How to Scroll One Row at a Time in Excel – 4 Methods

Observe the GIF:

excel scroll one row at a time overview

Why Is Excel Not Scrolling One Row at the Time?

  • Row Height is manually specified.
  • Mouse settings are set differently.
  • Merged cells affect scrolling frequency.


Consider the dataset below.

You want to scroll one row at a time.


Method 1 – Using Vertical Scroll Arrows

To scroll one row per mouse click, use vertical scroll arrows:

  • Open the Excel file.
  • Place the cursor on Down Arrow in the Vertical Scroll Bar Slider.
    Use of Excel’s Built-in Up-Down Scroll Arrow to Scroll One Row at a Time
  • Left-click the Down arrow.

You will see one row.

Use of Excel’s Built-in Up-Down Scroll Arrow to Scroll One Row at a Time

Click the scroll-up arrow to scroll a row up at a time.

Method 2 – Using Keyboard Keys

Case 1: Using the Up/Down Keys When Scroll Lock Is Disabled or Unlocked

When you’re at the top of the dataset and press the down key, the selection moves one cell at a time.

Pressing Up Down Keys with Scroll Lock Disabled


To scroll one row at a time using the up and down arrow keys with the scroll lock disabled:

  • Select a cell close to the Sheet Name bar. Here, B16.
  • Press Down.
    Scroll One Row at a Time Though Up and Down Key
  • A row will scroll down.
    Scroll One Row at a Time Though Up and Down Key
  • Press Down button further to move down.
    Pressing UpDown Keys with Scroll Lock Disabled
  • Press Up to scroll up a row at a time.


Case 2: Using Up/Down Keys When Scroll Lock Is Enabled or Locked

  • Press the Scroll Lock key to enable it.
  • Press Up or Down.

Excel scrolls one row at a time.

Pressing UpDown Keys with Scroll Lock Enabled

Note: If you can not find the Scroll Lock key on the keyboard, use an on-screen keyboard. Enter osk in your Desktop/PC search box to access it.

Method 3 – Changing the Mouse Settings

  • Go to Search Engine and search Control Panel.
  • Click Open.
  • In the Control Panel window, click Hardware and Sound.
    Change Mouse Setting to Scroll One Row at a Time
  • Click Mouse in Device and Printers. The Mouse Properties dialog box will be displayed.
    Change Mouse Setting to Scroll One Row at a Time
  • In the Wheel tab, choose The following number of lines at a time in Vertical Scrolling.
  • Reduce 3 to 1 and click OK.
    Change Mouse Setting to Scroll One Row at a Time
  • Roll the mouse wheel.
    Using Mouse Wheel to Scroll One Row at a Time

You will see only one row scrolled down or scrolled up at a time.

Limitation: The scroll frequency may vary for larger row heights.

Method 4 – Using Excel VBA

Scenario 1: Manually Scrolling One Row with a VBA Command Button

  • Go to Developer tab > Code > Visual Basic to open the Visual Basic Editor.
    Embedding VBA Code
  • Click Insert > Module.
    Embedding VBA Code
  • To scroll down one row, enter the VBA code below:
    Sub Scroll_Down_One_Row()
        ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=1
    End Sub
  • To scroll up one row, insert another Module in the Insert tab and enter the following code:
    Sub Scroll_Up_One_Row()
        ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Up:=1
    End Sub
  • Click Developer tab > Controls > Insert.
  • Select Button (From Control) to create a button.
    Excel VBA Command button to scroll one row at a time
  • Create two buttons and place them in your worksheet.
    Excel VBA Command button to scroll one row at a time
  • Right-click a button and click Assign Macro.
    Assigning macros to Excel button to scroll one row at a time
  • Select a sub-procedure and click OK. Here, Scroll_Down_One_Row.
    Selecting sub procedure to Excel scroll one row at a time
  • Assign another sub-procedure to the other button. Here Scroll_Up_One_Row().

Clicking the buttons will scroll up or down one row at a time.

VBA to scroll one row at a time in Excel

Note: If you don’t have the Developer tab on the Ribbon, enable the Developer tab. You can also press ‘Alt+F11’ to open the Visual Basic Editor.

Scenario 2: Automatically Scrolling Down Rows After a Certain Period

You want to scroll automatically at 1-second time interval for 10 rows.

  • Click Developer tab > Controls > Insert > Command Button (ActiveX Control).
    scrolling automatically using VBA
  • Create two command buttons and place them in your worksheet.
  • Right-click a command button and click View Code to create a new module.
    scrolling automatically using VBA
  • Enter the VBA code:
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    Dim i As Integer
        For i = 1 To 10
            ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=1
            Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
        Next i
    End Sub
  • Similarly, for the other command button, insert the below VBA code:
    Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
    Dim i As Integer
        For i = 1 To 10
            ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Up:=1
            Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
        Next i
    End Sub

If you click the scroll down button, it will move down one row at a 1-second time interval for 10 rows. Scroll up in the same way.

Excel VBA to scroll one row automatically

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Frequently Asked Question

What is causing Excel to scroll 10 rows at a time instead of 3?

Excel usually moves down three rows at a time while scrolling down with the mouse wheel. If the row height is too small, it might look like you’re scrolling more than three rows. A touchpad software may also cause this situation.

Change the mouse settings on your computer.

How to stop infinite scrolling to limit the visible area in Excel?

  • Click Developer tab > Visual Basic to open the Visual Basic Editor.
  • Click Insert > Module to create a module.
  • Enter the VBA code:
    Sub Stop_infinite_scrolling()
    Dim mysheet As Worksheet
    Set mysheet = ActiveSheet
    mysheet.ScrollArea = mysheet.UsedRange.Address
    End Sub
  • Click the Run button.

Your scrolling will be fixed in your used range.

How to scroll one page at a time in Excel?

To scroll one page at a time, press Page Up or Page Down.

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Yousuf Khan
Yousuf Khan

Yousuf Khan has been working with the ExcelDemy project for over one year. He has written 47+ articles for the ExcelDemy site. He also solved a lot of user problems with ExcelDemy Forum. He has interests in Excel & VBA, Desktop and mobile applications, and projects & templates. He completed his graduation and post-graduation in Information Technology from Jahangirnagar University. Currently, he works as a VBA & Excel Content Developer in ExcelDemy projects, writing unique and informative content... Read Full Bio

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