Excel Basics

How to Create a Formula in Excel to Calculate Percentage

Whether you're analyzing sales data or tracking student grades, percentages are an essential part of any data analysis.  Excel makes it easy to ...

How to Swap Axis in Excel (3 Practical Examples)

In this tutorial. We will learn three practical examples of how to swap axis in Excel. Excel charts are frequently used in reports and corporate ...

Character Code for Check Mark in Excel (5 Suitable Findings)

Say you want to make a to-do list. So, what will you do? Make a list, and after finishing the work, you will give a check mark on that job, right? ...

Sparklines Are Not Showing in Excel (6 Simple Solutions)

Microsoft Excel has a useful feature called "Sparklines" that enables you to make small graphs or charts inside of individual cells to show data ...

How to Use Excel Color Scale Based on Text (2 Suitable Examples)

You can apply color scales based on values. This is helpful if you want to rapidly recognize particular values depending on their color. Use color ...

How to Press Enter in Excel Without Changing Cells (2 Easy Ways)

Pressing the Enter key indicates the inserted data is accepted. The selection then moves into the cell below usually. This process ensures a quick ...

Double Headed Arrow in Excel: All Things You Need to Know

Double-headed arrow in Excel represents the resizing and adjustment of a column or row. Also, it is a way to scroll the sheet. You can use the ...

How to Use Intersection Operator in Excel (5 Handy Examples)

An intersection operator or operation is a very useful tool to determine the intersection between various columns and rows' cell values. It can ...

How to Concatenate Different Fonts in Excel (2 Easy Ways)

Many Excel users need to combine text from numerous cells into one cell where they use the Excel CONCATENATE function. However, you may want to ...

How to Filter Email Addresses in Excel (5 Easy Ways)

Email addresses are an important way of communicating in today's digital world. Excel, a popular spreadsheet program, can be an effective tool for ...

[Solved!] Excel Dialog Box Is Hidden (3 Solutions)

The problem is if a dialog box is open in Excel, the program won't close, and sometimes you can't use other commands until you close the box. This ...

Excel Data Validation for Date Format (4 Suitable Examples)

We use Excel in our day-to-day life. One important aspect while using Excel is that we need to use date and time every now and then. You may have ...

How to Merge Cells in Excel Without Merging Actually

One of the most commonly used features in Excel is merging cells, which allows you to combine multiple cells into a single, larger cell. While this ...

How to Create Multiple Folders at Once from Excel

Are you tired of manually creating multiple folders on your computer? Do you have a long list of folder names in an Excel sheet that you want to ...

Prevent Excel from Converting to Scientific Notation in CSV Data

Are you tired of dealing with Excel's automatic conversion of large numbers to scientific notation when importing data from a CSV file? Don't worry, ...

Advanced Excel Exercises with Solutions PDF


