How to Connect Dots in a Scatter Plot in Excel – 5 Steps


What Is a Scatter Plot?

A Scatter Plot is a graph that represents the relationship between two variables. The independent variable is plotted on the horizontal (x) axis, whereas the dependent variable is plotted on the vertical (y) axis.

Scatter Plots are used in data analysis, as they show:

  • the trend of the dataset.
  • the maximum and the minimum values of the dataset.
  • if the relationship between the variables is linear or non-linear.

Scatter Plot

In the scatter plot above air Temperature and Speed have a linear relationship.

The sample dataset showcases Month, Marketing Expense, and Revenue in USD.

Dataset 1

 Step 1 – Add a Series to the Scatter Plot

  • Select D4:D13 (the Revenue column).
  • Hold CTRL and select B4:B13 (the Month column).
  • Go to Insert > Insert Scatter (X,Y) or Bubble Chart.

Insert Scatter Plot

  • Choose Scatter.

Insert Scatter Plot

 Step 2 – Add a Second Series in the Scatter Plot

  • Select the chart and right-click.
  • Choose Select Data.

How to Connect Dots in Scatter Plot Excel Using Chart

  • Click Add.

How to Connect Dots in Scatter Plot Excel Using Chart

  • In Edit Series, click Select Range.

How to Connect Dots in Scatter Plot Excel Using Chart

  • Select C4 (Marketing Expense).

How to Connect Dots in Scatter Plot Excel Using Chart

  • Choose the values for the X and Y axes and click OK.

How to Connect Dots in Scatter Plot Excel Using Chart

A second series is added to the Scatter Plot.

  • Click OK.

How to Connect Dots in Scatter Plot Excel Using Chart

 Step 3 – Add a Legend to the Scatter Plot

  • Select the chart and go to Chart Elements > Legend.
  • Select a location for the Legend. Here, Top.

How to Connect Dots in Scatter Plot Excel Using Chart

Step 4 – Connect the Dots and Add Data Labels

  • Select the chart and right-click.
  • Choose Change Chart Type.

How to Connect Dots in Scatter Plot Excel Using Chart

  • Click Scatter with Straight Lines and Markers and click OK.

How to Connect Dots in Scatter Plot Excel Using Chart

 Step 5 – Add Data Labels

  • Go to Chart Elements > Data Labels.
  • Choose a position for the Data Labels. Here, Above.

How to Connect Dots in Scatter Plot Excel Using Chart

This is the output.

Scatter Plot

How to Add a Trendline to a Scatter Plot in Excel 

Add a trendline to see the relationship between Marketing Expenses and the Revenue it generates.

 Step 1 – Insert a Scatter Plot

  • Select C4:D13 (Marketing Expense and Revenue columns).
  • Go to the Insert tab and select Insert Scatter (X,Y) or Bubble Chart.

Using Trendline

 Step  2 – Format the Axes of the Scatter Plot

  • Select the chart and go to Chart Elements > Axes > More Options.

Scatter Plot

  • Specify the Minimum value for the X-axis, here 40.

Format Axis

 Step  3 – Add the Trendline to the Scatter Plot

  • Go to Chart Elements > Trendline > More Options.

How to Connect Dots in Scatter Plot Excel Using Trendline

  • Choose Linear trendline.

There are other types of trendlines.

  • Name the trendline.

How to Connect Dots in Scatter Plot Excel Using Trendline

  • Change the Color and the Dash type in the trendline.

How to Connect Dots in Scatter Plot Excel Using Trendline

This is the output.

How to Connect Dots in Scatter Plot Excel Using Trendline

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Eshrak Kader
Eshrak Kader

Eshrak Kader is a dedicated professional with a BSc. Degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He boasts a rich background in Microsoft Office Suite, and over the past year, he has authored over 120 insightful articles for the ExcelDemy. Currently, Eshrak leads a team of 5 in the ExcelDemy Video project and enjoys problem-solving and making videos on Excel. Eshrak’s passion for continuous learning underscores his commitment to excellence in... Read Full Bio

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