Tracker in Excel (Task Tracker, Progress Tracker and so on)

A tracker in Excel can be used for many purposes including project management, inventory management, event planning, data organization, employee tracking, and more. The versatility and flexibility of Excel allows you to create many types of tracker.

Tracker in Excel

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How to Create a Tracker in Excel

In our example we have information about specific tasks. We have the category, importance, and status of those tasks.

Task Details

  • Put the tasks in range C5:C14.

Put the Task Names in the Task Tracker

  • Select range D5:D14 >> go to the Data tab >> choose Data Validation from the Data Tools group.

Data Validation for Category Column in Task Tracker

  • Set the Data Validation dialog box as shown below. Put this formula into the source bar.
='Task Details'!$B$5:$B$8

Data Validation Dialog Box

  • You will see a drop-down box in all the cells of the Category column.

Drop-down Menu

  • Use the drop-down box and fill up all the cells of the Category column.

Values from Drop-down List

  • Repeat these steps and perform Data Validation for the Importance and Status columns. The source bar in the Data Validation dialog box will have different formulas.

Source formula of Data Validation for Importance Column:

='Task Details'!$D$5:$D$7

Data Validation for Importance Column in Task Tracker

Source formula of Data Validation for Status Column:

='Task Details'!$F$5:$F$6

Data Validation for Status Column in Task Tracker

  • Now fill up range E5:F14 with the help of the drop-down boxes and complete the task tracker.

Create Task Tracker

  • You can get information about a particular task. Put the Serial of the task in cell C4.

Information of an Individual Task

  • Put these formulas based on the VLOOKUP function in range C5:C8 to see the information of the task.

Formula in cell C5:

=VLOOKUP($C$4,'Task Tracker'!B5:F14,2)

Formula in cell C6:

=VLOOKUP($C$4,'Task Tracker'!B5:F14,3)

Formula in cell C7:

=VLOOKUP($C$4,'Task Tracker'!B5:F14,4)

Formula in cell C8:

=VLOOKUP($C$4,'Task Tracker'!B5:F14,5)

Insert Formulas to Get the Information of a Task

  • You can also create a task summary. To do this, go to cell C5 and put enter the following formula based on the COUNTIFS function:
=COUNTIFS('Task Tracker'!$D$5:$D$14,Summary!$B5,'Task Tracker'!$F$5:$F$14,Summary!$C$4)
  • Use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range C6:C8.

Formula to Create Task Summary

This formula will only count the number of cells if the value in cell B5 (Work) and cell C4 (Completed) of the Summary worksheet matches any value in range D5:D14 and range F5:F14 in the Task Tracker worksheet respectively.

  • Go to cell D5 and enter this formula based on the COUNTIFS function:
=COUNTIFS('Task Tracker'!$D$5:$D$14,Summary!$B5,'Task Tracker'!$F$5:$F$14,Summary!$D$4)
  • Select cell D5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range D6:D8.

Formula Based on COUNTIFS Function to Create Task Summary

  • Select cell E5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range E6:E8.

Formula Based on SUM Function to Create Task Summary

  • Now select range B4:E8 >> go to the Insert tab >> select Column Chart option >> choose an appropriate Column Chart.
  • You will see a Column Chart with the summary for each category of your tasks.

Insert a 2-D Column Chart

How to Create Different Trackers in Excel

1. Create a Real Time Tracker in Excel

Design the dataset in the following way.

  • Enter the value of hourly payment in cell C4.
  • Fill up the Employee ID and Name columns.

Format to Create Real Time Tracker

  • Select range D7:E16 >> go to the Home tab >> select Time format from the Number group.

Convert Number Format into Time

  • Fill up the Start Time and End Time columns for each employee.

Put Start and End Time

  • Select cell F7 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range F8:F16.

Put Formula Based on TEXT Function

  • Go to cell G7 and put this formula based on the combination of HOUR and MINUTE functions.
  • Select cell G7 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range G8:G16.

Create Real Time Tracker

2. Create Workflow Tracker in Excel

We can use the following format to create a workflow tracker.

Format to Create Workflow Tracker

  • Go to cell E5 and enter this formula.
  • Select cell E5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range E6:E14.

Use Formula to Create Workflow Tracker

  • Put the actual number of days spent for each task in range F5:F14.

Put Values to Create Workflow Tracker

  • Select range G5:G14 >> go to the Home tab >> change the number format into Percentage.

Convert Number Format into Percentage

  • Go to cell G5 and enter this formula.
  • Select cell G5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range G6:G14.

Calculate Progress in the Workflow Tracker

=IF(G5=100%,"Complete","In Progress")
  • Select cell H5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill data in range H6:H14.

Create Workflow Tracker

3. Create a Progress Tracker in Excel

3.1. Use Conditional Formatting

  • Follow Method 2 step-by-step to create a progress tracker.

Create a Progress Tracker

  • Select range G5:G14 >> go to the Home tab >> Conditional Formatting >> New Rule.

