How to Count Duplicate Rows in Excel (6 Ideal Examples)

Eaxample 1 – Use COUNTIF Function to Count Duplicate Rows for Single Condition

1.1 Count Duplicate Rows Considering First Occurrence

We have a dataset with customer names and product details. With the following formula in cell C17, we can count the duplicate rows based on the customer names considering the first occurrence.


Count Duplicate Rows in Excel

The COUNTIF function counts the duplicate rows in the range $B$5:$B$13 based on the value in cell B17.

Use Fill Handle to AutoFill the other cells in column C to see the number of duplicate rows.

Using Fill Handle to AutoFill Formula

1.2 Count Duplicate Rows Ignoring First Occurrence

To count the duplicate rows based on customer names ignoring the first occurrence, apply the following formula in cell D17.


Count Duplicate Rows in Excel Ignoring First Occurrence

AutoFill the rest of the cells in column D with Fill Handle.

Using Fill Handle to AutoFill Formula

Read More: How to Count Duplicates in Column in Excel

Example 2 – Use COUNTIFS to Count Duplicate Rows for Multiple Conditions

To count duplicate rows in the Device and Country of Origin columns, add the following formula in cell D17 and press Enter.


Using COUNTIFS to Count Duplicate Rows in Excel for Multiple Conditions

The COUNTIFS function considers the values in cells B17 and C17 and counts the duplicate rows that match in the range $B$5:$B$13 and $C$5:$C$13.

AutoFill the rest of the cells in column D with Fill Handle.

Using Fill Handle to AutoFill Formula

Read More: How to Count Duplicates in Two Columns in Excel

Example 3 – Count Total Duplicate Rows in Excel

3.1 Use IF and COUNTIF Functions

To find the duplicate rows based on the customer names, use the following formula.


Using IF and COUNTIF to Count Total Duplicates

The COUNTIF function will count the number of matched cells in the range B5:B13 based on the value in cell B17. If the result gets more than 1, the output will be Yes as we have applied the IF function, otherwise it will output N/A.

AutoFill the other cells in column C.

Using Fill Handle to AutoFill Formula

Apply the following formula in cell C22 to get the total count of duplicate rows.


Counting Total Duplicates

3.2 . Use COUNTIF with IF, SUM, and ROWS Functions

To get the total count of the duplicate rows in Excel, apply the following formula combining COUNTIF with IF, SUM, and ROWS functions.

=ROWS($B$5:$B$13)-SUM(IF(COUNTIF($B$5:$B$13,$B$5:$B$13) =1,1,0))

Using COUNTIF with IF, SUM, and ROWS to Count Total Duplicate Rows in Excel

The ROWS function returns the total number of rows and the combination of the IF, SUM, and COUNTIF functions returns the total number of rows having no duplicate row.

Example 4 – Use SUM & EXACT Functions to Count Case Sensitive Duplicate Rows

We can count the duplicate rows based on the customer names by applying the following formula combination of the SUM and EXACT functions.

Note: The EXACT function is case sensitive.


Using SUM & EXACT Functions to Count Duplicate Rows in Excel for Sensitive Case

The EXACT function finds the exact match value in range B5:B13 considering the value in cell B17. The SUM function returns the summation of the number of duplicate rows.

Read More: How to Count Duplicate Values in Multiple Columns in Excel

Example 5 – Count Duplicate Rows by Extracting Unique Values with UNIQUE Function

We can ignore the duplicate values and find the unique values by using the UNIQUE function. Apply the following formula in cell B17 to extract the unique values.


Using UNIQUE Function to Extract Unique values

Based on the unique values, we can find the number of each value in a specific range with the COUNTIF function. Add the formula below in cell C17,


Extracting Unique Values to Count Duplicate Rows

AutoFill the rest of the cells in column C with Fill Handle. It will display both the duplicate values and the duplicate rows.

Using Fill Handle to AutoFill Formula

Example 6 – Use Pivot Table to Count Duplicate Rows in Case of Large Excel Dataset

For large datasets, we can use the Pivot Table to count the duplicate rows in Excel. For this, we need to create a Pivot Table first.

To create a Pivot Table,

Select Data —> Insert Tab —> PivotTable —> From Table/Range

Creating a Pivot Table to Count Duplicate Rows in Excel

A wizard named PivotTable from table or range will appear.
Select the Existing Worksheet and define a cell (i.e. B16). Click on OK to insert the Pivot Table.

Defining Pivot Table Location

Drag the Customer option in the PivotTable Fields to the Rows and Values sections. We will get the Pivot Table in the defined location with the count of the duplicate rows.

Using Pivot Table to Count Duplicate Rows

How to Filter Duplicate Rows with Filter Feature in Excel

To filter duplicate rows with the help of the Filter feature, create a separate column G and apply the following formula in cell G5 to identify the duplicate rows.


Finding the Duplicate Rows

Select the entire dataset and click on Filter from the ribbon under Data.

Command Sequence to Filter

Click on the arrow in the Duplicate column and select the Yes option. Click OK to finish the process.

Setting Condition to Filter

The duplicate rows will be filtered.

Using Filter Option to Filter Duplicate Rows

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to select duplicates in Excel?

In order to select all the duplicates after filtering them, use the  CTRL + A  command.

2. How to clear or remove duplicates in Excel?

After filtering the duplicate rows, select all of them. Then, right-click on the mouse and select Delete rows from the available options to clear or remove duplicates in Excel.

3. How to highlight duplicates in Excel?

In order to highlight duplicates in Excel, select all the filtered duplicates. Go to the Home tab and select a color from Fill to highlight duplicates.

4. How to copy or move duplicates to another sheet?

Select all the filtered duplicate cells and press   CTRL + C  to copy them. Pick a cell in the destination sheet and press   CTRL + V  to copy or move the duplicates.

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Alok Paul
Alok Paul

Alok Paul has completed his B.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from East West University. He has been working on the ExcelDemy project for more than 2 years. He has written 220+ articles and replied to numerous comments. He is experienced in Microsoft Office, especially in Excel. He also led some teams on Excel and VBA content development. He has a keen interest in Advanced Excel, Data analysis, Excel Pivot Table, Charts, and Dashboard. He loves to research... Read Full Bio

  1. 1. You could simplify the last formula, by removing the whole part about =ROWS(), using:
    IF(COUNTIF($B$5:$B$10,$B$5:$B$10) =2,1,0).
    All it took was to use “=2” instead of “=1”.
    (Note. if your purpose was to explain the use of ROWS, then great).

    2. What I am looking for is total COUNT of whole (or part) row duplicates.
    eg. Liz and Apple, Joe and Apple, Joe and Orange (total of how many such rows are repeated) BUT – WITHOUT creating any new columns, which would be too easy. In your table above, the answer would be “1” because ONLY Liz and Apple is repeated. I assume this would require COUNTIFS, possibly an array. But can’t get it to work. Please let me know if you have anything on this. (Note. I often share links to your site, when I help friends in different countries with Excel)

    • Hi Alex, it is a great pleasure for us to know that you are getting benefits from our content (and referring us to your friends too)!

      Now, your answers:
      1. No, you have to use the ROWS function too. Otherwise, you will not get the correct answer in other cases (your guess is true only for this particular set of data).

      2. Yes. You are right. You have to use the COUNTIFS function. Use the following formula.
      If you have two columns only, remove the $D$5:$D$10,D5 part from the formula, i.e. =COUNTIFS($B$5:$B$10,B5,$C$5:$C$10,C5)
      Now, copy the formula down. The output number will say how many times each row is repeated.


      (ExcelDemy Team)

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