How to Do Linear Programming with Sensitivity Analysis in Excel – 4 Steps

Linear programming is used to determine the optimal value that satisfies all the constraints and conditions specified by the problems. Excel provides a sensitivity analysis tool,  which allows to vary the variable and see how the outcomes behave.

linear programming sensitivity analysis excel

Introduction to Linear Programming

Linear Programming allows you to perform predictive analysis with prevalent data variables. There are constraints and an objective function.

What Is Sensitivity Analysis?

The Excel Solver can find the solutions to  Linear Programming problems.

Consider the following business problem:

A manufacturer has two kinds of products, ‘A’ & ‘B’. A unit of product A requires three raw materials, P 25 kg, Q 35 kg, and R 10 kg. Product B requires P 15 kg, Q 20 kg, and R 15 kg. The Manufacturer needs a minimum of P 500 kg, Q 850 kg, and R 300 kg. If A costs $35 per unit and B costs $30 per unit, how many units of each product should the manufacturer blend to meet the minimum raw material requirements at the lowest possible, and what is the price?


STEP 1 – Enable the Solver in Excel

The Solver is an MS Excel add-in program. It is deactivated by default. To enable it:

  • Go to File ➤ Options.
  • Select Add-ins.
  • Choose Excel Add-ins in Manage.
  • Click Go.

Enable solver from options

  • In the Add-ins dialog box, check Solver Add-in.
  • Click OK.

solver add-ins inclusion

  • The Solver program is displayed in Analyze in the Data tab.

Solver initiation

Read More: How to Use Excel Solver for Linear Programming

STEP 2 – Enter the Constraints

You’ll blend x units of product A and y units of B. The total cost will be $35x + $30y. This is the objective function and you want to minimize this cost. At the same time, you have to meet the requirements: 25x + 15y >= 500, 35x + 20y >= 850, 10x+15y >= 300, x >= 0 and y >= 0 are the constraints:

  • Enter the costs per-unit of A and B.
  • Enter the materials.
  • Enter the minimum required amounts.

Input Constraints to execute linear programming sensitivity analysis excel

STEP 3 -Create an Excel Formula

  • Enter the value of x in C5 and y in D5.
  • Select E6 and enter the formula:


  • Press Enter.
  • It’ll return 0 or blank as C5 and D5 are empty.

Create Excel Formula to linear programming sensitivity analysis excel

  • Select E9 and enter the formula:


  • Press Enter to see the values.
  • Drag down the Fill Handle to see the result in the rest of the cells.
  • The results are 0, as C5 and D5 are empty.

the finalized formula for all products for the optimum cost

STEP 4 -Solve Linear Programming with Sensitivity Report

  • Select Solver in the Data tab.
  • In the Solver Parameters dialog box, choose E6 in Set Objective.
  • Select Min.
  • Select C5:D5 as variable cells.
  • Click Add to add the constraints.

Solve Linear Programming with Sensitivity Report in Excel

  • In the Add Constraint dialog box, choose C5:D5.
  • Select >= (greater than or equal to).
  • Enter 0 in Constraint:.
  • Click Add.

add constraint

  • Choose E9:E11 as the minimum requirement constraints.
  • Select >= .
  • Select tG9:G11 in Constraint:.
  • Click OK.

change constraint

  • You’ll see the constraints.
  • Click Solve.

choose solving method

  • In the dialog box, select Keep Solver Solution.
  • Select Sensitivity in Reports.

selection of Sensitivity from reports

  • Click OK.
  • This is the output.

Finalized sensitivity report with linear programming.

Read More: How to Find Optimal Solution in Linear Programming Excel

Interpreting the Sensitivity Analysis in Excel

A Sensitivity analysis report shows how variables can be changed or altered and to what extent.

Here, allowable increases and decreases show how the optimal value outcome can be altered and still remain optimal.

Sensitivity analysis with explanations

Download Practice Workbook

Download the following workbook.

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Rubayed Razib Suprov
Rubayed Razib Suprov

Rubayed Razib, holding a BSC degree in Naval Architecture & Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, serves as a devoted member of the ExcelDemy project. He has contributed significantly by authoring numerous articles and showcasing proficiency in VBA. Razib efficiently automates Excel challenges using VBA macros and actively participates in the ExcelDemy forum, providing valuable solutions for user interface challenges. Apart from creating Excel tutorials, he is interested in Data Analysis with MS Excel,... Read Full Bio

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