How to Count Specific Characters in a Cell in Excel (4 Quick Ways)

Sometimes we need to count only the specific characters in an Excel cell. Different Excel functions make this easy for us. In the article, we are going to learn some of them with examples and explanations.

How to Count Specific Characters in a Cell in Excel: 4 Quick Ways

1. Use of Excel LEN & SUBSTITUTE Functions to Count Specific Character in Cell

The SUBSTITUTE function is a case-sensitive function. To replace one or more characters with another we use this function. On the other hand, the LEN function counts the cell characters. Assuming we have a PRODUCT worksheet. We are going to count the specific character “C” in the cell.

excel count specific characters in cell


  • First, select Cell D5.
  • Then type the formula:

Use of LEN & SUBSTITUTE Functions to Count Specific Character in Excel Cell

  • Next, hit Enter to see how the formula actually worked. We can see the subtracted number here, which is the count of the required specific character.

Formula Breakdown:

  • LEN(C5)
    This will count the number of characters in Cell C5.
  • SUBSTITUTE(C5,”C”,””)
    Then it will replace all the letters “C” into space in Cell C5.
  • LEN(SUBSTITUTE(C5,”C”,””))
    Now this will count the number of characters without the letter C in Cell C5.
  • LEN(C5)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(C5,”C”,””))
    Finally, this will subtract the number of characters without the letter “C” from the total number of characters.

Read more: How to Count Specific Characters in a Column in Excel

2. Counting Specific Characters for Upper or Lower Case Occurrence in Excel Cell

Sometimes we may have a dataset with a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. So, for this type of case-insensitive character count, we need to use the UPPER function or the LOWER function inside the SUBSTITUTE function.

2.1 Upper Case Occurrence

Here we have a PRODUCT dataset.

Upper Case Occurrence


  • First, select Cell D5.
  • Next type formula:

Upper Case Occurrence

Finally, this will subtract the number of characters without the letter “C” from the total number of characters.

  • At last, hit Enter to see the result.

Formula Breakdown:

  • UPPER(C5)
    This will convert all letters of a text string (Cell C5) into uppercase.
    Now this will replace all the letters “C” into space in Cell C5.
    Here this will count the number of characters without the letter C in Cell C5.
    Finally will give the upper-case occurrence.

2.2 Lower Case Occurrence

Let’s say we have a PRODUCT worksheet with a combination of uppercase & lowercase letters.

Lower Case Occurrence


  • At the beginning select Cell D5.
  • Write the formula:

Lower Case Occurrence

  • Lastly, press Enter.

Formula Breakdown:

  • LEN(C5)
    This will count all the characters in Cell C5.
  • LOWER(C5)
    This will convert all letters of a text string (Cell C5) into lowercase.
  • SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(C5),”c”,””)
    Now in Cell C5, this will replace all the letters “c” into space.
    Again this will count the number of characters without the letter c in Cell C5.
    In the end, this will subtract the number of characters without the letter “c” from the total number of characters.

Read More: How to Count Alphabet in Excel Sheet

3. Use of Excel SUMPRODUCT, LEN & SUBSTITUTE Functions to Count Specific Characters in Cell

Sometimes we need to count the specific characters from the whole range to save time. For that, we use the SUMPRODUCT function as it returns the total count of the data and their sum from a specific array. Imagine we have a PRODUCT worksheet. We are going to count the total number of a specific character “C” from the range C5:C8.

Use of Excel SUMPRODUCT, LEN & SUBSTITUTE Functions to Count Specific Characters in Cell


  • Select Cell E5.
  • After that, type the formula:

Use of Excel SUMPRODUCT, LEN & SUBSTITUTE Functions to Count Specific Characters in Cell

  • Hit Enter to see the result.

Formula Breakdown:

  • SUBSTITUTE(C5:C8,”C”,””)
    This will replace all the letters “C” into space in the range C5:C8.
  • LEN(SUBSTITUTE(C5:C8,”C”,””))
    Next, this will count the number of characters without the letter C in the range C5:C8.
  • LEN(C5:C8)
    Further, this will count all the characters in the range C5:C8.
  • LEN(C5:C8)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(C5:C8,”C”,””))
    Lastly, this will subtract the number of characters without the letter “C” from the total number of characters.
    In the end, this will sum up the total array and return the result.

Read More: How to Count Space Before Text in Excel

4. Apply VBA to Count Specific Characters in an Excel Cell

By applying the VBA code, we can quickly count the number of specific characters. Here we have to count the character “C” from the below dataset.

Apply VBA to Count Specific Characters in an Excel Cell


  • First, select the worksheet from the sheet tab at first.
  • Next, right-click on the mouse.
  • Again, select View code.

Apply VBA to Count Specific Characters in an Excel Cell

  • As a result, a VBA Module window pops up.
  • Again, on the window, type the below code.
Option Explicit
Dim x As Integer
Dim a As String
Dim b As Object
Dim y As Integer
Sub a_x()
x = 0
a = InputBox("character(s) to find?")
If a = "" Then GoTo Done
For Each b In Selection
y = InStr(1, b.Value, a)
While y <> 0
x = x + 1
y = InStr(y + 1, b.Value, a)
Next b
MsgBox x & " instance of " & a
End Sub
  • Then select the Run option.

Apply VBA to Count Specific Characters in an Excel Cell

  • As a result, we can see a small Excel message window.
  • Now, type the required specific character “C” in the blank box.
  • Then click OK.

Apply VBA to Count Specific Characters in an Excel Cell

  • Finally, the result appears in a window.

Read More: Excel VBA: Count Characters in Cell

Download Practice Workbook

Download the following workbook and exercise.


These are the quickest ways to count specific characters in an Excel cell. There is a practice workbook added. Go ahead and give it a try. Feel free to ask anything or suggest any new methods in the comment section.

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Nuraida Kashmin
Nuraida Kashmin

Nuraida Kashmin, Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology. Since 2021, she wrote 45+ articles on Excel problems and reviewed over 1000 articles. Currently working as a Project Manager, she is responsible for developing and implementing content strategies, managing writers and editors, staying updated on new technology, analyzing data, and tracking content performance indicators. Her interests include Project Management, Creative Writing, Digital Marketing, Reporting, Monitoring & Documentation, and Online Advocacy for SAP &... Read Full Bio

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