How to Perform the Left Join in Excel – 3 Methods


There are 2 datasets below. The first dataset contains Product ID and Name. The second one contains Product Name, salesperson’s name, and value of Sales.

Left Join in Excel

Method 1 – Using the Power Query Editor to Perform Left Join in Excel


Step 1: Create Tables in Excel

  • Select B4:C9.
  • Go to the Insert tab >> click  Table.

Use Power Query Editor to Perform Left Join in Excel

  • In Create Table, the cell range is selected.
  • Check My table has header option.
  • Click  OK.

Creating Table to Perform Left Join in Excel

  • Go Table Design >> name the table in Table Name. Here, Product_List.

  • Create a table for E4:G9.
  • In Table Design >>Name it Sales in Table Name.

Step 2: Create Connections in Power Query Editor

To create connections:

  • Select the Product_List table.
  • Go to the Data tab >> click From Table/Range.

Create Connections to Perform Left Join in Excel

  • The table will open in the Power Query Editor.
  • Click  Close & Load >> select Close & Load To.

Opening Power Query Editor to Perform Left Join in Excel

  • In Import Data, select Only Create Connection.
  • Click OK.
  • Create a connection for the Sales Table.

Opening Import Data Box to Perform Left Join in Excel

Step 3:  Merge Tables

  • Go to the Data tab >> click Get Data >> click Combine Queries >> select Merge.

Merging Tables to Perform Left Join in Excel

  • In Merge, select the Product_List table and its Product column.
  • Select the Sales table and its Product column.
  • Select Left Outer as Join Kind.
  • Click OK.

Opening Merge Box to Perform Left Join in Excel

  • Merge1 table will open in the Power Query Editor.

  • Click the sign shown in the image below.
  • Check Sales Person and Sales.
  • Uncheck Use original column name as prefix.
  • Click OK.

The two columns are merged.

  • Click Close & Load >> select Close & Load To.

  • In Import Data, select Table.
  • Select Existing worksheet and enter B11 in the box.
  • Click OK.

This is the output.

Read More: How to Combine Two Tables Using Power Query in Excel

Method 2 – Left Join Applying the Excel VLOOKUP Function

Ue the VLOOKUP function to join data from the left in Excel.


  • Select B4:C9 and press Ctrl + C.

Left Join Applying Excel VLOOKUP Function

  • Select B11 and press Ctrl + V.

  • Add the Sales Person and Sales columns to the copied dataset.

  • Select D12 and enter the following formula.

  • Press Enter, and you will see the value of both Sales Person and Sales.
  • Drag down the Fill Handle tool to autofill the formula.

In the VLOOKUP function, C12 is the lookup_value,  E5:G9 is the table_array, 2 & 3 is col_index_num, and FALSE is range_lookup.

This is the output.

Left Join in Excel

Read More: How to Perform Left Outer Join in Excel

Method 3 – Utilize the INDEX & MATCH Functions to Left Join in Excel

Utilize the INDEX & MATCH functions.

Utilize INDEX & MATCH Functions to Left Join Data in Excel


  • Enter the following formula in D5.
  • Press Enter and drag down the Fill Handle to autofill this formula.

 Formula Breakdown

  • MATCH($C5,$F$5:$F$9,0): The MATCH function returns the location of a lookup value. The Output is {1}.
  • INDEX($F$5:$H$9,MATCH($C5,$F$5:$F$9,0),3): The INDEX function returns a cell value of a lookup value. The formula becomes INDEX($F$5:$H$9,1,3). Here, the Output is {560}.
  • The Sales column is added to the first table.

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Arin Islam
Arin Islam

Anowara Islam Arin, a graduate of Civil Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh, serves as a technical content creator in the ExcelDemy project. Possessing a passion for innovation and critical thinking, she actively embraces challenges. Beyond her engineering background, Arin exhibits a keen interest in Excel, having authored numerous articles on Excel & VBA-related issues to simplify the experience for users facing obstacles in Excel. Besides, she is also interested in Advanced Excel,... Read Full Bio

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