How to Solve Simultaneous Equations in Excel – 3 Easy Methods

You have to solve 2 linear equations for X and Y.

3X – Y = 5

4X – Y = 2

solving simultaneous equations in excel


Method-1 – Utilizing the MMULT and the MINVERSE Functions

Combine the MMULT and MINVERSE functions to solve 2 equations with 2 unknowns.


  • Select D13:D14  and enter the following formula.


Here, the B9:C10 and D9:D10  represent the X and Y coefficients and the constant values on the right-hand side of the equation.

Note: Press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER since this is an array formula.

Formula Breakdown:

  • MINVERSE(B9:C10) → returns the inverse matrix for the matrix stored in an array. Here, the function returns the values of the inverse matrix.
  • =MMULT(MINVERSE(B9:C10),D9:D10)→ returns the matrix product of two arrays. Here, the function multiplies the inverse matrix array with the values on the RHS and gives the output.

Utilizing MMULT and MINVERSE Functions

This is the output.

solving simultaneous equations with MMULT and MINVERSE Functions

Method-2– Solving Simultaneous Equations with an Excel Add-in


  • In C13 cell >> enter the LHS of the linear equation:


Here, D9 and D10 indicate the Initial Values of X and Y.

Simultaneous Equations Solver with Excel’s Add-in

  • Enter this formula in C14.


solving simultaneous equations in excel

  • Click the File tab.

Go to File

  • Choose Options.

Excel Options

  • Click  Add-ins >> select Solver Add-in >> click Go.

g Solver add-in

In the Add-ins dialog box:

  • Choose Solver Add-in >> click OK.

The Solver Add-in is added.

Solver Add in

  • Go to the Data tab >> click Analyze >>choose Solver.

Solver option

IIn the Solver window:.

  • In Set Objective, enter C13.
  • In To options, select Value Of  and enter the value of the constant, here, 5.
  • In By Changing Variable Cells, enter C8:C9.
  • Click Add to set the constraints.

In the Add Constraint window:

  • Enter C13 in Cell Reference.
  • Choose an equal sign (=) from the dropdown list >>enter D13 in the Constraint field >> Click Add.

Add constraints

  • Repeat the same procedure to add a second constraint and click OK.

  • Choose Simplex LP in Select a Solving Method.
  • Click Solve.

solving simultaneous equations in excel

  • Check Keep Solver Solution and click OK.

solving simultaneous equations in excel

This is the output.

solving simultaneous equations in excel

Read More: How to Solve 2 Equations with 2 Unknowns in Excel

Method-3: Solve Simultaneous Equations with 3 Variables Applying the Cramer’s Rule

Cramer’s rule is a formula in linear algebra to solve a system of equations in Excel with multiple unknowns.


  • In C11, enter the C6 cell reference.


C6 cell points to the coefficient of X.

Solve Simultaneous Equation with 3 Variables Applying Cramer’s Rule

  • Enter all values and press CTRL + 1.

Using Format Cells

In Format Cells:

  • Select Border and follow the steps shown in the image below.

Format borders

  • Go to C15 >> enter the values in the RHS column.
  • Enter the coefficients of Y and Z in the next two columns.

Finding Determinant

  • Enter the values for Dy in the second column.

Calculating Determinant

  • Enter the values for Dz in the third column.

  • Go to G12 and enter the formula below.


the MDETERM function calculates the determinant of the C11:E13 array.

Using MDETERM Function

  • Enter the determinants of x, y, and z.

Solve Simultaneous Equation with 3 Variables Applying Cramer’s Rule

  • Go to I6 cell and enter the formula below.


G16 and G12 represent the values of  Dx and D.

Solve Simultaneous Equation with 3 Variables Applying Cramer’s Rule

This is the output.

Solve Simultaneous Equation with 3 Variables Applying Cramer’s Rule

Read More: How to Solve an Equation for X When Y is Given in Excel 

How to Solve Quadratic Equations in Excel


  • Go to E10 and enter the quadratic equation.

=5*E9^2 - 4*E9 - 9

E9 refers to the values of X.

Solving Quadratic Equations in Excel

  • Go to the Data tab >> click What-If Analysis >> select Goal Seek.

Using Goal Seek

In Goal Seek:

  • In Set cell, enter E10 >> in To value, enter 10 >> in By changing cell >> select E9.

Goal Seek option

This is the output.

Solving Quadratic Equations in Excel

Read More: How to Solve Polynomial Equation in Excel

How to Solve Linear Equations in Excel Using the Solver


  • Go to C15 and enter the linear equation.


D10, D11, and D12 indicate the Initial Values of X, Y, and Z.

Solving Linear Equations in Excel Using Solver

Repeat the same process for the other two equations.

  • Go to the Data tab >> click Analyze >> choose Solver.

Using Solver option

  • Follow the steps described in Method 2.

Solving Linear Equations in Excel Using Solver

This is the output.

Solving Linear Equations in Excel Using Solver

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Kawser Ahmed
Kawser Ahmed

Kawser Ahmed is a Microsoft Excel Expert, Udemy Course Instructor, Data Analyst, Finance professional, and Chief Editor of ExcelDemy. He is the founder and CEO of SOFTEKO (a software and content marketing company). He has a B.Sc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. As a Udemy instructor, he offers 8 acclaimed Excel courses, one selected for Udemy Business. A devoted MS Excel enthusiast, Kawser has contributed over 200 articles and reviewed thousands more. His expertise extends to Data Analysis,... Read Full Bio

  1. Hi,
    I am trying to solve linear equations with multiple unknowns. Sample below. Problem is I have only one equation with multiple unknows
    I need a excel function to give possible values for the variables in above equation. Anyone knows how to do it?

    P.S: I am not looking for solutions where we have three unknowns and hence we cant solve with less than three questions. I need to know what are the possible (not unique) values that satisfies the above equation


  2. Need more lessons on solving quadratic and linear equations.

  3. Very helpful! Thank You

  4. thank you so much it was really helpful 😀

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