How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel (2 Useful Examples)

Example 1 – Horizontal Balance Sheet

In the Horizontal balance sheet, the Assets and the Liabilities & Equities columns are shown side by side.

Step 1 – Insert the Balance Sheet Headings

  • Type in the Balance Sheet header and enter the Date.
  • Make two columns for Assets and Liabilities as shown in the example below.

Horizontal Example

  • Enter the types of Assets and Liabilities.

Horizontal Example

  • Open the Format Cells dialog box by pressing Ctrl + 1 and choose Accounting.

Format Cell

Step 2 – Calculate the Assets, Liabilities, and Equities


The D6:D8 cells refer to the Current Assets.

How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel Horizontal Example

  • Calculate the sum for the Total Current Liabilities.


The G6:G8 cells represent the Current Liabilities.

How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel Horizontal Example

  • Add Fixed Assets and calculate the Total Fixed Asset.


Cells D11:D12 consist of the Fixed Assets.

How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel Horizontal Example

  • Calculate the Long-term Liabilities.


The G11:G12 cells represent the Long-term Liabilities.

How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel Horizontal Example


The G15:G16 cells consist of the Stockholder’s Equity.

How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel Horizontal Example

Step 3 – Calculate the Total Assets and the Liabilities

  • Get the Total Assets by adding up the Total Current Assets and Total Fixed Assets.


The D9 cell refers to the Total Current Assets while the D13 cell indicates the Total Fixed Assets.

How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel Horizontal Example

  • The Total Liabilities and Equity are obtained with this formula.


In the above expression, the G9 cell points to the Total Current Liabilities, next the G13 cell refers to the Total Long-term Liabilities, and finally, the G17 cell indicates the Total Equity.

How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel Horizontal Example

  • The values on both the Total Assets and the Total Liabilities and Equity columns must be equal.

Example 2 – Vertical Balance Sheet

A vertical balance sheet consists of two tables one on top of the other. Generally, the Assets column is shown on the top, and the Liabilities and Equities are shown below.

Step 1 – Calculate Total Assets

  • Make a heading named Assets followed by a sub-heading for Current Assets.
  • Enter the Current Asset types on the left side and record the assets’ values on the right side.

Vertical Example

  • Press Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells dialog box and select Accounting.

Format Cell Dialog Box

  • Compute the Total Current Assets using the SUM function.


In this formula, the F6:G8 cells refer to the types of Current Assets.

Vertical Example

  • Compute the Total Fixed Assets as shown below.


How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel Vertical Example

  • We get the Total Assets by adding up the Fixed Assets and the Current Assets.


In the above formula, the F9 cell indicates the Total Current Assets, and the F13 cell points to the Total Fixed Assets.

How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel Vertical Example

Step 2 – Compute Total Liabilities

  • Enter the types and the corresponding values of the Current Liabilities respectively.
  • Calculate the Total Current Liabilities as portrayed below.


How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel Vertical Example

  • Calculate the Long-term Liabilities as shown below.


How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel Vertical Example

  • The Total Liabilities are the sum of Current Liabilities and Long-term Liabilities.


How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel Vertical Example

  • Obtain the Total Equity using the same process as before.


How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel Vertical Example

  • Obtain the Total Liabilities and Equity.


In the above expression, the F25 cell points to the Total Liabilities, and the F29 cell indicates the Total Equity.

How to Make Balance Sheet in Excel Vertical Example

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Eshrak Kader
Eshrak Kader

Eshrak Kader is a dedicated professional with a BSc. Degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He boasts a rich background in Microsoft Office Suite, and over the past year, he has authored over 120 insightful articles for the ExcelDemy. Currently, Eshrak leads a team of 5 in the ExcelDemy Video project and enjoys problem-solving and making videos on Excel. Eshrak’s passion for continuous learning underscores his commitment to excellence in... Read Full Bio

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