How to Create Dynamic List From Table in Excel (5 Quick Ways)

We have a sample Sales Dataset containing the “Product”, “Quantity”, “Unit Price” and “Total Sales” columns shown in cells B4:E18. We want to generate a dynamic list from a table in Excel using the Table feature and combining functions. 

Dataset for Excel create dynamic list from table

GIF showing the output of excel create dynamic list from table

Method 1 – Creating Dynamic List Based on Cell Value

Let’s construct a dynamic list based on a given criterion. We will use the INDEX, MATCH, OFFSET, COUNTA, SMALL, IF, INDIRECT, COUNTIF, and ROW functions to obtain the “Product” names whose “Total Sales” value exceeds “$50”.


  • In cell G5 >> enter the formula given below >> click ENTER.


Formula Breakdown
  • OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1) → returns a range of cells from the specified rows and columns. Where $E$5 is the reference argument, 0 is the rows argument which tells the function how many rows to move from the initial reference $E$5 and 0 represents the columns argument, which specifies the column from starting point. COUNTA(E:E)-1 is the optional height argument, which counts the number of non-blank cells in the range, while the 1 is the optional width argument.
    • Output → {64;69;40;128;142;180;114;110;66;68;78;123;82;272}
  • COUNTIF(E:E,”>=50″) → counts the number of cells within a range that meet the given condition. E:E cells represent the range argument that refers to the “Total Sales”, “>=50” indicates the criteria argument that returns the count of the matched value. We have taken the entire E column (E:E) instead of E5:E18 cells for making the list dynamic.
    • Output → 13
  • INDIRECT(“A”&COUNTIF(E:E,”>=50″)) →  returns the reference specified by a text string. “A”&COUNTIF(E:E,”>=50″) is the ref_text argument.
    • Output → 0
  • ROW(A3:INDIRECT(“A”&COUNTIF(E:E,”>=50″))) →  returns the serial number of the row.
    • Output → {3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13}
  • IF(OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1)>=50,OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1),””) → checks whether a condition is met and returns one value if TRUE and another value if FALSE. $E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1)>=50 is the logical_test argument that selects the “Total Sales” values above “$50”. If this condition holds TRUE then the function returns OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1) (value_if_true argument) otherwise it returns “” (Blank) (value_if_false argument).
    • Output → {64;69;””;128;142;180;114;110;66;68;78;123;82;272}
  • SMALL(IF(OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1)>=50,OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1),””),ROW(A3:INDIRECT(“A”&COUNTIF(E:E,”>=50″)))) becomes
    • SMALL({64;69;””;128;142;180;114;110;66;68;78;123;82;272},{3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13})  returns the kth smallest value in data set. Here, {64;69;””;128;142;180;114;110;66;68;78;123;82;272} is the array argument while {3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13} is the k argument.
    • Output{68;69;78;82;110;114;123;128;142;180;272}
  • MATCH(SMALL(IF(OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1)>=50,OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1),””),ROW(A3:INDIRECT(“A”&COUNTIF(E:E,”>=50″)))),OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1),0) → becomes
    • MATCH({68;69;78;82;110;114;123;128;142;180;272},{64;69;40;128;142;180;114;110;66;68;78;123;82;272},0) → returns the relative position of an item in an array matching the given value. Here, {68;69;78;82;110;114;123;128;142;180;272} is the lookup_value argument while {64;69;40;128;142;180;114;110;66;68;78;123;82;272} represents the lookup_array argument from where the value is matched. 0 is the optional match_type argument, which indicates the Exact match criteria.
    • Output → {10;2;11;13;8;7;12;4;5;6;14}
  • OFFSET($B$5,0,0,COUNTA(B:B)-1,1) → $B$5 is the reference argument, 0 is the rows argument which tells the function how many rows to move from the initial reference $E$5 and 0 represents the columns argument which specifies the column from starting point. COUNTA(B:B)-1 is the optional height argument, 1 is the optional width argument.
    • Output → {“Chocolate Chip”;”Whole Wheat”;”Arrowroot”;”Rice”;”Carrot”;”Cereal”;”Oatmeal Raisin”;”Mixed Fruit”;”Pretzels”;”Jelly”;”Bran”;”Oatmeal Raw”;”Carrot Salad”;”Meat”;0;”Condition”}
  • INDEX(OFFSET($B$5,0,0,COUNTA(B:B)-1,1),MATCH(SMALL(IF(OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1)>=50,OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1),””),ROW(A3:INDIRECT(“A”&COUNTIF(E:E,”>=50″)))),OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1),0),1) → becomes
    • INDEX({“Chocolate Chip”;”Whole Wheat”;”Arrowroot”;”Rice”;”Carrot”;”Cereal”;”Oatmeal Raisin”;”Mixed Fruit”;”Pretzels”;”Jelly”;”Bran”;”Oatmeal Raw”;”Carrot Salad”;”Meat”;0;”Condition”},{10;2;11;13;8;7;12;4;5;6;14},1) → returns a value at the intersection of a row and column in a given range. ({“Chocolate Chip”;”Whole Wheat”;”Arrowroot”;”Rice”;”Carrot”;”Cereal”;”Oatmeal Raisin”;”Mixed Fruit”;”Pretzels”;”Jelly”;”Bran”;”Oatmeal Raw”;”Carrot Salad”;”Meat”;0;”Condition”} is the array argument that are the “Product” names. {10;2;11;13;8;7;12;4;5;6;14} is the row_num argument that indicates the row location. 1 is the optional column_num argument that points to the column location.

