Souptik Roy

About author

Souptik Roy, a BSc graduate in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, dedicated 1.5 years to the ExcelDemy project. During this time, he authored 50+ articles and reviewed 20+ for ExcelDemy. Presently, he is a designer and content developer at YouHaveGotThisMath and Brainor, sister concerns of ExcelDemy. His educational content spans science, mathematics, and grammar. Roy's interests include developing creative ideas, visualizing concepts with tools like Adobe Illustrator, and problem-solving within Microsoft Office Suites.


Designer and Content Developer at YouHaveGotThisMath and Brainor in SOFTEKO.

Lives in

Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Education in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology.


Content writing, C, C++, AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator, Excel, Microsoft Office, Abacus.



  • Started as Excel & VBA Content Developer on 16 August 2022.
  • Currently working as a Designer and Content Developer for Project YouHaveGotThisMath and Brainor.
  • Former Part-time Content Reviewer- 10 Minute School - from November 2021-August 2022.
  • Former Part-Time Content Writer - Bengal Society- from October 2021- August 2022

Research & Publication

Latest Posts From Souptik Roy

How to Use the Timer Function in Excel VBA – 3 Examples

  VBA Timer Function Overview Description The VBA Timer returns the fractional value of a second. Syntax Timer Return Value ...

How to Get Excel VBA Combobox with RowSource Named Range

In this article, I will show you how to create Excel VBA Combobox using RowSource named range with four easy steps. While using Excel, you may need to do a ...

How to Create an Excel Data Connection to Another Excel File – 3 Methods

This is the sample dataset. Method 1 - Using the Connections Function to Create an Excel Data Connection to Another Excel File   ...

How to Delete a Text Box in Excel – 3 Methods

  This is the sample dataset. Method 1 - Applying a Generic Method to Delete Text Box in Excel A text box was added under the dataset. ...

How to Calculate Delta Delta CT in Excel: 4 Methods

Method 1 - Getting Average CT Add two columns in E and H called the Average CT of both. The first one is for the Housekeeping Gene and the second for the ...

How to Extract Data from Multiple Web Pages into Excel

The dataset we will use has two columns called Year and URL, which link to articles of top movies for the respective year. We will use those URLs to extract ...

How to Randomize a List in Excel Into Groups: 5 Suitable Ways

Method 1 - Randomize a List in Excel Into Groups Using RAND Function Steps: Select the C5 cell and copy the following formula into it. =RAND() ...

How to Write 1st 2nd 3rd in Excel (3 Easy Ways)

We will use the following dataset. It has three columns B, C, and D for the Student ID, Name, and Position. You can see the position has ordinal numbers ...

How to Calculate the Working Days in a Month in Excel – 3 Methods

In the table below a formula was used to return the working days, minding public holidays. Method 1 - How to Calculate Working Days in a Month in ...

How to Format Latitude and Longitude in Excel (Two Methods)

Dataset Overview In this tutorial, we’ll explore two methods for formatting latitude and longitude data in an Excel spreadsheet. Let’s assume you have a ...

How to Convert Zip Codes to States Using Excel Formulas (5 Methods)

Dataset Overview In this tutorial, we’ll work with a dataset containing the maximum and minimum zip codes for each state in the United States. The dataset has ...

How to Create a Multiplication Formula in Excel (5 Easy Ways)

While working on an Excel worksheet, you must perform different operations. One of these operations is Multiplication. There are different ways to multiply two ...

The Excel Cursor is Not Showing – 6 Solutions

Consider the following dataset. Solution 1 - Restart Your Computer Steps: Save your Excel file. Click Windows. Select the power button. ...

How to Use IF and COUNTIF Functions Together in Excel

Let’s consider the following dataset about the Products of ABC Traders. The dataset has two columns, B and C, called Year and Products. The dataset ranges from ...

How to Make Hotel Balance Sheet Format in Excel

Introduction to Hotel Balance Sheet A balance sheet summarizes the financial situation of an organization like a hotel. It lists the assets, liabilities, and ...

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