How to Concatenate Names in Excel (10 Practical Examples)

In this article, we will show 10 practical examples of how to concatenate names in Excel.

how to concatenate names in Excel

Suppose we have a dataset that contains the salary statements of several employees. We can use the Ampersand symbol, Flash Fill feature, CONCATENATE, CONCAT, TEXTJOIN, TEXT and CHAR functions, VBA code, and Power Query Editor to concatenate names in Excel.

Method 1 – Using the Ampersand Symbol

The Ampersand symbol (&) can join or concatenate two or more cell values containing text.


  • Enter the following formula in cell F5 and press Enter:
=C5&" "&D5
  • Drag the AutoFill handle down to copy this formula to the cells below.

2-Use the Ampersand symbol to concatenate names


Combine names with commas as follows:

=C5&" , "&D5

Read More: How to Concatenate Date and Time in Excel

Method 2 – Using the CONCATENATE Function

The CONCATENATE function joins the values of two cells with or without spaces, delimiters or cell values with text, and can use the array formula.

2.1 – Concatenate First and Last Names Without Spaces

Let’s concatenate First and Last Names without spaces.


  • In cell F5, enter the following formula:
  • Press Enter and drag the AutoFill Handle to copy this formula to the cells below:

3-Use the CONCATENATE function to concatenate First and Last Names without space

2.2  – Using an Array Formula

Let’s concatenate the First Name and Last Name of each employee into one single cell using an Array Formula.


  • Insert the following Array Formula in cell F5:
=CONCATENATE(B5:B16,", ",C5:C16)
  • Press Enter (or Ctrl + Shift + Enter if you are not an Excel 365).

4-Use the CONCATENATE array formula to concatenate names

Formula Breakdown:

If we break the Array Formula, we get 12 single formulas like this:

  • CONCATENATE(B5,”, “,C5)
  • CONCATENATE(B6,”, “,C6)
  • CONCATENATE(B7,”, “,C7)


  • CONCATENATE(B16,”, “,C16)

CONCATENATE(B5,”, “,C5) joins the First Name in cell B5, a comma with a space, and then the Last Name in cell C5. Same for the rest of the cells.

2.3 Using a Delimiter

Now we will join Names with delimiters like commas, spaces, different punctuation marks or other characters such as a slash or hyphen.


  • To join multiple cells with commas: enter the following formula in cell C19:
  • To join multiple cells with spaces: enter the following formula in cell C20:
  • To join multiple cells with hyphens: enter the following formula in cell C21:

5-Concatenate first and last name with delimiter

Read More: How to Combine Names in Excel with Space

Method 3 – Using the Flash Fill Feature

The Flash Fill feature of Excel can recognize a sequence in a provided range and fill the lower cells using the same pattern.


  • Enter the First Name and Last Name manually in cell F5.
  • Go to Home → Editing → Fill → Flash Fill.

6-Use Flash Fill feature

  • Autofill the names of the rest of the cells into column F:

7-using Flash Fill feature to Concatenate names


You can also concatenate names using keyboard shortcuts. Enter the first and last names and press Ctrl + E.

Read More: How to Combine Name and Date in Excel

Method 4 – Using the TEXTJOIN Function

The TEXTJOIN function allows us to add multiple texts or values inside a single cell using a delimiter. Let’s apply it to our First and Last Names with a hyphen as a delimiter.


  • Enter the following formula in cell E5:
  • Use the AutoFill handle to copy the formula to the rest of the cells in column E:

8-Applying the TEXTJOIN function to join first and last names with hyphen

Read More: How to Concatenate Date/Day, Month, and Year in Excel

Method 5 – Using the CONCAT Function

The CONCAT function works similarly to the CONCATENATE function.


  • In cell F5, enter the below formula:
=CONCAT(C5," , ",D5)
  • Press Enter and use Fill Handle to apply this formula to the rest of the cells in column F:

9-Using the CONCAT function to concatenate names with comma

Method 6 – Combining the CHAR and CONCAT Functions

The CHAR function is useful to insert delimiters inside a join formula. In this example, we will combine CHAR and CONCAT functions to concatenate names.


  • In cell E5 enter the following formula and press Enter:
  • Copy this formula down to cell E20 by dragging the AutoFill Handle.

10-Concatenating names with comma by using the CONCAT and CHAR functions

Method 7 – Using a Line Break

In this example, we will concatenate the First Names, Last Names, Designation, and Salary of the employees with a Line break using the Ampersand (&) symbol or CONCATENATE function along with the CHAR function. The CHAR(10) function in Excel returns the character represented by the ASCII value 10, which is a line break or newline character. This function is commonly used to insert line breaks or start a new line within a cell.

7.1 Using the Ampersand Symbol and CHAR Function


  • In cell F5, enter the following formula:
  • Press Enter and then use the AutoFill handle to copy the formula to the rest of the cells in column F.

11.1-Concatenate names with line break using the CHAR function

Now we will concatenate not only names but also other parameters like designations and salary.

  • Enter the following formula in cell G5 and press Enter, then AutoFill the formula to the rest of the cells in column G:
=B5& " "&C5&CHAR(10)& D5 & "- " & E5

11.2-Concatenate names, designations, and salary


Excel occasionally fails to insert a line break when we use the CHAR(10) function. To solve this issue, use the Wrap Text command, which is in the Alignment group under the Home tab.

