dataset by names or sales. If Excel can identify headers, it will ...

How to Sort Data in Alphabetical Order in Excel: 8 Methods

Method 1 - Sort Value in Alphabetical Order in Excel with Sort Featur STEPS: Select the range B5:D10. Go to Home ➤ Editing ➤ Sort & ...

How to Sort in Excel by Number of Characters (2 Methods)

Method 1 - Using the LEN Function and a Helper Column Steps: Create a Helper column left to the main data table. Enter the following formula ...

How to Sort Excel Tabs in Ascending or Descending Order: 2 Methods

Method 1 - Sorting Sheet Tabs Manually in Excel STEPS: Click on the tabs you want to move. Drag the tab left or right by clicking on the ...

How to Sort and Ignore Blanks – 4 Methods

  The following data table has blank rows. Before applying the sort command, hide the rows first. Method 1 - Hide Blank Rows to ...

How to Sort by Name in Excel (3 Examples)

Example 1 - Use Sort & Filter Group to Sort Columns by Name To sort names alphabetically. 1.1 Sort a Column by Name Step 1: Select the ...

How to Sort Drop Down Lists in Excel – 5 Easy Methods

  Method 1 - Applying the SORT Function to Arrange and Create a Drop-Down List The sample dataset (B4:C13) contains fruit names in random ...

How to Sort Merged Cells in Excel: 2 Easy Methods

Method 1 - Unmerge First to Sort Merged Cells in Excel 1.1 Single Column Steps: Part-1 Select the cells that we need to sort. Click on the ...

How to Sort an IP Address in Excel – 6 Methods

Excel treats an IP address as text. This is an overview: This is the sample dataset. Method 1 - Sort the IP Address Using an ...

How to solve If Excel Sort Is Not Working (2 Solutions)

Solution 1: Delete the Same Sheet's Reference from the Formula If 'Sort' is Not Working Problem: In the following dataset, we calculated the ...

How to Add Sort Button in Excel (7 Methods)

We have an Excel file that contains information about the employees of a company. The worksheet has the Name, Age, Gender, Date of Birth, States they ...

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