How to Create a Tooltip in Excel Chart (Easy Steps)

What is a Tooltip?

Tooltip is a message or note that appears when the mouse pointer rests on an icon or any graphical interface. In Microsoft Excel, you can put a chart tooltip on a cell. Whenever you hover the mouse pointer over the selected cell, the animation of that chart appears to you as a tooltip.

Dataset Overview

To demonstrate the steps, we’ll us a dataset of Area-wise Sales Reports for 6 months.


Step 1 – Input Raw Data

  • Start by entering your raw data for creating the dynamic chart. We’ll use Area-Wise’s Sales Report dataset for 6 months.
  • Create a serial number for the Month column (see the image).

Input Raw Data to create tooltip in Excel chart

  • In cell C11, insert the following formula:
  • Here, $B$11 is the lookup value (e.g., the selected Area).
  • The function searches for this value in the table array $B$4:$H$7.
  • Set the col_index_num to cell C$9 and range_lookup to 0.
  • This function retrieves the corresponding Sales value based on the selected Area.

VLOOKUP function to create tooltip in Excel chart

The Sales value of Florida has been added. If the Area in B11 is changed, the values will be changed.

Step 2 – Create a Chart

  • Select the entire dataset from B10:H11.
  • Navigate to the Insert tab, choose Insert Column or Bar Chart, and pick Clustered Column.

Create a chart to create tooltip in Excel chart

  • Customize your chart by adding Axis Titles and selecting a suitable style from Chart Styles.

  • Select the chart cells and choose the Merge & Center command in the Alignment section from the Home tab.

Step 3 – Paste Chart as Linked Picture

  • Copy the chart (CTRL + C).
  • Move to another sheet where you want to add the tooltip.
  • Under the Home tab, select the Paste dropdown in the Clipboard group, and choose Linked Picture.

Paste Chart as Linked Picture to create tooltip in Excel chart

  • Name the picture Tooltip.

Step 4 – Add Labels

  • In the Developer tab, choose the Insert dropdown in the Controls section and select Label.

Add labels to create tooltip in Excel chart

  • Label the Area and Sales as needed.

  • Copy Label 1 and paste it for other cells.

Added labels

Step 5 – Customize Labels

  • Select any Label, go to Properties in the Controls section.

Customize labels to create tooltip in Excel chart

  • Customize the label appearance (e.g., change the Name, make BackStyle Transparent, leave Caption blank)

Custom labels window

The tooltip should look similar to the image below.

  • Apply the same steps for the other Labels.

Read More: How to Edit Tooltip in Excel

Step 6 – Employ VBA Code

  • Exit Design Mode in the Controls ribbon group.
  • Navigate to the Developer tab and choose Visual Basic.

  • In the Visual Basic editor, choose the Insert tab, then select Module to create a new module (e.g., Module 1).

  • Enter the VBA code in this module.
Private Sub Florida_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B11").Value = "Florida"
Sheets("Sheet2").Shapes("Tooltip").Left = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("D5").Left
Sheets("Sheet2").Shapes("Tooltip").Top = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("D5").Top
Sheets("Sheet2").Shapes("Tooltip").Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub Arizona_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B11").Value = "Arizona"
Sheets("Sheet2").Shapes("Tooltip").Left = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("D6").Left
Sheets("Sheet2").Shapes("Tooltip").Top =Sheets("Sheet2").Range("D6").Top
Sheets("Sheet2").Shapes("Tooltip").Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub Chicago_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B11").Value = "Chicago"
Sheets("Sheet2").Shapes("Tooltip").Left = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("D7").Left
Sheets("Sheet2").Shapes("Tooltip").Top = Sheets("Sheet2").Range("D7").Top
Sheets("Sheet2").Shapes("Tooltip").Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub Overall_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
Sheets("Sheet2").Shapes("Tooltip").Visible = False
End Sub

Code Breakdown

  • MouseMove Event:
    • We use the MouseMove event to trigger actions when the mouse hovers over the Labels.
    • For each Area (Florida, Arizona, Chicago), we have a separate MouseMove subroutine.
    • The code updates the value in cell B11 (Sheet1) to the corresponding Area name.
  • Positioning the Tooltip Image:
    • We use the Shapes object to manipulate the tooltip image (named Tooltip).
    • The Left and Top properties position the tooltip relative to specific cells (e.g., D5, D6, D7) on Sheet2.
    • When the mouse hovers over an Area, the tooltip becomes visible.
  • Overall MouseMove:
    • The last subroutine (Overall_MouseMove) hides the tooltip when the mouse moves away from any labeled Area.

VBA code to create tooltip in Excel chart

  • Press F5 to run the code.
  • Go to Sheet2 and hover the mouse over an Area to see the tooltip in action.

Created tooltips in excel chart

We have added a GIF to help you understand how the tooltip works.

GIF for tooltips in excel chart

Practice Section

We have provided a practice section on each sheet on the right side for your practice.

Practice Section

Download Practice Workbook

You can download the practice workbook from here:

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Fahim Shahriyar Dipto
Fahim Shahriyar Dipto

Fahim Shahriyar Dipto is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering at BUET. With over 1.5 years of experience at Exceldemy, he authored 70+ articles on ExcelDemy. He has expertise in designing worksheets at You’ve Got This Math. Currently, He is a Team Leader at Brainor. Dipto's passion extends to exploring various aspects of Excel. Beyond tech, he enjoys creating engaging kids' worksheets using Illustrator. A dedicated employee and innovative content developer, He incorporates a commitment to academic excellence and... Read Full Bio

  1. Hii Fahim! Amazing sharing here! I’m currently using Excel 2016 so I dont have the developer tab, so how will this work?

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