Power Query Joins

How to Create Cross Join in Excel (3 Simple Ways)

The sample dataset contains the Color and Sizes of a t-shirt. We will Cross Join these tables to get all the available variations of that t-shirt. ...

How to Perform Left Outer Join in Excel (2 Easy Methods)

This tutorial will demonstrate how to perform left outer join to merge data tables in Excel. We’ll use the sample dataset below, which contains ...

How to Create a Full Outer Join in Excel – 2 Examples

  Types of Outer Join in Excel Outer Join merges all rows in the source tables. The process can be done in 3 ways: Left Outer Join ...

How to Perform the Left Join in Excel – 3 Methods

  There are 2 datasets below. The first dataset contains Product ID and Name. The second one contains Product Name, salesperson's name, and ...

How to Perform an Outer Join in Excel – 2 Methods

  Consider the List of Customer Orders containing the “Product ID”, “Customer”, and “Date”. Mind this List of Products and Sales with ...

How to perform an Inner Join in Excel – 2 Methods

Consider two tables with examination mark of math and physics. Method 1 - Applying the VLOOKUP Function to perform an Inner Join ...

How to Combine Two Tables Using Power Query in Excel

Sometimes, you need to combine two tables in Excel. You can do it manually, but that takes a lot of valuable time. Instead of doing this manually, ...

Advanced Excel Exercises with Solutions PDF