Excel create dynamic list from table based on cell value

Read More: How to Create Dynamic List in Excel Based on Criteria

Method 2 – Generating Dynamic List with Multiple Criteria

We want to extract the “Product” names which sold over “80” units in “Quantity” and generated “Total Sales” greater than “$100”.


  • Select cell G10>> enter the following expression >> press ENTER.


Formula Breakdown
  • OFFSET($C$5,0,0,COUNTA(C:C)-1,1)>=80 → the function returns TRUE or FALSE for the “Quantity” values greater than “80”.
  • OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1)>=100 → the function returns TRUE or FALSE for the “Total Sales” greater than “$100”.
  • FILTER(OFFSET($B$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1),OFFSET($C$5,0,0,COUNTA(C:C)-1,1)>=80,OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1)>=100) → filter a range or array. OFFSET($B$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1) is the array argument, OFFSET($C$5,0,0,COUNTA(C:C)-1,1)>=80 is the include argument.  OFFSET($E$5,0,0,COUNTA(E:E)-1,1)>=100 is the optional if_empty argument. The function returns the “Product Names” that match both these criteria.
    • Output → {“Cereal”;”Pretzels”;”Meat”}

excel create dynamic list from table based on multiple criteria

Read More: How to Create a Dynamic Top 10 List in Excel 

Method 3 – Utilizing Data Validation Feature with Helper Column


  • Select the range B5:C13>> click the CTRL + T keys to create Excel Table >> press OK.

Utilizing Data Validation Feature with Helper Column

  • Go to cell H6>> use the UNIQUE function to return the unique values in the B6:B13 range.


The B6:B13 cells represent the “Item” column.

Using UNIQUE Function

  • Select the cell E6>> navigate to the Data tab >> click the Data Validation option.

Applying data validation

This opens the Data Validation window.

  • In the Allow field, choose the List option >> enter the formula below in the Source field >> hit OK.


The H6 cell points to “Item” in the “Helper Column” while the # (Hashtag) sign indicates the Spill Range.

Data validation list

  • Click the Down arrow >> select an “Item” from the list, here we’ve chosen “Car”.

Choosing item from data validation drop down

  • Go to cell I6>> insert the FILTER function to filter the array. The “Country” corresponding to each “Item” is shown.


The C6:C13 and B6:B13 ranges point to the “Item” and “Country” columns, while the E6 cell refers to the “Item” chosen from the Data Validation drop-down.

Applying FILTER function

  • Insert another drop-down in the F6 cell by entering the following formula.


Cell I6 represents the “Country” in the “Helper Column” and the # (Hashtag) sign refers to the Spill Range.

Inserting second data validation drop down list

Adding new data updates the dynamic drop-down list, as shown in the image below.

Excel create dynamic list from table using helper columns and data validation

Method 4 – Making Dynamic List Without Creating Helper Column


  • Enter the following formula in cell B21>> click ENTER.


Formula Breakdown
  • SEQUENCE(5) → returns a sequence of numbers. 5 is the rows argument.
    • Output → {1;2;3;4;5}
  • SEQUENCE(1,4) → here, 1 is the rows argument while 4 is the optional columns argument.
    • Output → {1;2;3;4}
  • INDEX(B4:E18,SEQUENCE(5),SEQUENCE(1,4))becomes
    • INDEX(B4:E18,{1;2;3;4;5},{1;2;3;4})returns a value at the intersection of a row and column in a given range. B4:E18 is the array argument representing the dataset while {1;2;3;4;5} is the row_num argument that returns the first 5 rows and {1;2;3;4} is the optional column_num argument that indicates the location of the columns.

excel create dynamic list from table without helper columns using INDEX and SEQUENCE functions

Read More: How to Make Dynamic Drop Down List from Another Sheet in Excel

Method 5 – Using Excel Table and VLOOKUP Function


  • Go to cell E5 >> enter the equation into the Formula Bar >> press ENTER >> drag the Fill Handle tool to copy the formula into the cells below.

<span style="font-size: 14pt;">=VLOOKUP(@C:C,$G$5:$H$13,2,FALSE)</span>

Formula Breakdown
  • VLOOKUP(@C:C,$G$5:$H$13,2,FALSE) →   @C:C ( lookup_value argument) is mapped from the $G$5:$H$13 (table_array argument) array. 2 (col_index_num argument) represents the column number of the lookup value. FALSE (range_lookup argument) refers to the Exact match of the lookup value.
    • Output → PC

Utilizing VLOOKUP function and Excel Table

  • Select the G4:H12 array >> press the CTRL + T shortcut keys to insert Excel Table >> press OK.

Creating Excel table

  • Add a new “Item” and its “Item Code” as shown below.

Adding new item

  • When we enter new data into the dataset, Excel dynamically inserts the “Item Code”.

excel create dynamic list from table with excel table and VLOOKUP function

Read More: How to Create Dynamic Drop Down List Using Excel OFFSET

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Maruf Islam
Maruf Islam

MARUF ISLAM is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a superhero tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, and now he's switched gears, working as a content developer. In this role, he creates techy content... Read Full Bio

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