How to Reduce Excel File Size by Deleting Blank Rows

In this article, we will demonstrate how to reduce Excel file size by deleting blank rows. Often a file in Excel becomes very large and takes a huge space in storage. In order to avoid this problem, we need to minimize the file size. The following article will help you reduce your Excel file size in different ways. We will use Microsoft Office 365 to do all these.

Reduce Excel File Size by Deleting Blank Rows Overview

How to Reduce Excel File Size by Deleting Blank Rows: 4 Ways

In order to illustrate, we will use a sample dataset. For instance, the following dataset represents the customer names, their order details, and the number of orders. There are some blank rows in the sheet that the operator wants to remove for his convenience.

Sample Dataset

1. Deleting Blank Rows Manually to Reduce Excel File Size

When the worksheet is small, it is convenient to delete rows manually. Though it takes time to delete, this method gives a more accurate result.


  • In the beginning, we press and hold the Ctrl key and choose the rows one by one.

Deleting Blank Rows Manually

  • Next, we select Delete in the ribbon command as well as Delete Sheet Rows.

Reduce Excel File Size Manually

  • We get the result free of blank rows.

Result of Manual Deletion

Read More: How to Reduce Excel File Size Without Deleting Data

2. Applying Find Command to Delete Blank Rows

It is very time-consuming to select and delete blank rows by inspection. A more convenient way is to use the Find command instead.


  • Initially, we will select Find & Select and the Find from the ribbon command.

Deleting Blank Rows by Find Command to Reduce Excel File Size

  • A dialog box appears in which we select the options like the following image.

Selecting Find All to Reduce File Size by Deleting Blank Rows

  • If we apply these, a new box will appear containing all the blank cells. We will select all of them by Ctrl+A.

Selecting the Blank Rows

  • In the end, we will close the dialog box and delete all the blank cells by clicking the Delete ribbon command and then Delete Sheet Rows.

 Result of Using Find Command to Reduce Excel File Size

3. Reduce Excel File Size to Reduce Excel File Size by Filtering

The third method for deleting blank rows is to use the FILTER function in the dataset. We will filter out the blanks and then delete those to remove blanks. We will follow the steps below.


  • We select the whole dataset using Ctrl+A. Then we select Sort & Filter as well as Filter.

Deleting Blank Rows by Filtering

  • We select the dropdown menu of Serial No. and then Blanks.

Choosing Blanks Option for Filtering

  • By doing that we get all the blank rows in the dataset.

 Blank Rows From Filtering to Reduce Excel File Size

  • We delete blank cells and reduce the file size.

Result of Filtering after deleting Blank Rows

4. Sorting Data to Delete Blank Rows

Another way to do the same operation as filtering is to apply the Sort command on the dataset. We will sort the data to find out the blanks and later we will delete those.


  • We select all the data as before and choose the options like the image below.

Reduce Excel File Size by Sorting

  • We get the sorted data where all the blank cells gather at the bottom of the dataset.

Initial Result of Sorting

  • After that, we delete the blank cells like before and finally get the result.

 Final Result of Sorting

Read More: How to Compress Excel File to Smaller Size

Download Practice Workbook

You may download the following workbook to practice yourself.


We have discussed the ways to reduce Excel files by deleting blank rows in Excel in the above sections. Hope this will be very helpful for you. Let us know your views and recommendations in the comment section. Have a good day.

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Md Junaed-Ar-Rahman, a Biomedical Engineering graduate from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has contributed to the ExcelDemy project for one year. As a technical content developer, he has authored 15+ unique articles and actively addressed user problems. He participated in 2 specialized training programs on VBA and Chart & Dashboard design in Excel. His passion lies in solving problems uniquely and exploring new functions and formulas. Eager for future exploration, he aims to gain proficiency in applications... Read Full Bio

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