How to Use Macro to Delete Rows Based on Criteria in Excel (5 Methods)

In this article, we will demonstrate five effective approaches to using a macro to delete rows based on various criteria in Excel.

We’ll use the dataset below of some students, their marks and grades to illustrate our methods.

First sample dataset

This article was prepared using Microsoft Excel 365 version.

Method 1 – Using Less Than or Equal to Criteria

In the first method, we will use the less than or equal to criteria to filter our dataset. For example, suppose we want to delete the rows where a student got marks less than or equal to 40.

Step 1 – Insert New Module

  • Go to the Developer tab on the Ribbon.
  • Choose the Visual Basic option from the Code group.

Using the Visual Basic option to create Module 

The Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window will open.

Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window

  • Go to the Insert tab.
  • Select the Module option from the drop-down.

Inserting Module to use macro to delete rows based on criteria in Excel

Step 2 – Write and Save VBA Code

  • Enter the following code in the newly created Module:
Sub Delete_Rows()
For i = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
If Selection.Cells(j, 2) <= 40 Then
Rows(j + 3).EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub

Writing code in new Module to use macro to delete rows based on criteria in Excel

Code Breakdown

  • We create a sub-procedure named Delete_Rows.
  • Then we initiate two nested For Next loops.
  • In the 4th line of the code, we use Cells(j,2) because 2 is the column number in our data set which holds the criteria (Marks in English).
  • <= 40 is our given condition (Who received marks less than 40).
  • We use an IF statement to check whether the condition is true or not for different values of j.
  • In the 5th line, we use Rows(j+3) because 3 is the number of rows in the worksheet just before the first row of the data set (with the Column Headers).
  • We end the IF statement.
  • Then, we close both For Next loops.
  • Finally, we end the sub-procedure.
  • Click the Save button.

Saving VBA code

Step 3 – Run Code to Delete Rows Based on Criteria

  • Apply the keyboard shortcut ALT + F11 to return to the worksheet.
  • Select the entire dataset.
  • Use the keyboard shortcut ALT + F8 to open the Macro dialog box.
  • Select Delete_Rows.
  • Click on Run.

Running VBA code to use macro to delete rows based on criteria

The rows in which the value in the Marks in English column is less than or equal to 40 will be deleted.

Outputs obtained by using less than or equal to criteria to delete rows in Excel

Method 2 – Starting with a Particular Character

Now, we will delete rows in Excel based on a particular starting character using a macro. For example, let’s delete the rows that have Student Names starting with “A”.


Sub Delete_Rows_Starting_with_A()
For i = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
If Left(Selection.Cells(j, 1), 1) = "A" Then
Rows(j + 3).EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub

Writing VBA code in new Module to use macro to delete rows based on criteria in Excel

Code Breakdown

  • We create a sub-procedure named Delete_Rows_Starting_with_A.
  • Then we initiate two nested For…Next statements.
  • We use an IF statement to check whether the condition is satisfied for different values of j.
  • In the condition, the Left function is used to extract the first letter of the cell (j,1).
  • We delete the rows containing names starting with “A”.
  • We end the IF statement.
  • Then we close both For Next loops.
  • And we end the sub-procedure.
  • Click on the Save button.

Saving VBA code

  • Use the keyboard shortcut ALT + F11 to return to the worksheet.
  • Select the entire dataset.
  • Use the keyboard shortcut ALT + F8 to open the Macro dialog box.
  • Select Delete_Rows_Starting_with_A.
  • Click on Run.

Running VBA code to delete rows based on criteria in Excel

The rows that have cells with “A” as their starting character in the Student Name column will be deleted.

Outputs obtained by using macro to delete rows with starting character “A”  in Excel

Method 3 – Based on Particular Text

In this example, we will delete rows in Excel based on a particular text using a macro. Say we have the Book Record of Martin Bookstore below as our dataset. Let’s delete the rows that have the word “History” in the Name of the Book.

Second sample dataset


Sub Delete_Rows_with_History()
Dim Count As Integer
For i = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
Count = 0
Words = Split(Selection.Cells(j, 1))
For Each k In Words
Lower = LCase(k)
If Lower = "history" Then
Count = Count + 1
End If
Next k
If Count > 0 Then
Rows(j + 3).EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub

Writing the VBA code to use macro to delete rows based on a particular text in Excel

Code Breakdown

  • We create a sub-procedure called Delete_Rows_with_History.
  • We introduce a variable named Count as Integer.
  • In the 6th line, we use Cells(j,1), because the criterion is in the 1st column (Name of the Book) of the data set. If it is in the second column use Cells (j,2), for the 3rd column use Cells(j,3), and so on. To delete rows with a word other than “history”, replace it in the 6th line. Also, always keep the search word in the lowercase form in the code.
  • We end the IF statement.
  • We close both For Next loops.
  • And finally, end the sub-procedure.
  • Click on the Save button.

Saving the VBA code

  • Use the keyboard shortcut ALT + F11 to return to the worksheet.
  • Select the entire dataset.
  • Apply the keyboard shortcut ALT + F8 to open the Macro dialog box.
  • Select Delete_Rows_with_History.
  • Click on Run.

