Excel Formulas to Fill Down Sequence Numbers Skip Hidden Rows

Sometimes we need to hide some unnecessary rows in Excel to present the information. There we frequently face a problem filling down the sequence numbers skipping hidden rows. That’s why today we will going to discuss some methods on how to fill down sequence numbers skip hidden rows in Excel.

Here we took an Excel file having 4 columns: Serial No, Month, Employee ID, and Salary wherein rows 10, 11 and 12 are missing. We have to fill down the sequence numbers in column B skipping hidden rows.

how to fill down sequence numbers skip hidden rows in excel

3 Ways to Fill Down Sequence Numbers in Excel Skip Hidden Rows

In this article, we will be going to discuss the top 3 methods on how to fill down sequence numbers skip hidden rows in Excel.

1. Using AGGREGATE Function to Fill Down Sequence Numbers Skip Hidden Rows in Excel

This one is the most convenient method to perform fill down the sequence number skipping the hidden rows in Excel. To perform it using the AGGREGATE function, we need to follow the following steps:


  • You have to select cell B5

  • Then you have to apply the following formula:
Formula Explanation

Here, 2 and 7 in (AGGREGATE(2,7,..) represent the nested SUBTOTAL and AGGREGATE function while ignoring the hidden rows and error values respectively in the range $B$4:B4 under which we want to start the sequence numbers and that’s why we need to add 1 with it.

how to fill down sequence numbers skip hidden rows in excel

  • After that, click ENTER and you will get 1 in cell B5.

how to fill down sequence numbers skip hidden rows in excel

  • Next, use Fill Handle to AutoFill the formula for the rest of the cells to perform the same operation for other cells in Excel.

  • Eventually, we will be able to fill down sequence numbers and skip hidden rows as shown in the picture below.

how to fill down sequence numbers skip hidden rows in excel

Read More: How to Fill Down to Last Row with Data in Excel

2. Fill Down Sequence Numbers Skip Hidden Rows in Excel Using SUBTOTAL Function

We can easily perform it by using the SUBTOTAL function too. To do so, we need to perform the following steps:


  • Select cell B5

  • Then apply the following formula:
Formula Explanation

Here SUBTOTAL(103,$C$5:C5) represents the total numeric value in the range $C$5:C5, and using the first argument 103 refers to the COUNTA function while it counts numbers ignoring the hidden rows and error values.

  • After that, click ENTER and you will get 1 in cell B5.

  • Next, use Fill Handle to AutoFill the formula for the rest of the cells to fill down the sequence numbers skip hidden rows for other cells in Excel.

how to fill down sequence numbers skip hidden rows in excel

  • Eventually, we will be able to fill down sequence numbers skip hidden rows as shown in the picture below.

how to fill down sequence numbers skip hidden rows in excel

Read more: Filling a Certain Number of Rows in Excel Automatically

3. Using VBA Code to Fill Down Sequence Numbers Skip Hidden Rows

We can perform this fill down the sequence number skipping the hidden rows in Excel by using Visual Basic for Application (VBA) too. To do so, we have to follow the following methods:


  • First, select all cells in range B5:B16.

  • Go to Developer Tab >> Select Visual Basic

how to fill down sequence numbers skip hidden rows in excel

Then, there appears a new window. Next,

  • Select Sheet4 (VBA) >> Go to Insert >> Select Module

After that, there appears a Module Box there to write down your VBA codes. Then apply the following codes there:

Sub FillDownSequenceNumbers()
    Dim Xrng As Range
    Dim Ycell As Range
    Dim ExcelTxt As String
    Dim Xvl As Long
    Dim I As Long
    On Error Resume Next
    ExcelTxt = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address
    Set Xrng = Application.InputBox("Select Range", "Fill Down Sequence Numbers", ExcelTxt, , , , , 8)
    Set Xrng = Xrng.SpecialCells(xlVisible)
    Debug.Print Xrng.Address
    If Xrng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    For Each Ycell In Xrng
        Xvl = Xvl + 1
        Ycell = Xvl
End Sub

  • By saving it, press F5 to run this code. Next, there appears an InputBox to select range and you just need to click OK

  • Eventually, go to your Excel sheet, find the desired sequence numbers skip hidden rows as shown in Excel.

Read More: How to Autofill Dates in Excel 

Practice Yourself

I’ve given a practice sheet in the workbook to practice these explained ways to fill down the sequence number skipping the hidden rows in Excel. You can download it from the link given above.

how to fill down sequence numbers skip hidden rows in excel

Download Practice WorkBook


In this article, I have tried to explain 3 different ways to fill down the sequence number skipping the hidden rows in Excel. Last but not least, I will be extremely grateful if you comment down below any of your suggestions, ideas, or feedback.

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Foyez Alam
Foyez Alam

FOYEZ ALAM is a leather engineer with a talent for Excel and a passion for VBA programming. To him, programming is like a time-saving wizard, making data manipulation, file handling, and internet interactions a breeze. His skill set extends to SPSS, STATA, Deep Neural Networks, and Machine Learning. Armed with a B.Sc in the Institute of Leather Engineering & Technology, University of Dhaka, he's shifted to become a content developer. In this role, he crafts technical content centred... Read Full Bio

  1. When I enter the aggregate the fill handle doesn’t work!

    • Hello WILL,
      Thanks for your feedback. There are some reasons that are why you may have faced the problem. You can solve it by following the steps:

      1. Maybe your Fill Handle tool is deactivated. To activate it, Click File > Options > Advanced > Enable fill handle and cell drag and drop.

      2. The AGGREGATE function can work only for vertical ranges, not for horizontal ranges. So always apply it for vertical ranges and then the Fill Handle should work.

      3. The AGGREGATE function is available since 2010, so if you are using an older version of Excel then it won’t work.

      If the above solutions fail to rescue you then your issue is quite particular and that is difficult to find out without the file. So if you share your file with us then we hope, we could provide you with the exact solution.

      *Sharing Email Address: [email protected]

  2. I have chosen the SUBTOTAL formula like this
    =SUBTOTAL(103,$B$23:B23)*10 because I wanted it to be 10,20,30…..
    and it worked for me great.


    • Hello Shaul Bel,

      Thanks for your appreciation. You’re welcome and I’m really glad to hear that the SUBTOTAL formula worked well for you in achieving the desired results. If you have any more questions or need further assistance with formulas or anything else, feel free to ask!


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