11.3-Use the Wrap Text command

7.2 – Using the CONCATENATE and CHAR Functions


  • In cell F5, enter the following formula:
=CONCATENATE(B5& " "&C5&CHAR(10)& D5 & "- " & E5)
  • Press Enter and use the AutoFill handle to copy the formula to the rest of the cells in column F.

11.4-Combine names with line break using the CHAR and CONCATENATE functions

Formula Breakdown:

=CONCATENATE(B5& ” “&C5&CHAR(10)& D5 & “- ” & E5)

  • The CONCATENATE function combines the value of cells B5, C5, D5, and E5.
  • The CHAR(10) function breaks the line between the value of cells C5 and D5.

Method 8 – Using the TEXT Function to Concatenate Names and Number Values with Formatting

Now we will join the Name and Salary of the employees, i.e. joining a text value with a number.


  • Enter the following formula in cell F5, and press Enter:
="Salary of"&" "&B5&" "&C5&" "&"is"&" "&TEXT(E5,"$#,#0.00")
  • Drag the AutoFill handle to copy the formula down to cell F16.

11.5-Apply Excel TEXT formula to concatenate names and numbers

Method 9 – Running a VBA Code

Using a VBA Macro, we will combine the First Name and Last Name columns.


  • Press ALT + F11 to bring up the Visual Basic Application (or select the Visual Basic feature from the Developer tab).
  • Select Insert >> Module.

11-Open a Module window from Insert tab

  • Enter the following code in the Module window that opens, and click the Run button or press the F5 key to run the code:
Sub Concatenate_Names()
	Dim lastRow As Long
	Dim i As Long
	'Find the last row of data in column B
	lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
	'Loop through each row and concatenate the values from columns B, and C
	For i = 1 To lastRow
    	Cells(i, "F").Value = Cells(i, "B").Value & " " & Cells(i, "C").Value
	Next i
End Sub

12-Copy and paste the VBA code to run

  • The names are concatenated, along with the header of the columns.

13-Concatenate Names using VBA code

Method 10 – Using Power Query Editor


  • Go to the Data tab.
  • Select From Table/Range from the Get & Transform Data group.

14-Selecting the From TableRange feature

  • In the Create Table window that opens, select the table location and check the My table has headers option.
  • Click OK.

15-Selecting the table’s data range

  • In the Power Query Editor window that opens, select the three columns using Ctrl + Left Click.
  • Go to the Add Column tab.
  • Click on the Merge Columns feature from the From Text group.

16-Apply the Merge Columns feature from the Power Query Editor

  • In the Merge Columns window, select Comma from the separator drop-down list and give the new column a name.
  • Click OK.

17-Select Space as a Separator

The result is as follows:

18-Merged the first name and the last name columns

  • Go to the Home tab and click on Close & Load.

19-Select the Close & Load feature

  • A new column is created containing the joined text as desired

20-Concatenate names using the Power Query Editor

Read More: Excel VBA: Combine Date and Time

How to Separate Names in Excel

Let’s separate the First Name and Last Name from the Names column using the Text to Columns feature.


  • Select the data range of names, for example B5:B16 from our dataset.
  • Go to the Data tab.
  • Select the Text to Columns feature from the Data Tools group.

21-Select the Text to Columns feature from the Data Tools group

The Convert Text to Columns Wizard – Step 1 of 3 dialog box pops up.

  • Check the Delimiter option and click the Next button.

22-Check the Delimiter option

  • Check the Space option from the Delimiters and click Next.

23-Check the Space option as Delimiters

  • Enter =$E$5 in the Destination box.
  • Click the Finish button.

24-Inserting destination value

  • A warning message is displayed.
  • Click OK.

25-Microsoft Excel shows a warning message

The text is separated into columns as desired.

26-Separating the Name into First Name and Last Name

How to Merge Duplicate Names in Excel

If you have duplicate names in a single column and want to merge them to find their total, then the following method will be helpful.


  • Make new fields for storing the results after merging.
  • Go to the Data tab.
  • Choose Consolidate from the Data Tools group.

27-Selection of the Consolidate feature

The Consolidate dialog box will appear.

  • Select Sum under the Function dropdown list.
  • Provide the cell range for consolidating.
  • Check the Left column option from the Use labels in header.
  • Click OK.

28-Select Sum under the Function dropdown list to sum up the duplicate values

The cells that contain duplicate names are merged.

29-Merging the cells that contain duplicate names

Read More: How to Combine Two Formulas in Excel

Things to Remember

  • While writing syntax for functions and the ampersand, take care to insert proper space and quotation marks.
  • Use the Power Query on your data range after converting it into a table. This will make the combination process easier.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I concatenate names with a title or salutation included?

Yes, as a text string within the formula. For example, =CONCATENATE(“Mr. “, A1, ” “, B1) or =”Mr. ” & A1 & ” ” & B1.

2. Can I concatenate names with a specific capitalization format?

Yes, by using functions like UPPER, LOWER, or PROPER. For example, to capitalize only the first letter of each name component, use =PROPER(A1) & ” ” & PROPER(B1).

3. How can I concatenate multiple names with a comma separator?

Use the CONCATENATE function or the ampersand (&) operator. For example, =CONCATENATE(A1, “, “, B1) or =A1 & “, ” & B1.

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Md. Araf Bin Jayed
Md. Araf Bin Jayed

I am Araf. I have completed my B.Sc in Industrial and Production Engineering from Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. Currently I am working as an Excel & VBA Content Developer in Softeko. With proper guideline and aid of Softeko I want to be a flexible data analyst. With my acquired knowledge and hard work, I want to contribute to the overall growth of this organization.

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