Using the INDEX-MATCH Function with Multiple Criteria for a Partial Text in Excel – 2 Methods

Excel INDEX Function Introduction

The INDEX function returns the value of a cell at the intersection of a row and column in an array or range.

  • Syntax

INDEX (array, row_num, [col_num], [area_num])

  • Arguments

array: It is the first compulsory argument: the constant array or the cell range.

row_num: It is the second compulsory argument: the row number in the array.

[col_num]: This is an optional argument: the column number in the array.

[area_num]: It is also an optional argument:  it selects a range in a reference and returns the intersection of row_num and col_num.

Excel MATCH Function Introduction

The MATCH function looks for a specific value in an array or range and returns its relative position.

  • Syntax

MATCH (lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])

  • Arguments

lookup_value: This is the first compulsory argument: It is the value searched in a range or array.

lookup_array: It is the second compulsory argument. It is the array.

[match_type]: It is an optional argument: the type of match. For an exact match, use 0. Use 1 and -1. 1 to get the greatest value less than or equal to the lookup_value and -1 to get the smallest value greater than or equal to the lookup_value.

Method 1 – Using the Excel INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for a Partial Text

The dataset  contains the First Name, Last Name, and the Department of employees. To return a result based on partial text:

Excel INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for Partial Text



  • Create cells to insert the partial texts and display the Search Result. Here,  G4 and G5.

Excel INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for Partial Text

  • Select C12 and enter the formula:
  • Press Enter.

Excel INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for Partial Text

 Formula Breakdown

  • SEARCH($G$4,$B$6:$B$10)

looks for the value stored in G4 in B6:B10.

  • SEARCH($G$5,$C$6:$C$10)

looks for the value stored in G5 in C6:C10.

  • (SEARCH($G$4,$B$6:$B$10)*SEARCH($G$5,$C$6:$C$10))

The asterisk (*) sign  multiplies the arrays.

  • ISNUMBER(SEARCH($G$4,$B$6:$B$10)*SEARCH($G$5,$C$6:$C$10))

The ISNUMBER function checks if the value is a number in the multiplied array.

  • IF(ISNUMBER((SEARCH($G$4,$B$6:$B$10))*(SEARCH($G$5,$C$6:$C$10))),MATCH(ROW($B$6:$B$10),ROW($B$6:$B$10)),””)

replaces the boolean values with the corresponding row numbers. The Row Function returns the row number of the cell and the MATCH function searches for a relative position in B6:B10.

  • SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER((SEARCH($G$4,$B$6:$B$10))*(SEARCH($G$5,$C$6:$C$10))),MATCH(ROW($B$6:$B$10),ROW($B$6:$B$10)),””),ROWS($A$1:A1)),COLUMNS($A$1:A1)

returns the smallest row number in the array.

  • INDEX($B$6:$C$10,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER((SEARCH($G$4,$B$6:$B$10))*(SEARCH($G$5,$C$6:$C$10))),MATCH(ROW($B$6:$B$10),ROW($B$6:$B$10)),””),ROWS($A$1:A1)),COLUMNS($A$1:A1))

returns the matched value.

  • Drag the Fill Handle to the right.

Excel INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for Partial Text

The Search Result is Mike William (no partial text  was entered in G4 and G5).

  • Enter the partial text in G4 and G5. Here,  “Soin G4 and “Ta” in G5.
  • Sophie Taylor is the Search Result.

Excel INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for Partial Text

The formula searches “So” in the First Name column and then, “Ta” in the Last Name column. As it found a match, it displays the result.

  • If you change the partial text of the Last Name, it will display #NUM.

Excel INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for Partial Text

It finds a match in the First Name column, but the partial text of the Last Name does not match the value found in the First Name column.

  • If you change the partial texts, the value will be updated.

Excel INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for Partial Text

Method 2 – Applying the INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for a Partial Text to Get Multiple Records

Use the INDEX and the MATCH functions with multiple criteria for a partial text to get multiple records.

To see the full name of the employee and his/her department in the search result:

Apply INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for Partial Text to Get Multiple Records



  • Select B13 and use the formula:
=INDEX($B$6:$D$10,SMALL(IF(MMULT(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(TRANSPOSE($G$4:$G$6),$B$6:$D$10))*1,{1;1;1})>0,MATCH(ROW($B$6:$D$10),ROW($B$6:$D$10)), ""),ROWS($A$1:B1)),COLUMNS($A$1:B1))
  • Press Enter.

