How to Create a Fuel Cost Calculator Using an Excel Formula (2 Examples)



Method 1 – Creating a Fuel Cost Calculator for Business Purposes


  • Create a data chart of odometer readings, state-wise fuel cost per gallon, and added fuel across the states.

Creating Dataset for Fuel Cost Calculator

  • We will need to subtract the current odometer reading from the previous odometer reading to find out the total miles crossed to pass Los Angeles, so we have used the following formula.


Giving Formulas find out Miles

  • Press Enter to get the total miles passed on that date.

Giving Formulas find out Miles

  • AutoFill the rest to find distance traveled in each refuel date interval by subtracting first and last odometer readings. The formula will be:


Giving Formulas find out Miles

We will get the full mile crossed on different dates.

Inserting Formulas to find out Miles

  • To find the total cost, multiply gallons of fuel added to the cost per gallon.
  • Enter the formula below:


Finding Total Cost of Fuel

  • Press Enter to get the total cost result.

Finding Total Cost of Fuel

  • AutoFill to get the rest.

Finding Total Cost of Fuel

  • To find the cost per mile, divide the total cost by Miles.


Finding Cost Per Mile

  • Press Enter.

Finding Fuel Cost Per Mile

  • AutoFill it to find the Cost per Mile.

Determining Cost Per Mile

  • To create a chart, select Refuel Date, Total Cost, and Cost Per Mile. Long press Ctrl and select the ranges B4:B10, G4:G10 and H4:H10.
  • Go to Insert and select Create Custom Combo Chart.

Selecting Options for Creating Combo Chart for Fuel Cost

  • Select Combo, and set the Chart Type to Line and Scatter for the Series ‘Total Cost’ and Cost per Mile.
  • Click OK.

Selecting Options for Creating Combo Chart for Fuel Cost

We will get the chart.

Obtained Chart

  • Let’s format the chart a little bit. Removing gridlines makes the chart simple, so we click on the plus icon at the top right side of the chart and uncheck Gridlines.

Formatting the Fuel Cost Calculator Chart

  • We can see that the axis data range is a bit large, so we want to modify it.
  • Double-click on the Fuel Cost data in the chart, and the Format Axis window will appear.
  • Set the Minimum Bounds according to your convenience. The Maximum Bound will automatically update as we set it to Auto.

Setting up Bounds for Total Cost

  • Set the Bound for the Cost per Mile.

Setting up Bounds for Cost per Mile

  • After giving the title Fuel Cost Graph, we get the chart below.

This graph will show the cost variation on different dates.

Fuel Cost Calculator Visualization by Excel Chart

Read More: How to Create Electricity Cost Calculator in Excel

Method 2 – Creating a Fuel Cost Calculator for Domestic Purposes


  • Create a data table for fuel cost for domestic purposes. The colored Total Cost in cell B12 represents the gross fuel cost.

Creating Dataset for Fuel Cost for Domestic Purpose

  • Find the cost per mile by dividing the fuel cost by MPG.


Finding Out Cost Per mile

  • Press ENTER.

finding Out Cost Per mile

  • We will get the individual Total cost by multiplying the Total Miles by the Cost Per Mile.


Total cost for Particular Place

  • Press Enter to find the total cost.

Total cost for Particular Trip

  • We will Autofill the total cost.

Total cost for Particular Place


Total cost for full trips

  • We will get the total fuel cost in Excel.

Total cost for full trips

Read More: Truck Operating Cost Calculator in Excel

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Joyanta Mitra
Joyanta Mitra

Joyanta Mitra, a BSc graduate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has dedicated over a year to the ExcelDemy project. Specializing in programming, he has authored and modified 60 articles, predominantly focusing on Power Query and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). His expertise in VBA programming is evident through the substantial body of work he has contributed, showcasing a deep understanding of Excel automation, and enhancing the ExcelDemy project's resources with valuable... Read Full Bio

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