Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel


1. Introduction to Sorting in Excel

Sorting is the process of arranging data in a particular order.


1.1. Sorting Methods

You can:

There are Custom Sort methods, such as Sort by Cell Color, Font Color, Conditional Formatting Icon.

1.2. Sorting Examples in Excel

1.2.1. Sort Text Data into Alphabetical Order

Consider the following dataset. In Column B, there are Students’ Names in random order. Sort Alphabetic Data in Ascending Order


  • Select the data to sort.
  • In the Home tab, select Sort & Filter -> Sort A to Z in Editing. Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort Text Data into Ascending Order

Text data will be sorted in ascending order.

Result of Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort Text Data into Ascending Order


Read More: Advantages of Sorting Data in Excel Sort Alphabetic Data in Descending Order


  • Select the data to sort.
  • In the Home tab, select Sort & Filter -> Sort Z to A in Editing.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort Text Data into Descending Order

Text data will be sorted in descending order.

Result of Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort Text Data into Descending Order


Read More: How to Perform Random Sort in Excel

1.2.2. Sort Numeric Data in Numerical Order

Consider the following dataset. In Column B, there are random Numbers.

We will see how to sort these numbers numerically, both in smallest to largest and largest to smallest order. Sort Numeric Data from Smallest to Largest 


  • Select the data to sort.
  • In the Home tab, select Sort & Filter -> Sort Smallest to Largest in Editing.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort Numeric Data into Ascending Order

Numeric data will be sorted from smallest to largest.

Result of Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort Numeric Data into Ascending Order Sort Numeric Data from Largest to Smallest


  • Select the data to sort.
  • In the Home tab, select Sort & Filter -> Sort Largest to Smallest in Editing.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort Numeric Data into Descending Order

Numeric data will be sorted from largest to smallest.

Result of Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort Numeric Data into Descending Order


Read More: How to Sort and Filter Data in Excel

1.2.3. How to Sort Text and Numeric Data

The dataset contains both text and numeric values.

Sort the dataset based on the numeric values:

  • Select the data -> Sort & Filter -> Sort Smallest to Largest/ Sort Largest to Smallest.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort text and number together

A Sort Warning message is displayed: the dataset contains Students’ Names in Column B and their Exam Marks in Column C. If you sort the Exam Marks column only and not the Students’ Names column, Students will be assigned with wrong Exam Marks.

  • To sort the whole dataset based on numeric values only, check Expand the selection.
  • Click Sort.

Excel will sort the whole dataset based on numeric values.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort text and number together with expanding section

 Exam Marks are sorted from smallest to largest and the order in the Students Name column is automatically modified.

  • To sort the selected region only, check Continue with the current selection.
  • Click Sort.

Excel will sort  the selected column only based on numeric values.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort text and number together in current section

In the image above, only Column C, the Exam Marks column, is sorted.

1.2.4. Custom Sort: Sort Data by Cell Color

The dataset has background color. To sort the dataset by cell color:


  • Select the data to sort.
  • In the Home tab, select Sort & Filter -> Custom Sort… in Editing.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort by color

  • In the Sort window, select Cell Color in Sort On.

  • Click Order to see the colors in your dataset.

  • Here, Blue was selected to stay On Top.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort by color overview

  • Check My data has headers.
  • Click OK.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort by color full overview

This is the output.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort by color result


Read More: How to Perform Custom Sort in Excel

1.2.5. Custom Sort: Sort Data by Font Color

Sort data based on the Font Color.

In the following dataset, there are colored.


  • Select the data to sort.
  • In the Home tab, select Sort & Filter -> Custom Sort… in Editing.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort by font color

  • In the Sort window:
    • Select Font Color in Sort On.
    • In Order, select On Top.
    • Check  My data has headers.
    • Click OK.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort by font color overview

This is the output.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort by font color result

Finally, your dataset is sorted according to Font Color.

Read More: How to Do Advanced Sorting in Excel

1.2.6. Custom Sort: Sort Data using Conditional Formatting 

Sort this dataset based on the icons.


  • Select the data to sort.
  • In the Home tab, select Sort & Filter -> Custom Sort… in Editing.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort by icons

  • In the Sort window:
    • Select Conditional Formatting in Sort On.
    • Select the order of the Icon in Order.
    • Select On Top.
    • Check My data has headers.
    • Click OK.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort by icons overview

This is the output.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Sort by icons result


2. Introduction to Filtering in Excel

Filtering is the process of selecting only a part of the data based on conditions. The whole dataset is kept, but only the selected part is displayed.

