How to Create a Table from Another Table in Excel (3 Easy Ways)

Method 1 – Merging Multiple Columns to Create Table from Another Table in Excel


  • We use the table below for this example:

Merging Multiple Columns to Create Table from Another Table in Excel

  • Select cell F6.
  • Enter the following formula:
  • Press Enter.

Formula Breakdown
  • ROW($D$6:$D$15)-5),FALSE),ROW()-5): The ROW function returns the row number for reference.
  • IF($D$6:$D$15=F$5,(ROW($D$6:$D$15)-5),FALSE): This section returns the value after checking the condition whether it is true or false.
  • SMALL(IF($D$6:$D$15=F$5,(ROW($D$6:$D$15)-5),FALSE),ROW()-5)),””): The SMALL function outputs a numeric number based on its position inside a list when the values are sorted in ascending order.
  • INDEX($C$6:$C$15,SMALL(IF($D$6:$D$15=F$5,(ROW($D$6:$D$15)-5),FALSE),ROW()-5)),””):  The INDEX function extracts a value from a table or range, or a reference to a value, and returns it.
  • =IFERROR(INDEX($C$6:$C$15,SMALL(IF($D$6:$D$15=F$5,(ROW($D$6:$D$15)-5),FALSE),ROW()-5)),””): The IFERROR function represents the correct result if there is an error.
  • You will now see the first employee’s name in the New Table.
  • Use the Fill Handle tool and drag it to see all the employee names.

  • You will have the following result.

Read More: How to Create Table from Multiple Sheets in Excel

Method 2 – Combining VLOOKUP and COLUMN Functions to Create Table from Another Table in Excel

Let’s say you have two tables and a dataset of employees. Sample Table 1 has the Employee Name and ID columns. Sample Table 2 has two columns with the names Joining Date and ID. Here’s what to do if you want to add the joining dates from Sample Table 2 to your New Table.

Combining VLOOKUP and COLUMN Functions  to Create Table from Another Table in Excel


  • Select cell D19.
  • Enter the following formula.
  • Hit Enter.

Formula Breakdown
  • COLUMN(B18): The COLUMN function returns the particular column number.
  • VLOOKUP($B19,$E$6:$F$15,COLUMN(B18): This portion shows a certain value for a specified range.
  • =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($B19,$E$6:$F$15,COLUMN(B18),FALSE),””): The IFERROR function represents the correct result if there is any error.
  • You will now see the first employee’s joining date.
  • Now use the Fill Handle tool and drag it down from the D19 cell to the D28 cell.

  • You will now get all the employees joining dates as shown in the below image.

Combining VLOOKUP and COLUMN Functions  to Create Table from Another Table in Excel

Read More: How to Mirror Table on Another Sheet in Excel 

Method 3 – Nesting INDEX and MATCH Functions to Create Table from Another Table in Excel

In this example we have two tables, Sample Table 1 and Sample Table 2. Imagine you have to add the employee’s IDs to Sample Table 2.

Nesting INDEX and MATCH Functions to Create Table from Another Table in Excel



  • Select cell C19..
  • Enter the following formula.

=INDEX(Sample_Table1,MATCH(B19,Sample_Table1[Employee Name],0),1)

  • Hit Enter.

Formula Breakdown
  • MATCH(B19,Sample_Table1[Employee Name],0): The MATCH function looks for a specific item within a set of cells, finds it, and then returns the item’s position within the set of cells.
  • =INDEX(Sample_Table1,MATCH(B19,Sample_Table1[Employee Name],0),1): This INDEX function extracts a value from a table or range, or a reference to a value, and returns it.
  • You will now see the first employee’s ID in the below image.
  • Now use the Fill Handle tool and drag it down from cell C19 to cell C28.

  • You will now see all employee IDs listed.

Read More: How to Create Table from Another Table with Criteria in Excel

Download Practice Workbook

You may download the following Excel workbook for better understanding and practice it yourself.

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Bishawajit Chakraborty
Bishawajit Chakraborty

Bishawajit Chakraborty, a Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology graduate with a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, has been associated with ExcelDemy since 2022. Presently, he is a content developer, specializing in Excel Power Query, Data Analysis and VBA. It is worth mentioning that he has authored more than 90 articles on VBA content development. His profound interest lies in the fields of data analytics and data science. He possesses expertise in VBA, Power BI, machine learning, and Python... Read Full Bio

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