How to Skip Columns in Excel (3 Methods)

Dataset Overview

Let’s suppose we have a sample data set containing various Salesmen and their sales per month (January to June).

Handy Approaches to Skip Columns in Excel Formula

Method 1 – Utilizing SUMPRODUCT, MOD, and COLUMN Functions to Skip Columns

Formula Syntax:

  • SUMPRODUCT: This function multiplies corresponding elements in arrays and then adds the results.
    • Syntax:
    • Arguments:
      • array1: The first input array whose elements you want to multiply and then add.
      • array2 (optional): The second input array whose elements you want to multiply and then add.


  • MOD: The MOD function calculates the remainder after dividing a number by another number.
    • Syntax:
=MOD(number, divisor)
    • Arguments:
      • number: The value for which you want to find the remainder.
      • divisor: The number by which you want to divide.


  • COLUMN: The COLUMN function returns the column number of a referenced cell or range.
    • Syntax:
    • Arguments:
      • reference: The cell or range of cells.


Step-by-Step Process

Step 1:

  • Select cell K5.
  • Enter the following formula:

 Utilizing SUMPRODUCT, MOD, and COLUMN Functions to Skip Columns in Excel Formula

Formula Breakdown

  • We use three functions: SUMPRODUCT, MOD, and COLUMN.
  • MOD(COLUMN(C5:H5) – COLUMN(C5) + 1, 2):
    • The COLUMN function returns the column number of the referenced range (C5:H5).
    • We modify the formula by subtracting COLUMN(C5) and adding 1. This adjustment ensures that inserting a new column before the reference won’t affect the result.
    • The MOD function calculates the remainder after dividing the modified column number by 2.
  • SUMPRODUCT(C5:H5 * MOD(…)):
    • The SUMPRODUCT function returns the total value of the resulting array.
    • We combine the result of the MOD function with the range of cells C5 to H5.
    • It ignores values when the MOD function gives 0 but adds them when the MOD function returns 1.

Step 2:

  • Press ENTER to apply the formula.
  • The K5 cell will display the total sales for the first salesman.

Step 3:

  • Use the Fill Handle tool to drag the formula down from K5 to K10.
  • You’ll get the sum of sales over several months for all salesmen.
  • Columns D, F, and H are skipped in the calculation.

Read More: How to Skip a Column When Selecting in Excel

Method 2 – Incorporating SUM, COLUMN, and IF Functions to Skip Columns in Excel

Formula Syntax:

  • SUM: The SUM function adds up a series of numbers.
    • Syntax:
    • Arguments:
      • number1: The first number you want to add.
      • number2 (optional): The second number you want to add.


  • COLUMN: The COLUMN function returns the column number of a referenced cell or range.
    • Syntax:
    • Arguments:
      • reference: The cell or range of cells.


  • IF: The IF function evaluates a logical test and returns different values based on the result.
    • Syntax:
=IF(logical_test, [value-if_true], [value_if_false])
    • Arguments:
      • Logical_Test indicates a quantity or logical statement that can be determined to be TRUE or FALSE.
      • Value_if_true demonstrates the value that will be returned if the logical test evaluates to TRUE.
      • Value_if_false demonstrates the value that will be returned if the logical test evaluates to FALSE.


Step-by-Step Process

Step 1:

  • Select cell K5.
  • Enter the following formula:

 Incorporating SUM, COLUMN, and IF Functions to Skip Columns in Excel Formula

Formula Breakdown

  • We’ll use three functions: SUM, COLUMN, and IF.
  • MOD(COLUMN($C5:$H5), 2) = 0:
    • The COLUMN function returns the column number of the referenced range ($C5:$H5).
    • The MOD function calculates the remainder after dividing the modified column number by 2.
  • IF(MOD(COLUMN($C5:$H5), 2) = 0, $C5:$H5, 0):
    • We use the previous MOD and COLUMN functions as the criterion for the IF function.
    • If the remainder is zero, it selects the cells in the range $C5:$H5; otherwise, it yields 0.
  • SUM(IF(MOD(COLUMN($C5:$H5), 2) = 0, $C5:$H5, 0)):
    • The SUM function adds up the values returned by the IF function.
    • It includes only columns that meet the requirement (i.e., where the remainder is zero).
    • Other columns are excluded from the calculation.

Step 2:

  • Press ENTER to apply the formula.
  • K5 will display the total sales for the first salesman.

Incorporating SUM, COLUMN, and IF Functions to Skip Columns in Excel Formula

Step 3:

  • Use the Fill Handle tool to drag the formula down from K5 to K10.
  • You’ll get the total sales made by all salespeople over time.
  • Columns C, E, and G are excluded from the calculation.

Method 3 – Applying VBA Code to Skip Columns in Excel

  • Setting Up VBA:
    • Open your Excel workbook.
    • Press Alt + F11 to launch the VBA editor.
    • In the last section, we’ll generate a VBA code that simplifies skipping columns in Excel formulas.

Applying VBA Code to Skip Columns in Excel Formula

  • Creating the Custom Function:
    • Open the Developer tab (if not visible, enable it in Excel options).
    • Click on Visual Basic to open the VBA window.
    • Insert a new Module (from the Insert menu) to write the VBA code.

  • VBA Code:
    • Now, paste the following VBA code into the Module.
'Specifying the function name
Function SkipColumns(WorkRange As Range, interval As Integer) As Double
'Declaring variables
Dim ar As Variant
Dim x As Double
'Setting value for x and ar
x = 0
ar = WorkRange.Value
'Using For Loop
For i = interval To UBound(ar, 2) Step interval
x = x + ar(1, i)
SkipColumns = x
End Function

Applying VBA Code to Skip Columns in Excel Formula

VBA Code Breakdown

  • We define a function named SkipColumns that takes two arguments:
    • WorkRange: The range of cells where you want to skip columns.
    • interval: The interval (number of columns to skip).
  • Inside the function:
    • We declare variables (ar for the range values and x for the total).
    • Initialize x to zero and store the values of WorkRange in ar.
    • Use a For loop to iterate through the columns based on the specified interval.
    • Accumulate the values in x.
    • Finally, return the calculated value.
  • Using the Custom Function:
    • Select cell K5.
    • Enter the following formula:

  • Press ENTER to apply the formula.
  • K5 will display the total sales for the first salesman.
  • Drag the Fill Handle tool from K5 to bto calculate totals for other salesmen.

  • Result:
    • You’ll observe the total sales made by all salespeople over time.
    • Columns C, E, and G are excluded from the calculation.

Read More: How to Skip Cells in Excel Formula

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Bishawajit Chakraborty
Bishawajit Chakraborty

Bishawajit Chakraborty, a Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology graduate with a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, has been associated with ExcelDemy since 2022. Presently, he is a content developer, specializing in Excel Power Query, Data Analysis and VBA. It is worth mentioning that he has authored more than 90 articles on VBA content development. His profound interest lies in the fields of data analytics and data science. He possesses expertise in VBA, Power BI, machine learning, and Python... Read Full Bio

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