Apply INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for Partial Text to Get Multiple Records

Formula Breakdown

  • SEARCH(TRANSPOSE($G$4:$G$6), $B$6:$D$10)

looks for the value stored in G4:G6 in B6:D10. The TRANSPOSE function is used to transpose the values.

  • ISNUMBER(SEARCH(TRANSPOSE($G$4:$G$6), $B$6:$D$10))

converts the numbers to TRUE.

  • MMULT(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(TRANSPOSE($G$4:$G$6),$B$6:$D$10))*1,{1;1;1}

sums values row-wise.

  • IF(MMULT(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(TRANSPOSE($G$4:$G$6),$B$6:$D$10))*1,{1;1;1})>0,MATCH(ROW($B$6:$D$10),ROW($B$6:$D$10)), “”)

converts the non-numerical values to the corresponding row numbers.

  • SMALL(IF(MMULT(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(TRANSPOSE($G$4:$G$6),$B$6:$D$10))*1,{1;1;1})>0,MATCH(ROW($B$6:$D$10),ROW($B$6:$D$10)), “”),ROWS($A$1:B1)),COLUMNS($A$1:B1))

The SMALL function returns the smallest row number in the array after finding the matches.

  • INDEX($B$6:$D$10,SMALL(IF(MMULT(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(TRANSPOSE($G$4:$G$6),$B$6:$D$10))*1,{1;1;1})>0,MATCH(ROW($B$6:$D$10),ROW($B$6:$D$10)), “”),ROWS($A$1:B1)),COLUMNS($A$1:B1))

returns the matched value.

  • Drag the Fill Handle to the left to D13. You will see Mike’s full name and department (there are no partial texts in G4 to G6).

Apply INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for Partial Text to Get Multiple Records

  • Enter the partial texts in G4:G6.
  • The Search Result will automatically be updated.

Apply INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for Partial Text to Get Multiple Records

  • Select  B13:D13.
  • Drag the Fill Handle down to Row 14.

Apply INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for Partial Text to Get Multiple Records

  • You will see Carry’s full name and department because it matches the partial text of theLast Name .

Apply INDEX-MATCH Formula with Multiple Criteria for Partial Text to Get Multiple Records

  • Use the Fill Handle. It will display #NUM as no more matches are found.

Use The FILTER & SEARCH Functions with Multiple Criteria for a Partial Text in Excel

Use the FILTER and SEARCH Functions. This is the same dataset and structure used in Method 1.


  • Select C12 and enter the formula:
=FILTER($B$6:$C$10,ISNUMBER(SEARCH($G$4, $B$6:$B$10)*SEARCH($G$5, $C$6:$C$10)))
  • Press Enter to see the result.
  • You will see the whole dataset as there is no partial text.

Formula Breakdown

  • SEARCH($G$4,$B$6:$B$10)

looks for the value in G4 in B6:B10.

  • SEARCH($G$5,$C$6:$C$10)

looks for the value stored in G5 in C6:C10.

  • (SEARCH($G$4,$B$6:$B$10)*SEARCH($G$5,$C$6:$C$10))

the asterisk (*) sign multiplies the arrays.

  • ISNUMBER(SEARCH($G$4,$B$6:$B$10)*SEARCH($G$5,$C$6:$C$10))

checks if the value is a number in the multiplied array.

  • FILTER($B$6:$C$10,ISNUMBER(SEARCH($G$4,$B$6:$B$10)*SEARCH($G$5, $C$6:$C$10)))

filters the matched values.

  • Enter “Hi” in G4 and “Ta” in G5.
  • Press Enter to see an automatic update in the Search Result.

  • If you change the partial texts, it will display all values containing the partial text.

  • If it does not find a match, it will display #CALC.

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Mursalin Ibne Salehin
Mursalin Ibne Salehin

Mursalin Ibne Salehin holds a BSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. Over the past 2 years, he has actively contributed to the ExcelDemy project, where he authored over 150 articles. He has also led a team with content development works. Currently, he is working as a Reviewer in the ExcelDemy Project. He likes using and learning about Microsoft Office, especially Excel. He is interested in data analysis with Excel, machine learning,... Read Full Bio

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