How to Plot Weibull Distribution in Excel (with Easy Steps)

The Weibull Distribution is a continuous probability distribution that is used to analyze life data, model failure times, and assess the reliability of access products.  This distribution is used in different fields to analyze data.

Reliability Function: R(t) = e^-[{(t-γ)/α}^β]

β = Shape Parameter.
α = Scale Parameter.
γ = Location Parameter, which is usually 0.
From R(t), we can calculate the Failure function F(t):

F(t) = 1-R(t)

After calculation, we get
ln(ln(1/(1-F(t))) = βlnt-βlnα
This resembles the y=mx+c equation

Consider the following dataset, containing instances of failure and the number of days of the failure. For example, the 1st failure occurs after 400 days, 2nd one after 820 days, etc.


Let’s use this data to calculate the Weibull Distribution and understand the failure rate.

Step 1 – Calculate Median Rank

To calculate the median rank we will use Bernard’s approximation.

  • Go to cell D5 and enter the following formula:

  • Press ENTER to get the output.

Calculate Median to plot weibull distribution in excel

  • Use the Fill Handle to AutoFill up to D14.

Calculate Median to plot weibull distribution in excel

Step 2 – Determine Natural Logarithm

Now we can calculate the natural logarithm. First, we will determine the logarithm of days.

  • Go to E5 and enter the following formula:

Calculate natural logarithm to plot weibull distribution in excel

  • Press ENTER to get the output.

  • Use Fill Handle to AutoFill up to E14.

Calculate natural logarithm to plot weibull distribution in excel

  • In a similar way, we will fill up the next column. The formula in F5 will be:

  • Press ENTER to get the output.

Calculate natural logarithm to plot weibull distribution in excel

  • Use the Fill Handle to AutoFill up to F14.

Step 3 – Plot Distribution Chart

Now we can plot a chart using ln(days) as x-axis and ln(ln(1/(1-F(t)))) as y-axis.

  • Select E4:F14.

Insert chart

  • Go to the Insert tab.
  • Select the Scatter option.
  • Select one you like.

Excel will create a scatter plot.

  • Rename the plot to Weibull Distribution.

Read More: How to Create a Distribution Chart in Excel

Step 4 – Compare Equation to Determine Coefficients

Now we will determine the parameters. We will derive the trendline equation and compare it with the equation ln(ln(1/(1-F(t))) = βlnt-βlnα

  • Go to Chart Design.
  • Select Add Chart Element.
  • Select a Trendline.

Determine Parameters to plot weibull distribution in excel

Excel will add a trendline.

  • Select the trendline and right-click your mouse.
  • Select Format Trendline.

  • Check the box for Display Equation on Chart.

Determine Parameters to plot weibull distribution in excel

Excel will display the equation.

  • The equation is y=1.9551x-14.663. After comparing with ln(ln(1/(1-F(t))) = βlnt-βlnα, we get
    • β = 1.9551
    • βlnα = 14.663
  • Using these values, we get
    • α = 1807.811

Determine Parameters to plot weibull distribution in excel

  • So, the Reliability Function becomes

R(t) = e^-[(t/1807.811)^1.9551]

Things to Remember

The shape parameter indicates the failure rate:

  • If β < 1, then the failure rate decreases with time
  • If β = 1, then the failure rate is constant
  • If β > 1, the failure rate increases with time

Use absolute references to lock a cell.

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Akib Bin Rashid
Akib Bin Rashid

AKIB BIN RASHID, a materials and metallurgical engineer, is passionate about delving into Excel and VBA programming. To him, programming is a valuable time-saving tool for managing data, files, and internet-related tasks. Proficient in MS Office, AutoCAD, Excel, and VBA, he goes beyond the fundamentals. Holding a B.Sc in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, MD AKIB has transitioned into a content development role. Specializing in creating technical content centred around Excel and... Read Full Bio

  1. Thank you so much for your contribuition!

  2. Do you know how could I implement suspesions data in such analisys?

    • Dear Tiago
      To implement suspension data in a Weibull Distribution, follow these steps:

      •Collect completed failure data and suspended data.
      •Estimate Weibull distribution parameters (shape and scale) using standard methods for completed data.
      •Determine the truncation point for suspended data.
      •Modify the Weibull PDF and CDF formulas to account for truncation.
      •Estimate parameters for suspended data using methods that consider truncation.
      •Evaluate the model’s fit using techniques like Q-Q plots or statistical tests.

      Thank you.

  3. Thank you Mr. Rashid! I got it, I finished my work here using the MRR method. Have you done some similar work with Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) for Weibull?

    • Dear Tiago
      It’s good to know that you have finished your work successfully. No, I have not tried the MLE method for Weibull Distribution yet.
      Thank you. Have a good day!

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