How to Sort a Unique List in Excel – 10 Methods


The sample dataset showcases Employee Name, ID No., Salary & Rank.



Method 1 – Getting a Sorted Unique List

1.1. Using the Advanced Filter

Use the Advanced Filter.

  •  Select the whole dataset.
  • Go to Data tab > Choose Advanced in Sort & Filter.
  • Set the List range as $C$5:$C$14.
  • Keep the Criteria range blank.
  • Check Copy to another location.
  • Check Unique records only.
  • Click OK.

Sort Unique List Using Advanced Filter

  • This is the output.

Sort Unique List Using Advanced Filter

1.2. Combination of the SORT & UNIQUE Functions

Use the UNIQUE & SORT functions. The UNIQUE function returns a list of unique values from a given range, whereas the SORT function sorts the dataset in a specified order.

  • Use the following formula:

C5:C14 is the cell range for the name of the employee.

The UNIQUE(C5:C14) syntax returns unique values and the SORT function sorts the found unique values in ascending order.

Combination of the SORT & UNIQUE Function

The above picture is the output.

Read More: How to Sort by Last Name in Excel

Method 2 – Sorting a Unique List Based on a Value

A value is given. To find the sorted unique data:

2.1. Using Advanced Filter

  • In the Advanced Filter dialog box, set the List range as $B4:$D14 and the Criteria range as $F4:$F5.

Sort Unique List on the Basis of a Value

  • Click OK to see the output.

Sort Unique List on the Basis of a Value

2.2. Using Function

  • Use the following formula:

C5:C14 is the cell range for the name of the employee, F5 is the given value, and D5:D14 is the cell range for the Rank field.

In the FILTER function, C5:C14  is set as an array. F5=D5:D14 includes the specific value.

The UNIQUE function returns the unique value of the filtered data.

The SORT function sorts the found unique values in ascending order.

  • Press Enter to see the output.

Sort Unique List on the Basis of a Value

Read More: How to Sort Duplicates in Excel

Method 3 – Sorting a Unique List Based on a Cell Range

3.1. Using Advanced Filter

  • In the Advanced Filter dialog box, set the List range as $B$4:$D$14 and the Criteria range as $F$4:$G$5.

List on the Basis of a Cell Range

  • This is the output.

List on the Basis of a Cell Range

3.2. Using a Function

  • Enter the following formula.

C5:C14 is the cell range for the name of the employee, G5 is the given first value, G6 is the second value, and D5:D14 is the cell range for Rank field.

Excel Sort Unique List on the Basis of a Cell Range

Read More: How to Sort by Name in Excel

Method 4 – Sorting a Unique List Based on a Single Criterion

To sort unique values if the salary is greater than or equal to $50000.

4.1. Using the Advanced Filter

  • In the dialog box, specify the List range as $B$4:$D$14 and the Criteria range as $F$4:$F$5.

List Relying on a Single Criteria

  • This is the output.

List Relying on a Single Criteria

4.2. Using a Function

  • Enter the formula below.

C5:C14 is the cell range for the name of the employee, F5 is the given value, and D5:D14 is the cell range for the Rank field.

List Relying on a Single Criteria

Method 5 – Sorting a Unique List Based on Multiple Criteria

To sort the dataset for a salary greater than or equal to $50000 and for a rank equal to 2:

5.1. Using the Advanced Filter

  • In the dialog box, set the List range as $B$4:$E$14 and the Criteria range as $G$4:$H$5.

Sorting Unique List Relying on Multiple Criteria

  • This is the output.

Sorting Unique List Relying on Multiple Criteria

5.2. Using a Function

  • Enter the following formula.

C5:C14 is the cell range for the name of the employee, G5 is the required salary, H5 is the second value, D5:D14 is the cell range for the Salary field, and E5:E14 is the cell range for the Rank field.

Sorting Unique List Relying on Multiple Criteria

Read More: How to Arrange Numbers in Ascending Order with Excel Formula

Method 6 – Creating a Dynamic Sorted Unique List

  • Select the entire dataset.
  • Go to the Insert tab > click Table.
  • Check My table has headers.

Creating an Excel Table

  • The created table (Table1) is stored in Excel.
  • Enter the following formula.

Table1 is the created table for the source data.

Creating Dynamic Sorted Unique List

Press Enter to see the dynamic list of the sorted unique data.

Creating Dynamic Sorted Unique List

  • Insert new data (ID: 1008)  and the list is automatically updated.

Creating Dynamic Sorted Unique List

Read More: How to Sort Merged Cells in Excel

Method 7 – Sorting a Unique List from A to Z (Alphabetically)

  • Enter the formula:

Here, B5:D14 is the dataset.

Unique List from A to Z(Alphabetically)

Method 8 – Sorting a Unique List from Z to A

  • Enter this formula:
=SORT(UNIQUE(B5:D14), ,-1)

B5:D14 is the dataset, and -1 is the descending order.

Unique List from Z to A

Read More: How to Sort in Excel by Number of Characters

Method 9 – Sort the Unique List Horizontally

  • Use this formula.

 C5:C14 is the name of the employee.

Sort Unique List Horizontally

Method 10 – When Some Cells are Blank

To ignore blank cells and sort the unique list in Excel:

  • Enter the formula.

C4:C14 is the name of the employee, ” ”  ignores blank cells.

When Some Cells are Blank

Things to Remember

Name of Errors When Occurs
#CALC! If the UNIQUE function cannot extract the unique values.
#SPILL! If there is any value in the spill range from which the UNIQUE function will return the list.
#VALUE! If the output (sorted unique values) is not available in the given dataset.

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Md. Abdul Kader
Md. Abdul Kader

MD. ABDUL KADER is an engineer with a talent for Excel and a passion for VBA programming. To him, programming is like a time-saving wizard, making data manipulation, file handling, and internet interactions a breeze. His skill set extends to SWM, GIS, RS, and SPSS. He holds a B.Sc in Urban & Regional Planning from Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology and has shifted to become a content developer. In this role, he crafts technical content centred around... Read Full Bio

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