How to Solve a Cubic Equation in Excel (2 Ways)

We’ve arranged the equation on a worksheet using the following image for our calculation process. Here, we have shown the variables and the coefficients separately.

2 Easy Ways to Solve Cubic Equation in Excel

Method 1 – Utilizing the Goal Seek Feature to Solve a Cubic Equation in Excel


  • Make a new table under the main data set to show the results after calculation.
  • Set 0 as the initial value of X.

Utilizing Goal Seek Feature to Solve Cubic Equation in Excel

  • Use the following formula to determine the value of Y when the initial value of X is zero.

Determing Y for Utilizing Goal Seek Feature to Solve Cubic Equation in Excel

  • Press Enter to get the value for Y, which is 12.

  • After finishing all the calculations, go to the Forecast group of the ribbon.
  • Choose the What-If Analysis.

  • From the dropdown menu, select Goal Seek.

  • We will solve an equation for X when Y is given.
  • After choosing the command from the previous step, you will see the Goal Seek dialog box.
  • In the “Set cell” type box, input the cell address that will be the final output of this goal.
  • In the “To value” type box, set the new output for the cell chosen in the previous step.
  • In the “By changing cell” type box, select the cell, and we will get the above outcome by altering it.
  • Press OK.

  • After pressing OK, the Goal Seek feature will take some time to show the result after calculation.
  • Here, to change the value of Y to 20, the value of X must be around 0.36304, which is one of the roots of this cubic equation.

Showing FInal Result for Utilizing Goal Seek Feature to Solve Cubic Equation in Excel

Read More: How to Solve Polynomial Equation in Excel

Method 2 – Using Solver Add-in to Solve a Cubic Equation


  • Make a data table to show the results, just like the previous method.
  • Calculate the value of Y from the formula shown in the previous discussion.

Using Solver Add-in to Solve Cubic Equation in Excel

  • Before going to the calculator, we need to activate the add-in.
  • Go to the File tab of the ribbon.

  • Select Options from the Excel Home window.

  • Go to the Add-ins tab in the Excel Options dialog box.
  • In the Manage section, choose Excel Add-ins and select Go.

Read More: How to Solve an Equation for X When Y is Given in Excel 

  • Mark the box beside Solver Add-in and press OK.

  • You will see the Solver command in the Data group.
  • Click on it.

  • You will see the Solver Parameters dialog box.
  • We have to set some parameters.
  • In the Set Objective type box, select cell C13, which has a value of Y.
  • Set the “Value Of” type box to 20. This sets the value of Y.
  • Get the output 20 by changing the X value in cell B13.
  • Ensure the solving method is nonlinear, as our equation is not linear.
  • Press Solve.

Read More: How to Solve 2 Equations with 2 Unknowns in Excel

  • After reviewing all the inputs, the Solver will show the final result.
  • In our case, the value of X is 0.36304.
  • If we enter this value into the equation, we will get the value of Y as 20.

Showing Final Result for Using Solver Add-in to Solve Cubic Equation in Excel


  • As both the Goal Seek and Solver need to input a value first for the calculation, you have set the value of Y = 20 in the first place.
  • As in many cases, a cubic equation may have a simple root and more than one complex root. So, both the above methods will show the simple root.

Read More: How to Solve Polynomial Equation in Excel

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Md. Araf Bin Jayed
Md. Araf Bin Jayed

I am Araf. I have completed my B.Sc in Industrial and Production Engineering from Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. Currently I am working as an Excel & VBA Content Developer in Softeko. With proper guideline and aid of Softeko I want to be a flexible data analyst. With my acquired knowledge and hard work, I want to contribute to the overall growth of this organization.

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