How to Display Tooltip on Mouseover Using VBA in Excel

Method 1 – Use VBA Code to Display Tooltip on Mouseover for Text


  • Display tooltips for the Sales Rep To do it, press  Alt+F11 .

Use VBA Code to Display Tooltip on Mouseover for Text

  • Open the Microsoft Visual Basic window.

  • Click on Module under the Insert tab.

  • Module 1 (Code) window will appear. Copy the following VBA code from below and paste it into the window.
Sub Text()
Dim x As Range
 For Each x In Range("B5:B9")
    With x.Validation
        .Add Type:=xlValidateInputOnly, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _
        .IgnoreBlank = True
        .InCellDropdown = True
        .InputMessage = "First Name of Sales Rep"
        .ShowError = True
    End With
Next x
End Sub

Use VBA Code to Display Tooltip on Mouseover for Text

  • We wrote the Input Message “First Name of Sales Rep”. You can type your desired message here.
  • Press  F5   to run the code and go back to your Excel worksheet and click any one of the Sales Rep The Input Message will appear as a tooltip.

Use VBA Code to Display Tooltip on Mouseover for Text

Method 2 – Apply VBA Code to Display Tooltip on Mouseover for Shapes


  • Select the shape and click the right button on your mouse.
  • Click Assign Macro.

 Apply VBA Code to Display Tooltip on Mouseover for Shapes

  • A pop-up box will open. Now click New.

  • A new window to write code will appear.

  • Type the following code in that window to assign the shape to a macro.
Sub Star5Points1_Click()
If Target.Address = Range("C5").Address Then
        Call Star5Points1_Click
    End If
End Sub


 Apply VBA Code to Display Tooltip on Mouseover for Shapes

  • Insert another Module from the Insert tab.

 Apply VBA Code to Display Tooltip on Mouseover for Shapes

  • Copy-paste the following formula into the window.
Sub Shape()
    Dim x As Shape
    Dim y As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Set x = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Star: 5 Points 1")
    If Not x Is Nothing Then
        ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add x, "", "C5", ScreenTip:="Display Tooltip for shape"
    End If
    If ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks(1).SubAddress = "C5" Then
        Call Star5Points1_Click
    End If
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub 

 Apply VBA Code to Display Tooltip on Mouseover for Shapes

  • Press  F5  to run the code.
  • Hover your mouse over the shape and the tooltip will be visible.

 Apply VBA Code to Display Tooltip on Mouseover for Shapes


Method 3 – Run an Excel VBA Code to Display Tooltip on Mouseover for Image


  • Go to the Insert tab and click Shapes.
  • Select Rectangle.

  • Your cursor will look like a “+” sign. Drag your cursor to create a shape around your image.

  • The shape will have a default fill color. To remove the color, right-click on the image and select Fill.

Run an Excel VBA Code to Display Tooltip on Mouseover for Image

  • Click No Fill to make the image visible inside the shape.

  • Double-click inside the shape. It will open a window to write code.
  • Write down the following code there.
Sub Image()
If Target.Address = Range("C5").Address Then
        Call Image
End Sub 

Run an Excel VBA Code to Display Tooltip on Mouseover for Image

  • Insert another Module from the Insert tab and copy-paste the following formula there.
Sub Image()
    Dim x As Shape
    Dim y As Range
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Set x = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Rectangle 3")
    If Not x Is Nothing Then
        ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add xShape, "", "C5", ScreenTip:="Display Tooltip for Image"
    End If
    If ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks(1).SubAddress = "C5" Then
        Call Image
    End If
    Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub 

Run an Excel VBA Code to Display Tooltip on Mouseover for Image

  • Press  F5  to run the code and go back to the Excel sheet.
  • Hover your cursor over the image, it will show your desired tooltip.

How to Display Tooltip on Mouseover Using VBA in Excel

  • Write the tooltip in the code, you want to show while hovering over the text, shape, or image.
  • Assign the shape before running the VBA code; the code will not run.

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Alif Bin Hussain
Alif Bin Hussain

Alif Bin Hussain earned a BSc in Civil Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. As an engineering graduate, he has a deep passion for research and innovation. He loves to play with Excel. In his role as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy, he not only solves tricky problems but also shows enthusiasm and expertise in handling tough situations with finesse, emphasizing his dedication to delivering top-notch content. He is interested in C, C++,... Read Full Bio

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