VLOOKUP to Return Multiple Values Horizontally in Excel: 2 Methods

Method 1 – Use of INDEX, SMALL, and IF Functions to VLOOKUP and Return Corresponding Values Horizontally

Step 1:

➤ The required formula in cell C16 will be:

=INDEX($C$5:$C$14, SMALL(IF($B$16=$B$5:$B$14,ROW($B$5:$B$14)-ROW($B$5)+1), COLUMN(A1)))

➤ After pressing Enter, you’ll get the first model name of Samsung from the table.

use of index if small functions to vlookup and return multiple values horizontally in excel

Step 2:

➤ Use Fill Handle from cell C16 and drag it rightward along Row 16 until a #NUM error appears.

➤ Skip the first #NUM error and stop auto-filling before that cell containing the error.

You’ll be shown all the model names of Samsung smartphones horizontally in the table.

use of index if small functions to vlookup and return multiple values horizontally in excel

  How Does the Formula Work?

  • ROW($B$5:$B$14)-ROW($B$5)+1: This part is assigned to the second argument ([value_if_true]) of the IF function. It defines the row number of all data available in the range of cells B5:B14 and returns the following array:


  • IF($B$16=$B$5:$B$14, ROW($B$5:$B$14)-ROW($B$5)+1): This part of the formula matches the criteria for Samsung devices only. If a match is found, the formula will return the perspective row number; otherwise, it’ll return FALSE. So, the overall return array from this formula will be:


  • SMALL(IF($B$16=$B$5:$B$14, ROW($B$5:$B$14)-ROW($B$5)+1), COLUMN(A1)): The SMALL function here extracts the lowest or smallest row number found from the previous step, and it’ll be defined as the second argument (row_num) of the INDEX function.
  • The entire and combined formula extracts the first model name of Samsung devices from Column C.

Method 2 – VLOOKUP and Return Multiple Values Horizontally from a Sequence of Data in Excel

Step 1:

➤ In the output Cell C16, the required formula will be:

=IF(COLUMN()-2<=COUNTIF($B$5:$B$14,$B16), INDEX($C$5:$C$14,MATCH($B16,$B$5:$B$14,0)+COLUMN()-3),"")

➤ Press Enter, and you’ll be displayed the first smartphone model name of Xiaomi immediately.

vlookup and return multiple values horizontally in excel from a sequence of data

Step 2:

➤ Use Fill Handle to autofill rightward along Row 16 until a blank cell appears.

You’ll be displayed all the model names of the selected brand only like in the screenshot below.

vlookup and return multiple values horizontally in excel from a sequence of data

  How Does the Formula Work?

  • MATCH($B16,$B$5:$B$14,0): The MATCH function inside the INDEX function returns the first-row cell number containing the name- Xiaomi.
  • MATCH($B16,$B$5:$B$14,0)+COLUMN()-3: This part is the second argument of the INDEX function, which defines the row number where the first resultant data will be looked for.
  • INDEX($C$5:$C$14, MATCH($B16,$B$5:$B$14,0)+COLUMN()-3): This part is the second argument of the IF function ([value_if_TRUE]), which extracts the first output data based on the row number found in the previous step.
  • The IF function will return a blank cell if no match is found.

 Note: To return data with this formula properly, you must initiate the table from Column B where Column B will represent the criteria and Column C will have the output data. You also have to define the selected criteria in Column B under or above the table as I’ve shown in Cell B16.

Download Practice Workbook

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Nehad Ulfat
Nehad Ulfat

NEHAD ULFAT is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET but switched gears, working as a content developer.  In this role, he creates techy content all about Excel... Read Full Bio

  1. Reply
    Michael Enrique Masis Portilla Oct 14, 2021 at 4:23 AM

    Hi, thanks for this post, I solved my problem on excel with this post. Thank you so much

  2. If you move the main lookup table to a new sheet this formulae doesn’t work

  3. Hi KRISB,
    I hope you are doing well.
    If you copy the table and paste it somewhere else, then Excel will not adjust cell references according to the move.
    The formula should work fine if you cut the table and paste it into another sheet.
    For instance, I have cut the table and pasted it into “sheet1”. Then Excel automatically modifies the formula. See the image for better clarification.
    The table was shifted in “sheet1”

  4. in this exapmle only two brands are showing, suppose if i have mothen than 50 brands and i want to drag this formula vertially for all brands shall it work?

    • Hello SUNZEEV,
      Thank you for your comment. Here, we are providing two revised formulas to meet your requirements.
      For simplicity, we have modified the dataset with two additional Company names.
      To get all the device names for each company, write the following formula in E6 and press Enter.
      You will get all the results of Samsung at once.
      Now, drag the E6 cell to the right to H6 cell. You will get your desired results.

      Another way is to use the FILTER function. For this method, write the following formula in E6 and press Enter.
      Now, drag the E6 cell to the right to the H6 cell. You will get your desired results. The FILTER function is available on Excel 365 only.

      You can download the workbook from the link below.
      We hope these methods will satisfy your queries. If you have further questions, you are always welcome.


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