How to Save an Excel File as CSVĀ (3 Methods)



What Is a CSV File

CSV stands for comma-separated values. In simple terms, each line consists of multiple fields or values separated by commas. A CSV file stores tabular dataā€”simply put, numbers and texts. This explains its popularity as a method for exchanging data. Therefore, it is widely used by businesses and in scientific applications.

Available Formats of CSV

The table below describes the available formats of CSV files.

Format Ā Description
CSV (comma separated) This format saves your worksheet as a comma-separated text file.
CSV UTF 8 (comma separated) Your file is saved as a comma-separated text, in addition to supporting characters and special symbols.
CSV (Macintosh) Saves the text file in a format suitable for a Macintosh operating system.
CSV (MS-DOS) The saved text file is intended for an MS-DOS operating system.
Unicode (*.txt) Saves your spreadsheet as Unicode text.

The dataset contains the Names of employees in the first column, while the second column shows their Sales figures.

Dataset 1

Method 1 – Saving a Worksheet as a CSV (Comma Delimited) File in Excel

Step 1: Go to the Active Worksheet & Save

  • Go to the worksheet you want to export to CSV since only the active sheet will be converted to CSV.
  • Click the File tab.

Go to File Tab

  • Select the Save As option.

Select Save As

Step 2: Choose Your Preferred Directory & File Format

  • Click on Browse and select a directory to save your CSV file.

Save AS CSV-How to Save Excel File as CSV

  • Enter the file name, and from the drop-down, select CSV (Comma delimited)(*.csv).
  • Click on Save to convert your Excel file to CSV.

Save AS CSV-How to Save Excel File as CSV

  • If a warning window pops up, click OK to resolve the issue.

Save AS CSV-How to Save Excel File as CSV

Read More: How to Save Multiple Sheets in Excel to CSV

Method 2 – Using CSV UTF 8 Format to Save Excel File as CSV


Step 1: Save Your Worksheet

  • Locate your target spreadsheet and click on the File tab.

Go to File Tab

  • Select the Save As option.

Click Save As

Step 2: Designate the File Location & Format

  • Click on Browse and choose a folder to save your CSV file.

Save As CSV UTF-8 - How to Save Excel File as CSV

  • Type in the file name and choose CSV UTF-8 (comma delimited) (*.csv) extension.
  • Click on Save.

Save As CSV UTF-8 - How to Save Excel File as CSV

  • Open your saved document with a preferred text editor: Notepad.

Save As CSV UTF-8 - How to Save Excel File as CSV

Read More: [Fixed!] Excel CSV File Not Saving Changes

Method 3 – Saving as a Unicode Text and Then Converting It to CSV in Excel

Step 1: Select & Save the Worksheet

  • Go to the spreadsheet you want to save and click the File option.
  • Select the Save As.

Click Save As

Step 2: Pick the File Location & Format

  • Click on Browse to save your CSV file at your desired location.

Save As Unicode - How to Save Excel File as CSV

  • Rename the file, select Unicode Text (*.txt), and click Save.

Save As Unicode - How to Save Excel File as CSV

Step 3: Replace Tab Character with Comma

  • Open your saved document in a text editor like Notepad.


  • Use CTRL + H to open a dialog box.

Save As Unicode - How to Save Excel File as CSV

  • Copy the tab character with CTRL + C, paste it into the Find what box, and type a comma in the Replace with box.
  • Click Replace All and close the dialog box.

Save As Unicode - How to Save Excel File as CSV

Step 4: Provide the Correct Encoding

  • Add a (.csv) extension to the file and choose UTF-8 with BOM Encoding.

Save As Unicode - How to Save Excel File as CSV

  • Open your saved file in Notepad.

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Eshrak Kader
Eshrak Kader

Eshrak Kader is a dedicated professional with a BSc. Degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He boasts a rich background in Microsoft Office Suite, and over the past year, he has authored over 120 insightful articles for the ExcelDemy. Currently, Eshrak leads a team of 5 in the ExcelDemy Video project and enjoys problem-solving and making videos on Excel. Eshrakā€™s passion for continuous learning underscores his commitment to excellence in... Read Full Bio

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