How to Merge Rows with Same Value in Excel (5 Quick Ways)

Our sample datasheet contains 3 columns: Customer Name, Product Name, and Product Price. Some Customer Names are repeated. We will merge those cells and show them in a single cell.

Excel Merge Rows with Same Value

Method 1 – Merge Rows with the Same Value with Merge & Center

  • Select the rows with the same value you want to merge.
  • Open the Home tab and expand the Merge & Center option.
  • Select Merge & Center.

Merge Rows with Same Value from Excel Ribbon

  • A dialogue box will pop up with a message that says Excel keeps the upper-left value.
  • Click on OK.

  • You will get the merged rows where the value is in the center.

You can also merge rows specifying cells.

  • Select the rows you want to merge.
  • Open the Home tab and expand the Merge & Center option.
  • Select Merge Cells from the drop-down menu.

Excel Merge Rows with Same Value

  • It will merge the rows with the same value.

Method 2 – Apply the Consolidate Command to Merge Rows in Excel

  • Select a cell where you want to keep merged rows with the same value. We separated the Customer Name and the Product Price columns and selected a cell from it.

Apply Consolidate Command to Merge Rows in Excel

  • Open the Data tab and select Consolidate under the Data Tools category.

  • A dialogue box will pop up from where you can select the functions given. We selected the SUM function.

  • Take the Reference of the cell range B5:D14 as we want to consolidate them.
  • Add this in All references.
  • Check Left column as we’re merging the Customer Name values and summing by Product Price.

Apply Consolidate Command to Merge Rows in Excel

  • Click on OK.
  • You will get the merged values with the SUM of Product Price.

Method 3 – Use the IF Function to Merge Rows with the Same Value

  • Select the cell range B5:B14 as we want to sort the Customer Names alphabetically.
  • Go to the Data tab and click on Sort & Filter.
  • Choose Sort A to Z.

Use IF Function to Merge Rows with Same Value

  • Create a new column E titled Merged Rows with Same Values.
  • Select cell E5 and insert this formula.
=IF(B5=B4,E4&", "&C5,C5)

Use IF Function to Merge Rows with Same Value

  • The function will start comparing consecutive values. The first value doesn’t have anything above it so it returns just the value from that row.

  • Select the Cell E5 cell and double-click on the bottom-right corner to copy the formula for the rest of the cells.
  • This shows the merged values of the same rows.

Method 4 – Merge Multiple Rows with the Same Value Using Excel VBA

  • Sort the rows based on the cell you want to merge.
  • We selected the Cell range B5:B14 as we want to sort by the Customer Name column.
  • Click on Sort from the Data tab.

Merge Multiple Rows with Same Value Using Excel VBA

  • The Sort Warning dialogue box will pop up.
  • Choose the option Expand the selection and click on Sort.

  • Select Customer Name as the Sort by option.
  • Click on OK.

  • This will provide the sorted values of the Customer Name.

  • Press Alt + F11 to open the Microsoft Visual Basics for Applications window.
  • Choose Module from the Insert tab.

  • Copy this code in the Code window.
Option Explicit
Sub MergeSameCells()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim rg As Range
For Each rg In Selection
If rg.Value = rg.Offset(1, 0).Value And rg.Value <> "" Then
Range(rg, rg.Offset(1, 0)).Merge
GoTo MergeCells
End If
End Sub

Merge Multiple Rows with Same Value Using Excel VBA

  • Press F5 to run the code.
  • Click on Run in the Macros window.

  • You will get the merged rows.

Read More: How to Combine Rows with Same ID in Excel

Method 5 – Create a Helper Column to Merge Identical Rows

  • Select the cell range B5:B14.
  • Select Data and go to Outline, then choose Subtotal.

Create Helper Column to Merge Same Valued Rows

  • You will get a warning message window. Click on OK.

  • You will get the Subtotal dialogue box.
  • Keep the selections as shown below and click on OK.

Create Helper Column to Merge Same Valued Rows

  • You will get a helper column next to the original dataset.
  • Select the cell range B5:B20.

  • Press Ctrl + G on your keyboard to open the Go To window.
  • Click on Special.

  • Select Blanks in the Go To Special window and click on OK.

Create Helper Column to Merge Same Valued Rows

  • All the blank cells will be selected.

  • Select Home, then go to Alignment and choose Merge & Center.

  • Choose Format Painter from the Home tab.

  • You will get a Brush icon.
  • Hover it through the Customer Name column to match the format of the helper column.

  • Open the Subtotal window again.
  • Choose Count in the Use function list.
  • Choose Product Price under the Add subtotal to box.
  • Press Remove All and then delete the helper column.

Create Helper Column to Merge Same Valued Rows

  • You will get the merged rows.

Read More: How to Merge Rows in Excel Based on Criteria

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Further Readings

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Shamima Sultana
Shamima Sultana

Shamima Sultana, BSc, Computer Science and Engineering, East West University, Bangladesh, has been working with the ExcelDemy project for 3+ years. She has written and reviewed 1000+ articles for ExcelDemy. She has also led several teams with Excel VBA and Content Development works. Currently, she is working as the Project Manager and oversees the day-to-day work, leads the services team, allocates resources to the right area, etc. Her work and learning interests vary from Microsoft Office Suites, and... Read Full Bio

  1. Thank you so much for this, saved me a lot of hours of work!

  2. Very useful. thanks

  3. Merging “visually” (i.e. keeping the value and the sorting/filtering features) same values in column is a feature that has been missing in Excel for many years! About 20 years ago already, I had developped a VBA macro of the kind shown here to merge the cells, but I believe MS should include such feature in the core Excel…

  4. Reply
    REGIONAL DEPUTY DIRECTOR, DOA. M.Z-II Sep 13, 2024 at 3:59 PM

    Run time Error ‘1004’ for the line of code
    If rg.Value = rg.Offset(1, 0).Value And rg.Value “” Then
    what to do next

    • Hello,

      In our Excel file the code is working perfectly without errors.
      The possible reasons of getting errors in you end might be: Selecting a range at the edge of the worksheet or having non-contiguous selections.

      You can add a check to avoid out-of-bounds errors:

      If Not rg.Offset(1, 0) Is Nothing Then
          If rg.Value = rg.Offset(1, 0).Value And rg.Value <> "" Then
              Range(rg, rg.Offset(1, 0)).Merge
              GoTo MergeCells
          End If
      End If 

      This prevents the code from trying to access an offset that doesn’t exist (the last row in the selection).


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