Shakil Ahmed

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My name’s Shakil. My articles are targeted to support you in enriching knowledge regarding different features related to Microsoft Excel. I am fond of literature, hope some knowledge from them will help me providing you some engaging articles even though some weary technical terms.

Latest Posts From Shakil Ahmed

How to Compare Two Strings for Similarity in Excel (6 Methods)

In this tutorial, I am going to show you 6 easy methods on how to compare two strings for similarity in Excel. You can use these methods even in large datasets ...

How to Create Top 10 List with Duplicates in Excel (5 Ways)

For different purposes, you may need to find the top n number of values in Excel, n can be 5 or 10, and many more. Now, today we are going to show you how to ...

Excel MIN and MAX in Same Formula (2 Practical Examples)

You may have used the MIN and the MAX functions separately in Excel many times. But when it matters to use the functions within the same formula, you might be ...

How to Sum Multiple Rows Using INDEX MATCH Formula

Microsoft Excel is a powerful program where we can perform numerous operations on our datasets using its tools and features. In many instances, you may need to ...

How to Find Second Largest Value with Criteria In Excel

In this tutorial, I am going to show you 4 quick tricks to find the second largest value with criteria in Excel. You can use these methods even in large ...

How to Find Minimum Value in Excel (6 Easy Ways)

For different circumstances, you may need to find the minimum value in Excel, you can do that easily. Today we are going to show you how to find the minimum ...

COUNTIF Between Two Dates in Excel (6 Suitable Examples)

For different purposes, you may need to find the number of occurrences between two dates. You can fetch the count value easily once you have known the ...

How to Sum Every Nth Column in Excel (3 Methods)

In real-life scenarios, you may deal with different sum operations in Excel, like the sum with multiple criteria, the sum entire column, the sum of every other ...

How to Use SUMPRODUCT to Lookup Multiple Criteria in Excel (2 Examples)

When working with large datasets, sometimes it might occur to us that we need to sum specific cells of a column according to some specific criteria. You can ...

SUMIF with Multiple Criteria in Different Columns in Excel

We often need to sum data that fulfill particular criteria. The summation may include fulfilling multiple criteria in different columns. Excel provides the ...

How to Count Visible Rows in Excel (3 Suitable Methods)

While dealing with a large dataset, adding many rows to your worksheet is necessary. But at the same time, you may need to hide some rows to give the worksheet ...

How Do I Count Cells with Text In Excel (8 Quick Tricks)

In this tutorial, I am going to show you 8 quick tricks to count cells with text in excel. You can use these methods even in large datasets to find out the ...

Count Number of Occurrences of Each Value in a Column in Excel

For performing different tasks in Excel, you may need to count the occurrence number of each value. The agenda for this article is to show you how to count the ...

How to Round Up to 2 Decimal Places in Excel (with Calculator)

Consider a sample dataset where you want to calculate the grade or score average for students. Method 1 - Using Number Formatting in Excel to Round ...

How to Split Cell by Delimiter Using Excel Formula (8 Ways)

This tutorial will show you how to split a cell by delimiter with the help of a formula in Excel. A delimiter is a character that separates chunks of data ...

Browsing All Comments By: Shakil Ahmed
  1. Bob, PivotTable is one of the prime features of Excel, so regardless of the version (contemporary versions) you should get it inside the “Insert” tab of the ribbon. But if you don’t find that there you may need to customize your ribbon. Click on File > Options, then follow the image pivottable to ribbon

    And if counting unique is your main goal right now you might get that using the UNIQUE function (and COUNT family function for counting).

  2. Thanks for commenting Merle, glad to hear that it helped you.

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