2.1. Filtering Methods in Excel

Microsoft Excel offers two filtering methods:

  • AutoFilter
  • Advanced Filter

2.2. How to Filter data in Excel

2.2.1. AutoFilter in Excel

Use the AutoFilter. AutoFilter Text Data

Consider the following dataset.  To display specific students’ names:


  • Select any cell in the dataset.
  • In the Home tab, select Sort & Filter -> Filter in Editing.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : Filter text data

A drop-down arrow is displayed in the header cell.

  • Click the drop-down arrow to see the list of options.
  • Uncheck the names you want to filter.
  • Click OK.

This is the output.

You can also use the Text Filter option:

  • Click the drop-down arrow in the header to see the list of options.
  • Click Text Filter. Choose a filtering option.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : using text filters

To extract names that start with B.

  • Choose Begins With…

  • In the Custom AutoFilter box, enter B in begins with.
  • Click OK.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : inserting values in text filters

This is the output. AutoFilter Numeric Data

AutoFilter numeric data:


  • Select any cell in the dataset.
  • In the Home tab, select Sort & Filter -> Filter in Editing.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : filter number values

A drop-down arrow is displayed in the header cell.


  • Click the drop-down arrow to see the list of options.
  • Uncheck the numbers you want to filter.
  • Click OK.

This is the output.

You can also choose Number Filter:

  • Click the drop-down arrow in the header to see the list of options.
  • Click Number Filter. Choose a filtering option.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : using number filters

  • To extract numbers between 50 and 80.
  • Choose Between…

  • In the Custom AutoFilter box, enter 50 in is greater than or equal to the field, write 50. You can also select the numbers from the drop-down arrow.
  • Enter 80 in is less than or equal to.You can also select the numbers from the drop-down arrow.
  • Click OK.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : inserting values to filter numbers

  • This is the output.


2.2.2. Using an Advanced Filter in Excel

Before using an Advanced Filter, store the condition on a separate range based on which you want to filter data.

To extract the numbers greater than or equal to 80, enter (>=80) in D5.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : conditions for advanced filter

  • Go to the Data tab.
  • Select Advanced in Sort & Filter.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : using advanced filter

  • In Advanced Filter, select Filter the list, in-place.
  • The List range field will be automatically detected by Excel. If it isn’t, select it manually.
  • In Criteria range, drag the criteria range stored in the dataset. Here, D4:D5.
  • Click OK.


  • To place the filtered data in a different location, check Copy to another location.
  • Enter List range and Criteria range.
  • In Copy to, select a range to export the filtered data. Here, D7.
  • Click OK.



2.3. Clearing the Filter

To clear any filter from the dataset, select Sort & Filter -> Clear in Editing in the Home tab.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel : clearing filter

Using Sort and Filter 

You can sort and filter your data in Excel.

In a dataset with numeric data sorted from smallest to largest or largest to smallest, you can use the AutoFilter to omit numbers or the Advanced Filter to display numbers that meet specified conditions.

Difference Between Sort and Filter in Excel


Subject Sort Filter
Purpose The process of arranging data in a particular order. The process of selecting only a part of the data and filtering the rest based on conditions.
Methods Sort text values and numeric values in ascending or descending order. Sort based on Cell Color, Font Color, and Conditional Formatting Icons. Filter data using AutoFilter and Advanced Filter.
  • To organize data.
  • To Analyze data.
  • To limit the dataset displaying only the specified data.
  • To analyze data.
  • Arrange data into a specific order.
  • Deal with a huge amount of data.
  • No additional storage is required.
  • View selected data only.
  • Spot trends or find duplicates.
  • Copy, print or format data.
  • Sort text data from highest to lowest or lowest to the highest order.
  • Sort numeric data from smallest to largest or largest to smallest order.
Filter numbers or text in a large dataset based on a condition.

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Sanjida Ahmed
Sanjida Ahmed

Sanjida Ahmed, who graduated from Daffodil International University with a degree in Software Engineering, has worked with SOFTEKO since 2021. She has written over 100 articles on Excel & VBA and, since 2022, has worked as the Project Manager of the Excel Extension Development Project in the Software Development Department. Since starting this software development, she has established an outstanding workflow encompassing a full SDLC. She always tries to create a bridge between her skills and interests in... Read Full Bio

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