Count Number of Occurrences of Each Value in a Column in Excel

We have the Sales Rep, City, and Salary columns. There are a few values that are repeated within the columns. We’ll count the number of occurrences of each value in a column in multiple ways.

excel count number of occurrences of each value in a column

Method 1 – Using the COUNTIF Function


  • Use the following formula in E7:

Using COUNTIF Function

Within the COUNTIF function, we inserted all the values of Sales Rep as range. Our criteria were every name, since we need to calculate the number of instances for every name. So as criteria we have inserted a name (first name in this case, gradually will check using every other name). It gave the number of occurrences for the name Max. As our data set is not a big one, you can have a quick look and find there are 4 Max inside that Sales Rep column.

  • Bring the cursor to the bottom-right corner of cell E7 and it’ll look like a plus (+) sign. It’s the Fill Handle tool.
  • Double-click on it for the rest of the values.

Using Fill Handle to Count Number of Occurrences of Each Value in a Column in Excel

The formula doesn’t provide the correct values since the lookup range also moves when copying the formula.

Faulty Values

  • Replace the formula with the following:

Using Absolute Reference to count number of occurrences of each value in a column

Let’s display the results solely on unique values:

  • Select the whole Sales Rep column (B6:B23).
  • Go to the Data tab.
  • Select the Advanced option in the Sort & Filter group.

Using Sort & Filter Option to count number of occurrences of each value

  • Select Copy to another location.
  • The List Range is automatically selected as we select if before.
  • In the Copy to box, insert the cell reference where you want to paste it. In this case, we gave it as cell F6.
  • Check the box for Unique records only.
  • Hit Enter or click OK.

working on the Advanced Filter dialog box

  • We can see all the unique values from the column in a separate location in the F6:F12 range.

Unique values from Sales Rep Column

  • Let’s use the previous COUNTIF formula.

  • Use the AutoFill feature to copy the formula to the following cells.

Using COUNTIF Function to count number of occurrences of each value in a column in Excel

  • Here’s the formula for the Salary column of our example.

Note: From here on, we will extract the unique values to separate locations using the Sort & Filter option before using any formula.

Read More: How to Count Duplicates in Column in Excel

Method 2 – Utilizing SUM and EXACT Functions


  • Select cell G7 and enter the following formula.

We have written the EXACT function for Sales Rep. We used a double hyphen to convert TRUE/FALSE to 1 and 0.

Utilizing SUM and EXACT Functions

  • Wrap the formula in a SUM:

  • Since this is an array formula, you need to use Ctrl + Shift + Enter instead of just ENTER to operate this formula. If you are using Excel 365, you apply it with Enter.
  • Use the Fill Handle to copy the formula down.

Using Fill Handle to count number of occurrences of each value in a column

Similarly, you can use the formula for the numbers as well. Here’s the formula for the Salary column:


Utilizing SUM and EXACT Functions to count number of occurrences of each value in a column in Excel

Read More: How to Count Duplicates in Two Columns in Excel

Method 3 – Inserting COUNT and IF Functions


  • Insert this formula in G7 for the Sales Rep column.
  • Press Enter.

Inserting COUNT and IF Functions

  • Wrap the formula in COUNT so it becomes:

  • You can do this for the number values. Replace the fields with the appropriate ranges and criteria.

Inserting COUNT and IF Functions to count number of occurrences of each value in a column in Excel

Note: Make sure your second parameter within the IF function is a number range and you are using Absolute Reference.

Read More: How to Count Duplicate Values in Multiple Columns in Excel

Method 4 – Applying SUM and IF Functions


  • Fo to cell G7 and insert the formula below.
  • Hit Enter.

Applying SUM and IF Functions

The formula will work fine for the number values as well:


Applying SUM and IF Functions to count number of occurrences of each value in a column in Excel

Read More: How to Count Duplicate Rows in Excel

Method 5 – Using a PivotTable


  • Select any cell inside the range. Here, we selected cell B4.
  • Go to the Insert tab.
  • Click on PivotTable in the Tables group.

Employing PivotTable

  • The PivotTable from table or range dialog box will open.
  • Check whether the Table/Range is correct.
  • Select Exiting Worksheet as we want to insert the PivotTable in the same sheet.
  • Provide the Location. We’ll put the table in cell F4.
  • Click OK.

Inserting PivotTable

  • The pivot table will appear.

PivotTable Appeared on the same worksheet

  • Inside the PivotTable Fields task pane, you will see the table’s column name in the Field section and four areas: Filters, Columns, Rows, Values.
  • Drag the Sales Rep field into the Rows and Values area.

  • It counts the occurrence number of each value within the Sales Rep column.

Employing PivotTable to count number of occurrences of each value in a column

Read More: Count the Order of Occurrence of Duplicates in Excel

Counting Number of Occurrences with Multiple Criteria in Excel

We’ll show the demo for Max and John. From the dataset, we can see that there are values for Max in New York, Los Angeles, and San Fransisco. We want to count Max just from New York city.

  • Go to cell H5 and paste the following formula into the cell.

Here, we used the COUNTIFS function which is able to take multiple criteria.

  • Press Enter.

Counting Number of Occurrences with Multiple Criteria in Excel

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Further Readings

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Shakil Ahmed
Shakil Ahmed

My name’s Shakil. My articles are targeted to support you in enriching knowledge regarding different features related to Microsoft Excel. I am fond of literature, hope some knowledge from them will help me providing you some engaging articles even though some weary technical terms.

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