Running macro in Excel to delete rows that have “History” in the book name 

The output is as follows:

Outputs obtained by using macro to delete rows based on particular text criteria in Excel

Read More: Excel VBA to Delete Row If Cell Contains Partial Text

Method 4 – Based on Multiple Criteria

Now we will implement a VBA Macro to delete rows based on multiple criteria. We’ll use the And function between the two conditions. Both criteria should be satisfied to delete a particular row.


Sub multiple_criteria()
For i = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
If Left(Selection.Cells(j, 1), 1) = "M" And Selection.Cells(j, 2) < 50 Then
Rows(j + 3).EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub

Writing VBA code to use macro to delete rows based on multiple criteria in Excel

Code Breakdown

  • We create a sub-procedure named multiple_criteria.
  • We initiate two nested For…Next loops.
  • We use an IF statement to check whether the given conditions are satisfied or not for various values of j. As the And statement is used, both conditions must be satisfied at the same time.
  • We delete the rows with names starting with “M” and marks less than 50.
  • We end the IF statement.
  • We close both For…Next loops.
  • And end the sub-procedure.
  • Click on the Save button.

Saving VBA code

  • Use the keyboard shortcut ALT + F11 to return to the worksheet.
  • Select the entire dataset.
  • Use the keyboard shortcut ALT + F8 to open the Macro dialog box.
  • Select multiple_criteria.
  • Click on Run.

Running macro to delete rows based on multiple criteria in Excel

The rows that have Student Name starting with the letter “M” and Marks in English that are less than 50 will be deleted.

Outputs got by using macro to delete rows based on multiple criteria in Excel

Method 5 – Based on Criteria Defined by User

In the previous examples, we used pre-specified criteria in the VBA code. Now, we will take input from the user and use it as the criteria.


Sub criteria_by_user()
Dim starting_letter As String
Dim minimun_number As String
starting_letter = InputBox("Enter the Starting Letter:", "Starting Letter")
minimun_number = InputBox("Enter the Minimun Number:", "Minimum Marks")
For i = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count
If Left(Selection.Cells(j, 1), 1) = starting_letter And _
Selection.Cells(j, 2) < minimun_number Then
Rows(j + 3).EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub

Writing VBA code to delete rows based on criteria defined by user in Excel

Code Breakdown

  • We create a sub-procedure named criteria_by_user.
  • We introduce two variables named starting_letter and minimum_number.
  • We use two InputBox functions to get inputs from the user, and then assign these values to the two variables that we declared earlier.
  • We initiate two nested For…Next statements.
  • We use an IF…Then statement to check whether the given conditions are satisfied or not for various values of j. As the And function is used, both conditions must be satisfied at the same time.
  • We delete the rows with names starting with “M” and marks less than 50.
  • We end the IF statement.
  • We close both For Next loops.
  • We end the sub-procedure.
  • Click on the Save button.

Saving VBA code

  • Use the keyboard shortcut ALT + F11 to return to the worksheet.
  • Select the entire dataset.
  • Use the keyboard shortcut ALT + F8 to open the Macro dialog box.
  • Select criteria_by_user.
  • Click on Run.

Running a macro to delete rows based on criteria defined by user in Excel

The Starting Letter dialog box will pop up.

  • Enter the starting letter for the Student Name column. In this case, we used the letter “M”.
  • Click OK.

Inserting the first criteria

The Minimum Marks dialog box will open.

  • Insert the minimum number for the Marks in English column. Here, we inserted 50.
  • Click OK.

Entering the second criteria

The output is as follows:

Outputs obtained by using a macro to delete rows based on multiple criteria defined by user in Excel

Read More: How to Delete Row Using Macro If Cell Contains 0 in Excel

How to Delete Blank Rows Using VBA in Excel?

While working in Excel, we often deal with datasets that have a lot of blank rows. Deleting these blank rows manually is a tiresome and time-consuming task. But we can use a VBA code to delete blank rows effectively.

For demonstration, we added some blank rows to the dataset used in the first method.

First sample dataset with blank rows


Sub delete_blank_rows()
End Sub

Writing VBA code to delete blank rows in Excel

Code Breakdown

  • We create a sub-procedure called delete_blank_rows.
  • We delete the blank rows from the selected range.
  • We end the sub-procedure.
  • Click on the Save button.

Saving VBA code

  • Use the keyboard shortcut ALT + F11 to return to the worksheet.
  • Select the entire dataset.
  • Use the keyboard shortcut ALT + F8 to open the Macro dialog box.
  • Select delete_blank_rows .
  • Click on Run.

Running macro to delete blank rows in Excel

The blank rows will be deleted from the dataset.

Outputs obtained by using VBA to delete blank rows in Excel

Read More: Excel VBA: Delete Row If Cell Is Blank

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Rifat Hassan
Rifat Hassan

Rifat Hassan, BSc, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has worked with the ExcelDemy project for almost 2 years. Within these 2 years, he has written over 250 articles. He has also conducted a few Boot Camp sessions on effective coding, especially Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Currently, he is working as a Software Developer to develop and deploy additional add-ins to enhance the customers with a more sophisticated experience with Microsoft Office Suits,... Read Full Bio

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