How to Merge Rows with Commas in Excel (4 Methods)

Dataset Overview

In this article, we’ll explore four methods for merging rows with commas in Excel. Unfortunately, there isn’t a direct way to merge rows together. Instead, we’ll first combine the cells within each row and then merge the rows using commas. Let’s dive into the techniques.

To explain the methods, we will use a dataset that contains information about the Department and the Age of some employees of a company.

Apply Different Functions to Merge Rows with Comma in Excel

Method 1- Using Excel Functions

1.1 Using the CONCATENATE Function

The CONCATENATE function allows us to combine cell values. Follow these steps:

  • Create a Helper column.
  • In cell E5, enter the formula:
=CONCATENATE(B5," ",C5," ",D5)

Apply Different Functions to Merge Rows with Comma in Excel

  • Press Enter to see the result.

Apply Different Functions to Merge Rows with Comma in Excel

  • Drag the Fill Handle down to apply the formula to the remaining cells.

Apply Different Functions to Merge Rows with Comma in Excel

  • In an empty cell, use the formula:

Apply Different Functions to Merge Rows with Comma in Excel

  • Press Enter. This will display the merged rows with commas.

Apply Different Functions to Merge Rows with Comma in Excel

1.2 Using the TEXTJOIN Function

The TEXTJOIN function combines text from different cells. Here’s how:

  • Create another Helper column.
  • In cell E5, enter the formula:

Combine Rows with Comma Using Excel TEXTJOIN Function

  • Press Enter to see the result.

Combine Rows with Comma Using Excel TEXTJOIN Function

  • Drag down the Fill Handle to apply the formula to other cells.

Combine Rows with Comma Using Excel TEXTJOIN Function

  • In cell B10, use the formula:

Combine Rows with Comma Using Excel TEXTJOIN Function

  • Press Enter. This will give you the merged rows with commas.

Combine Rows with Comma Using Excel TEXTJOIN Function

1.3 Using the CONCAT Function

The CONCAT function is similar to CONCATENATE and can also merge cell values. Follow these steps:

  • Create yet another Helper column.
  • In cell E5, enter the formula:
=CONCAT(B5," ",C5," ",D5)

Merge Rows with Comma Using CONCAT Function

  • Press Enter to see the result.

Merge Rows with Comma Using CONCAT Function

  • Drag the Fill Handle down to autofill the formula.

Merge Rows with Comma Using CONCAT Function

  • In an empty cell, use the formula:

Merge Rows with Comma Using CONCAT Function

  • Press Enter.  This will display the merged rows with commas.

Merge Rows with Comma Using CONCAT Function


Combine the TRANSPOSE and CONCATENATE functions:

  • Select Cell B10.
  • Enter the formula:

This will convert the first value from each row in Column B into a single row with comma separators.

  • Press Enter to see results like the picture below.

Use TRANSPOSE Function to Combine Rows in Excel with Comma

  • To show the Department and Age, use the formula:

Use TRANSPOSE Function to Combine Rows in Excel with Comma

Method 2 – Merge Rows in Excel Using the Ampersand (&) Operator

In this method, we’ll explore how to merge rows in Excel using the Ampersand (&) operator. We’ll continue using the same dataset to illustrate the process. Let’s dive into the steps:

  • Create a Helper column to merge the cells within each row.
  • Select cell E5.
  • Enter the formula:
=B5&" "&C5&" "&D5

Merge Rows in Excel with Comma Using ‘&’ Operator

  • Press Enter to see the result.

Merge Rows in Excel with Comma Using ‘&’ Operator

  • Autofill the formula down to apply it to the remaining cells.

Merge Rows in Excel with Comma Using ‘&’ Operator

  • In an empty cell, use the formula:

Merge Rows in Excel with Comma Using ‘&’ Operator

  • Press Enter to display the merged rows with commas.

Merge Rows in Excel with Comma Using ‘&’ Operator

Read More: How to Merge Rows in Excel Based on Criteria

Method 3 – Excel Flash Fill

The Flash Fill feature in Excel allows us to quickly merge rows with a specific pattern. Follow these steps:

  • Select cell E5.
  • Enter the values from cells B5, C5, and D5 with spaces (as shown in the picture).

Excel Flash Fill to Merge Rows with Comma

  • Select the cells you want to fill (starting from E5).

  • Go to the Home tab and choose Fill from the drop-down menu.
  • Select Flash Fill.

  • The results will automatically populate (see picture).

  • Select Cell B10 and enter the formula:

  • Press Enter to see the merged rows with commas.

Read More: How to Merge Rows and Columns in Excel

Method 4 – Using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

In this method, we’ll create a user-defined function using VBA to join rows with a comma separator. Follow these steps:

  • Select cell E5 and enter the formula:

  • Press Enter and drag the Fill Handle down to apply the formula.

  • Go to the Developer tab and select Visual Basic to open the Visual Basic window.

  • Click Insert and choose Module to open the Module window.
  • Enter the following code in the Module window:
Function Merge(xWorkRg As Range, Optional Sign As String = ",") As String
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xOutSr As String
For Each xRg In xWorkRg
If xRg.Text <> " " Then
xOutSr = xOutSr & xRg.Text & Sign
End If
Merge = Left(xOutSr, Len(xOutSr) - 1)
End Function

  • Press Ctrl+S to save the code.
  • Close the Visual Basic window.
  • Enter the following formula in Cell B10:

  • Press Enter to see the merged result.

Read More: How to Merge Rows in Excel without losing Data

Things to Remember

  • These methods work for merging rows with values in multiple columns.
  • For merging rows in a single column, adjust the cell positions accordingly.
  • To use a different separator, replace the comma in the formula with your desired separator.

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Mursalin Ibne Salehin
Mursalin Ibne Salehin

Mursalin Ibne Salehin holds a BSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. Over the past 2 years, he has actively contributed to the ExcelDemy project, where he authored over 150 articles. He has also led a team with content development works. Currently, he is working as a Reviewer in the ExcelDemy Project. He likes using and learning about Microsoft Office, especially Excel. He is interested in data analysis with Excel, machine learning,... Read Full Bio

  1. Have any idea about VBA or Formula Without Helper Column ?

    • Hi BIPLAB,
      Thanks for your query. You can build a formula with the nested CONCAT function. In that case, you don’t need any helper column. For the dataset we have discussed in the article, the formula will be:
      =CONCAT(CONCAT(B5,” “,C5,” “,D5),”,”, CONCAT(B6,” “,C6,” “,D6),”,”,CONCAT(B7,” “,C7,” “,D7),”,”,CONCAT(B8,” “,C8,” “,D8))
      You can also use the VBA code below. To apply this, you need to select the rows of the first column of the dataset and then run the code from the Macro window.

      Sub Merge_Rows_with_Comma()

      Dim iSelection As Range
      Dim iRow As Range
      Dim iCell As Range
      Dim iStr As String

      Application.ScreenUpdating = False
      On Error Resume Next
      Set iSelection = Intersect(Selection, ActiveSheet.UsedRange)

      For Each iRow In iSelection.Rows
      For Each iCell In iRow.Cells
      iStr = iStr & ” ” & VBA.Trim$(iCell)
      Next iCell
      iRow.Cells(1, 1).NumberFormat = “@”
      iRow.Cells(1, 1) = Mid(iStr, 2)
      iStr = vbNullString
      Next iRow

      For Each iCell In iSelection
      iStr = iStr & “,” & VBA.Trim$(iCell)

      With ActiveWindow
      .Selection(1, 1).NumberFormat = “@”
      .Selection(1, 1).Value = Mid(iStr, 2)
      End With
      End Sub

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