How to Reduce the Excel File Size by Deleting Blank Rows – 4 Methods

This is an overview.

Reduce Excel File Size by Deleting Blank Rows Overview

This is the sample dataset.

To remove the blank rows:

Sample Dataset

Method 1 – Deleting Blank Rows Manually to Reduce the Excel File Size


  • Press and hold Ctrl  and choose the rows one by one.

Deleting Blank Rows Manually

  • Select Delete and choose Delete Sheet Rows.

Reduce Excel File Size Manually

  • This is the output.

Result of Manual Deletion

Read More: How to Reduce Excel File Size Without Deleting Data

Method 2 – Applying the Find Command to Delete Blank Rows


  • Select Find & Select in Find.

Deleting Blank Rows by Find Command to Reduce Excel File Size

  • In the dialog box, select the following options:

Selecting Find All to Reduce File Size by Deleting Blank Rows

  • A new box will be displayed containing all blank cells. Select them all by pressing Ctrl+A.

Selecting the Blank Rows

  • Close the dialog box and delete all blank cells by selecting Delete and clicking Delete Sheet Rows.

 Result of Using Find Command to Reduce Excel File Size

Method 3 – Using the Filter Function to Reduce the Excel File Size

Use the FILTER function.


  • Select the whole dataset pressing Ctrl+A.
  • Select Sort & Filter and choose Filter.

Deleting Blank Rows by Filtering

  • Click the dropdown in Serial No. and select Blanks.

Choosing Blanks Option for Filtering

  • You will see all the blank rows in the dataset.

 Blank Rows From Filtering to Reduce Excel File Size

  • Delete the blank cells.

Result of Filtering after deleting Blank Rows

Method 4 – Sorting Data to Delete Blank Rows


  • Select the whole dataset.
  • Choose the options shown below:

Reduce Excel File Size by Sorting

  • Data is sorted and  blank cells are displayed at the bottom of the dataset.

Initial Result of Sorting

  • Delete the blank cells.

 Final Result of Sorting

Read More: How to Compress Excel File to Smaller Size

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Md Junaed-Ar-Rahman, a Biomedical Engineering graduate from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has contributed to the ExcelDemy project for one year. As a technical content developer, he has authored 15+ unique articles and actively addressed user problems. He participated in 2 specialized training programs on VBA and Chart & Dashboard design in Excel. His passion lies in solving problems uniquely and exploring new functions and formulas. Eager for future exploration, he aims to gain proficiency in applications... Read Full Bio

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