How to Create a Maternity Leave Calculator in Excel – 6 Easy Steps

This is an overview of the maternity leave calculator. It calculates  Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and Statutory Maternity Leave (SML).

Overview of Maternity Leave Calculator in Excel


Step 1 – Create a Dataset

  • Enter Employee Name, Joining Date, and Basic Salary in columns B, C, and D.
  • Enter data.

Introducing Dataset to Create Maternity Leave Calculator in Excel

Open a new sheet and add the following headers:

  • Expected Due Date:  date of birth.
  • Latest Date to Qualify for SMP: apply the Statutory Maternity Pay by adding 41 weeks before the child’s birth.
  • Qualify for SMP?: To qualify for the additional SMP, the employee must have a minimum 1-year service.
  • Deadline to Notify for Maternity Leave: 15 weeks before the child’s birth.
  • Earliest Date to Commence: 11 weeks before maternity leave.
  • Maternity Pay: Total maternity payment based on the basic salary.
  • Payment Before Leave: Half the total payment.
  • Payment After Leave: Half the total payment.

Another Dataset to Create Maternity Leave Calculator in Excel

Read More: How to Create Leave Tracker in Excel

Step 2 – Utilize the Data Validation Feature to Import Data from a Table Array

  • Select B5 and go to the Data tab → Data Validation in Data Tools.

Using Data Validation Feature for maternity leave calculator excel

  • Select Settings → Choose List in Allow → in Source, select the table used in Step 1.
  • Click OK.

Data Validation Dialog Box

  • Click the Dropdown icon in B4 to see the employee list.

Result of Data Validation

Step 3 – Merge the VLOOKUP and the IFERROR Functions to Display Data

Combine the VLOOKUP and the IFERROR, functions.

  • Enter the following formula in C5,
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B5,'Employee List'!$B$4:$D$9,2,0),"")
  • Press Enter or Tab.

Joining VLOOKUP and IFERROR functions to create maternity leave calculator in Excel

  • Enter the following formula in D5,
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B5,'Employee List'!$B$4:$D$9,3,0),"")
  • Press Enter.

Joining VLOOKUP and IFERROR functions to create maternity leave calculator in Excel

Formula Breakdown:
  • VLOOKUP(B5,’Employee List’!$B$4:$D$9,3,0) looks for the 3rd row of the data in B5 in B4:D9.
  • IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B5, ‘Employee List’!$B$4:$D$9,3,0),””) It returns a blank cell if there’s missing data or an error.

Read More: How to Create Employee Monthly Leave Record Format in Excel

Step 4 – Combine the IF Function and Excel Formulas to Set the SMP Conditions

Use the IF function and Excel formulas to determine the maternity leave timeline.

  • Enter the formulas and press Enter or Tab:
  • In  D9:

subtracts 41 weeks from the Expected Date in D7.

Joining Excel formula and IF function in D9 to create maternity leave calculator in Excel

  • In D10:
=IF(D9>C5, "Qualified", "Not Qualified")

determines if the condition is True or False and returns Qualified or Not Qualified.

Joining Excel formula and IF function in D10 to create maternity leave calculator in Excel

  • In D11:

Joining Excel formula and IF function in D11 to create maternity leave calculator in Excel

  • In D12:

Joining Excel formula and IF function in D12

Read More: How to Track Employee Vacation Time in Excel

Step 5 – Merge the IF and the IFERROR Functions to Calculate the Maternity Pay

To determine the payment:

  • Enter the following formulas and press Enter.
  • In D14:
=IFERROR(IF(D10="Qualified",D5*52, D5*26),"")

Joining IFERROR and IF functions to create maternity leave calculator in Excel

  • In D15:

Calculate Payment Before Leave

  • In D16:

Calculate Payment After Leave

Formula Breakdown
  • IF(D10=”Qualified”, D5*52, D5*26) multiplies 52 by the Basic Salary if the employee is Qualified. Otherwise, by 26.
  • IFERROR(IF(D10=”Qualified”, D5*52, D5*26),””) returns blank cells if the reference cells are blank.

Read More: How to Create Employee Leave Record Format in Excel

Step 6 – Track Maternity Timeline and Analyze the Maternity Leave Calculator

In our final step, we will input the necessary dates and employee names and track their leave timeline. Further, we will visually analyze and test our data. The following instructions will guide you to do so.

  • Enter the due date in D7.
  • Go to B5 and select the employee.
  • Observe the GIF.

Gif Output to Create maternity leave calculator in Excel

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Yousuf Khan
Yousuf Khan

Yousuf Khan has been working with the ExcelDemy project for over one year. He has written 47+ articles for the ExcelDemy site. He also solved a lot of user problems with ExcelDemy Forum. He has interests in Excel & VBA, Desktop and mobile applications, and projects & templates. He completed his graduation and post-graduation in Information Technology from Jahangirnagar University. Currently, he works as a VBA & Excel Content Developer in ExcelDemy projects, writing unique and informative content... Read Full Bio

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