Excel Remove Characters From Right (5 ways)

Consider the following dataset. The table represents the order information of different users. The columns are Name with ID, Order, Name, and Order Quantity. We’ll separate the numbers and the text from the first two columns and put them in new ones.

Sample Datasheet

Excel Remove Characters From the Right: 5 ways

Method 1 – Using the LEFT Function to Remove Characters from the Right

  • Select the cell where you want to place your new value after removing the last character. We chose D4.
  • Use the following formula in the Formula Bar:

Using left Function to remove right characters

  • Press Enter.

The last character from the selected B4 cell will be removed.

Using left Function to remove right characters

Only removing a single character doesn’t match the context of our example, so let’s remove multiple characters.

  • Use this formula to remove the last five characters from cell B4:

Using left Function to remove multiple characters from right

  • Press Enter.

Using left Function to remove multiple characters from right

  • Apply the Fill Handle to AutoFit the formula for the rest of the cells.

Using left Function to remove multiple characters from right

Method 2 – Use VALUE and LEFT Function for Numeric Values

Let’s extract the order quantity (the number at the start of the Order value).

  • Select the cell where you want to place your new value after removing the characters from the right. We selected the B4 cell.
  • Use the following formula.

Using VALUE Function to remove multiple characters from right

  • Press Enter. The string characters of the C4 cell will be removed from the right. You will only see the numeric values in Number format in the Order Quantity column.

Using VALUE Function to remove multiple characters from right

However, the formula removes eight characters regardless of the length of the string, so it won’t work for all cells in the example.

Using VALUE Function to remove multiple characters from right

Method 3 – Remove Characters From the Right using VBA

  • Go to the Developer tab and select Visual Basic. You also can use Alt + F11.

Using VBA

  • A new window for Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications will appear. Open the Insert tab and select Module.

Using VBA to remove character

  • This opens a new Module.

Using VBA to remove character

  • Insert the following code for the function named RemoveRightCharacter in the module.
Function RemoveRightCharacter(str As String, cnt_chars As Long)
RemoveRightCharacter = Left(str, Len(str) - cnt_chars)
End Function

Using VBA to remove character

  • Save the code and go back to the worksheet.
  • Select a cell where you want to keep your new value after removing the character from the right.
  • Use the following formula:

Using VBA to remove character

  • Press Enter.
  • Based on the arguments, the function removes 5 characters from cell B4 and copies the rest into the result cell.

Using VBA to remove character

  • To apply the formula to remove the string name from the order value, use the following function in E4.

Using VBA to remove numeric character

  • Press Enter.

Using VBA to remove numeric character

Method 4 – Remove the Right Character Using Flash Fill

  • Create a pattern example to use Flash Fill.
  • We provided the first example, Steve, by manually typing it.
  • Select the example value and open the Data tab, then select Flash Fill.

Using Flash Fill command

  • The keyboard shortcut to use Flash Fill is Ctrl + E.
  • This fills in the column based on the pattern.

Using Flash Fill command

  • Repeat the process to extract the order number from column C into column E. You need to manually input the digits in E4 and use Flash Fill.

Using Flash Fill command

  • After Flash Fill, the right characters of the rest of the cells will be removed.

Using Flash Fill command

Method 5 – Remove Characters From Either Side at Once

We’ll modify the dataset to include all information in a single cell, then extract pieces.

Using MID function

  • Select a cell where you want to keep your new value after removing the character from both left and right. We chose cell D4.
  • Use the following formula to extract the name from cell B4:
=MID(B4, 11+1, LEN(B4) - (10+6))

Using MID function

  • To apply the formula, press Enter.

Using MID function to remove both left and right character

  • Modify the function for the other cells depending on where the name starts in a particular cell.

Using MID function to remove both left and right character

Practice Section

We have attached two extra sheets to practice these methods.

Practice shhet1

Download the Practice Workbook

Excel Remove Characters from Right: Knowledge Hub

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Shamima Sultana
Shamima Sultana

Shamima Sultana, BSc, Computer Science and Engineering, East West University, Bangladesh, has been working with the ExcelDemy project for 3+ years. She has written and reviewed 1000+ articles for ExcelDemy. She has also led several teams with Excel VBA and Content Development works. Currently, she is working as the Project Manager and oversees the day-to-day work, leads the services team, allocates resources to the right area, etc. Her work and learning interests vary from Microsoft Office Suites, and... Read Full Bio

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