How to Hide and Unhide Columns in Excel (7 Methods)

Dataset Overview

To demonstrate these methods, we’ve prepared a dataset showing information about targets, sales, and profits for a set of products during the first half of the year in a company.

How to Hide and Unhide Columns in Excel

Method 1 – Use Context Menu to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • First, select the column you want to hide (e.g., Column D).

Use Context Menu to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • Right-click on the selected column and choose Hide from the Context Menu.

Use Context Menu to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • Column D will no longer be visible in the worksheet.
  • You’ll notice a double line on the headings bar, indicating a hidden column.

  • To unhide column D, select adjacent columns C and E.

Use Context Menu to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • Right-click and choose Unhide from the Context Menu.

Use Context Menu to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • Alternatively, drag the cursor icon to the right to reveal the hidden column.

Read More: How to Hide Columns with Button in Excel

Method 2 – Hide and Unhide Columns with Format Tool

  • Select the column you want to hide (e.g., Column E).
  • If hiding multiple columns, press Ctrl and select the desired columns.

Hide and Unhide Columns with Format Tool in Excel

  • Go to the Home tab and click Format under the Cells group.

Hide and Unhide Columns with Format Tool in Excel

  • Choose Hide & Unhide from the Visibility section of the Format drop-down.
  • Select Hide Columns.

Hide and Unhide Columns with Format Tool in Excel

  • Column E will be hidden, indicated by double lines in the headings bar.

  • To unhide, select adjacent columns C and E.

  • Go to the Format drop-down and choose Unhide Columns.

Hide and Unhide Columns with Format Tool in Excel

Read More: Hide Columns with No Data in Excel

Method 3 – Apply Group Feature to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • Select columns C and D.

Apply Group Feature to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • Go to the Data tab and choose Group under the Outline section.

Apply Group Feature to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • The Group feature activates, grouping columns C and D.

Apply Group Feature to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • Click the Minus () icon to hide the columns.

Apply Group Feature to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • To unhide, click the Plus (+) icon.

Apply Group Feature to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • You can also use the toggle view (click 1 to hide and 2 to unhide).

  • To disable this feature, go to the Home tab and select Ungroup under the Outline section.

Note: You can also use the Auto Outline tool in the Group feature if your dataset has the SUM function or the SUBTOTAL function.

Method 4 – Insert Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Select any cell or adjacent cells (e.g., cell E7).

Insert Keyboard Shortcuts to Hide and Unhide Columns in Excel

  • Press Ctrl + 0 to hide Column E.

Insert Keyboard Shortcuts to Hide and Unhide Columns in Excel

  • To unhide, press Alt and then type H + O + U + L sequentially on your keyboard.
  • It will unhide column E like the image below:

Read More: How to Hide Columns Without Right Click in Excel

Method 5 – Change Column Width to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • Select column C or more than two columns if desired.

Change Column Width to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • Right-click and choose Column Width.

Change Column Width to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • In the new window, type 0 as the column width and press OK.

Change Column Width to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • The column is now hidden.

  • To unhide it, select any cell and type the cell reference of the hidden column in the Name box (e.g., C1).
  • You’ll see a cursor icon over the hidden column.

Change Column Width to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • Go to the Home tab, click Format under the Cells group, and select Column Width from the drop-down.

Change Column Width to Hide and Unhide Columns

Change Column Width to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • Type a numeric value to determine the hidden column width and press OK.

Change Column Width to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • Column C will be unhidden.

Read More: How to Hide Multiple Columns in Excel

Method 6 – Hide and Unhide Columns with Excel VBA

  • Go to the Developer tab and select Visual Basic under the Codes group.

Hide and Unhide Columns with Excel VBA

  • In the Visual Basic window, choose Module from the Insert section.

Hide and Unhide Columns with Excel VBA

  • Insert the following code on the blank page:
Sub HideColumns()

    Columns("D").EntireColumn.Hidden = True

End Sub

Hide and Unhide Columns with Excel VBA

  • Click the Run Sub button or press F5 on your keyboard.

Hide and Unhide Columns with Excel VBA

  • Column D will be hidden.

  • To unhide it, create a new Visual Basic page and insert this code:
Sub UnhideColumns()

    Cells.EntireColumn.Hidden = False

End Sub

Hide and Unhide Columns with Excel VBA

  • Run this code with a similar procedure to unhide column D.

Note: To hide more than one column, use this code. Here the column range is variable according to the dataset. For example, we have taken column range A:C.

Sub HideMultipleColumns()

    Columns("A:C").EntireColumn.Hidden = True

End Sub

Method 7 – Use Go To Feature to Hide and Unhide Columns

  • First, select column B and right-click on it.
  • Click Hide to hide column B.

  • You can see that column B is hidden.

  • To unhide it, go to the Home tab and click Find & Select.

Use Go To Feature to Hide and Unhide Columns 

  • Choose Go To from the drop-down.

Use Go To Feature to Hide and Unhide Columns 

  • Insert the reference as B1 in the Go To window (since our hidden column is B) and press OK.

Use Go To Feature to Hide and Unhide Columns 

Note: In the case of more than one column, type Reference as a range of columns. For example, type B:C as the reference.
  • If the hidden column is still not visible:
    • Go to the Home tab, select Format under the Cells group, and click Unhide Columns.

  • You will be able to see the hidden column B.

Read More: How to Hide Extra Columns in Excel

How to Check the Number of Hidden Columns in Excel?

  • Go to the File tab on the Excel ribbon.

How to Check Number of Hidden Columns in Excel

  • Navigate to Info and click Check for Issues.
  • Select Inspect Document from the drop-down.

How to Check Number of Hidden Columns in Excel

  • Choose your preferred option regarding saving the file.

  • In the Document Inspector window, ensure that Hidden Rows and Columns are marked.
  • Click Inspect to find the result of hidden columns in the worksheet.

How to Check Number of Hidden Columns in Excel

  • You will find the result of hidden columns in this worksheet.

How to Check Number of Hidden Columns in Excel

Download Workbook

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Sanjida Mehrun Guria
Sanjida Mehrun Guria

Hello! Welcome to my blog. I have completed my Bachelor in Architecture from Ashanullah University of Science & Technology, Dhaka. I am a passionate, goal-oriented person with an immense thirst for knowledge and an attitude to grow continuously. Besides Architectural work, I find it very enthusiastic to work in Excel blogging. Exceldemy is a platform where I have got the opportunity to flourish my skill in Microsoft Excel and therefore, here I will be posting blogs related to... Read Full Bio

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