Conditional Formatting of the Progress Tracker

  • Set the New Formatting Rule dialog box as shown below.

Set up New Formatting Rule Dialog Box

  • You will see the progress tracker with data bars in each cell of range G5:G14.

Create Progress Tracker with Conditional Formatting

3.2. Use Bar Chart

We will use the same progress tracker as shown in the previous method.

Create a Progress Tracker in Excel

  • Now select range B4:B14, press the Ctrl button, and select range G4:G14.
  • Go to the Insert tab >> select Bar Chart option >> choose an appropriate Clustered Bar Chart.

Select a Bar Chart to Show Progress

  • You will see the bar chart of the progress tracker in your worksheet. You can give it a suitable title.

Progress Tracker with a Bar Chart

3.3. Apply Check Boxes and Circle Chart

We will use the following format to create a progress tracker with check boxes and a circle chart.

Format of the Progress Tracker

  • Select cell D5 >> go to the Developer tab >> click on Insert >> choose Check Box (Form Control).

Insert Check Box from Form Controls

  • Create a check box in cell D5.
  • Select cell D5 and use Fill Handle to AutoFill to create checkboxes in range D6:D14.

Insert Check Boxes into Cells

  • Right-click on the check box in cell D5 >> select Format Control.

Format Control of the Check Box

  • Set the Format Control dialog box as shown below.
  • Insert $E$5 in the Cell Link bar and click OK.

Link the Check Box to Another Cell

  • Now do the same for the rest of the check boxes in range D6:D14 and enter the corresponding cell of column E in the Cell Link bar of Format Control dialog box.
  • Tick the check boxes of the completed tasks and you will see TRUE (if checked) or FALSE (if unchecked) in the corresponding cells of the Task Completion column.

Progress Tracker with Check Boxes

  • Now select range G5:H5 and change the number format into Percentage.

Convert Number Format of Cells into Percentage

  • Go to cell G5 and enter the following formula which combines COUNTIF and COUNT functions:

Calculate Task Progress

Formula Breakdown

COUNTIF(E5:E14,TRUE): This portion of the formula counts the number of cells in range E5:E14 if any cell value matches the text TRUE.
Result: 6

COUNT(B5:B14): This portion counts the total number of cells in range B5:B14.
Result: 10

COUNTIF(E5:E14,TRUE)/COUNT(B5:B14): This formula returns the percentage of cells that include the text TRUE in range B5:B14.
Result: 60.00%

  • Go to cell H5 and enter this formula into the cell.

Calculate Remaining Task

  • Select range G4:H5 >> go to the Insert tab >> select the Doughnut chart.

Select Doughnut Chart

  • You will see a circle chart in your worksheet. Give the chart an appropriate title.

Progress Tracker with a Circle Chart

Templates of Tracker in Excel

1. Inventory Tracker in Excel

You can also create an inventory tracker in Excel. An inventory tracker can be used to monitor and manage in example a company’s inventory. You can use the inventory tracker below:

Inventory Tracker in Excel

2. Project Progress Tracker in Excel

A project progress tracker is a very handy tool in our day-to-day life. You may need a progress tracker to monitor different activities of your employees who are working on a project and to keep track of their progress. This type of tracker enables companies to have more control and a higher efficiency in managing their employees.

Project Progress Tracker in Excel

3. Fully Functional To Do List

Excel comes with powerful features and functions to create a fully functional to do list. The list below is very flexible, easy to customize, and you can use it to keep track of your day-to-day activities.

Fully Functional To Do List

Things to Remember

  • Select the source for Data Validation carefully.
  • Select the desired range of cells before setting the Conditional Formatting dialog box.
  • Keep your tracker updated.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the best practices for organizing data in an Excel tracker?

You should use consistent headings and group interconnected information together. It is better to use separate sheets or tabs for different sections or categories. You should keep an organized data structure that is easy to understand and navigate.

2. How do I set up data validation to ensure accurate data entry in my tracker?

To set up data validation in Excel follow these steps:

  • Select the cells where you want to apply validation.
  • Go to the Data tab.
  • Click on Data Validation, and specify the validation criteria such as whole numbers, decimal numbers, dates, or values from a specific list. You can also set custom validation rules to meet your specific requirements.

3. How can I protect my tracker from accidental modifications or unauthorized access?

To protect your tracker,

  • Go to the Review tab.
  • Click on Protect Sheet or Protect Workbook and set a password to prevent unauthorized modifications.

You can also restrict editing permissions and specify who can make changes to the workbook.


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Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni
Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni

Md. Abu Sina Ibne Albaruni holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He is a dedicated employee of the ExcelDemy project. He has written quite a large number of articles for ExcelDemy. Besides, he has expertise in VBA. He efficiently automates Excel issues using VBA macros and actively engages in the ExcelDemy forum, offering valuable solutions for user interface challenges. His areas of interest in work and study span MATLAB, Machine Learning,... Read Full Bio

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