How to Pull Data from Multiple Worksheets in Excel (4 Quick Ways)

We have three worksheets in a workbook. They contain the sales records of some items over January, February and March, respectively. We’ll pull data from these three worksheets into a single worksheet to use for calculations.

Sample Worksheets to Pull Data in Excel

Method 1 – Use a Formula to Pull Data from Multiple Worksheets

  • Place the name of the sheet (Sheet_Name!) before the cell reference when there are cell references of multiple sheets in a formula.
  • Let’s try to find out the total number of each product sold in the three months. The sales are in column D, starting with D5.


  • Select any cell in any worksheet and apply the formula:
  • Drag the Fill Handle to copy the formula to the rest of the cells.

Use Formula to Pull Data from Multiple Worksheets

  • You’ll get a sequential list of sales totals.
  • Note that the formula doesn’t check whether the items in the corresponding columns match, it just pulls the numbers based on the cell reference.

Formula Explanation:

  • Here January!D5 indicates the cell reference D5 of the sheet name “January”. If you have the sheet name as Sheet1, use Sheet1!D5 instead.
  • Similarly February!D5 and March!D5 indicate the cell reference D5 of the sheet named February and March respectively.
  • Thus you can pull data from multiple sheets into one formula in a single sheet and perform any desired operation.

Using a 3D Reference Formula:

  • Alternatively, you can use the following formula if the sheets are ordered one after another in the Excel window.

Use 3D Formula to Pull Data from Multiple Worksheets

Read More: How to Pull Data from Multiple Worksheets in Excel VBA

Method 2 – Pulling Data from Multiple Worksheets with the Consolidate Feature


  • Create a blank dataset with the product names and add a column named Total Sales. Keep the cells under this column blank.

create a new set of data

  • Select the C5:C19 range in any worksheet.
  • Go to the Data tab and select Consolidate under the Data Tools section.

select data > go to Data tab > Consolidate tool

  • You will get the Consolidate dialog box.
  • Under the option Function, select the operation you want to perform on the data from multiple worksheets. We chose Sum.
  • Click on the Import icon right to the Reference box.

Pulling Data from Multiple Worksheets by Using Consolidate Feature

  • The Consolidate box will be compressed to Consolidate – Reference. Select the desired range of cells from the first sheet.
  • Click the Import icon to the right.

Pulling Data from Multiple Worksheets by Using Consolidate Feature

  • You will find the cell reference of the selected range inserted in the Reference box. Click the Add button right to the Add references box.

  • You will find the references of the selected range inserted in the Add references box.
  • Select the other ranges of cells from the other worksheets and insert them in the Add references box in the same way. For the sample, select D5:D19 from the worksheet February and D5:D19 from the worksheet March.

Pulling Data from Multiple Worksheets by Using Consolidate Feature

  • Click OK. You will find the sum of the three selected ranges from three worksheets inserted in the empty range.

Method 3 – Using Macros to Pull Data from Multiple Worksheets

We have a new workbook with three worksheets, each having a sales record of four weeks in January, February, and March, respectively. We’ll collect data from these three worksheets and arrange them in one worksheet.


Sub PullDatafromMultipleSheets()

    Dim Q As Long
    Dim aRng As Range

    On Error Resume Next

    Worksheets.Add Sheets(1)

    ActiveSheet.Name = "VBA"

    For Q = 7 To Sheets.Count
        Set aRng = Sheets(1).UsedRange

        If Q > 7 Then
            Set aRng = Sheets(1).Cells(aRng.Rows.Count + 1, 1)
        End If

        ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Copy aRng

End Sub


  • Press Alt+F11 and go to the VBA editor.
  • Go to the Insert tab and click on Module. A new module will be opened.

Inserting a new module in the VBA editor

  • Copy the code from above and paste it here.

Macros to Pull Data from Multiple Worksheets

  • Save the Excel file by pressing Ctrl + S.
  • You’ll get a notification window.

saving Excel file as XLSM

  • Click on No and save the file as a Macro-Enabled file (.xlsm).

  • Click on the Run button or press F5 or press Alt + F8.
  • A dialog box called Macro will appear. Select the Macro PullDatafromMultipleSheets and click on Run.

  • You will find the data from the three worksheets arranged vertically in a new worksheet called VBA.

Read More: Extract Data from One Sheet to Another Using VBA in Excel

Method 4 – Using Power Query to Pull Data from Multiple Worksheets

Power Query is available from Excel 2016. If you use any older version, you have to download and install it manually.


  • Go to the first sheet.
  • Select any cell inside the data and press Ctrl + T.
  • Confirm that the range contains the entire dataset and check the box in the dialog.
  • Press OK.

creating a table

  • Go to Data and select Get Data under the Get & Transform Data section from any worksheet.
  • Click on the drop-down menu.
  • Choose From Other Sources and select Blank Query.

creating a blank query

  • The Power Query Editor will open.
  • In the Formula bar, use this formula:

Power Query is case-sensitive.

Applying Excel.CurrentWorkbook function in power query

  • Click on Enter.
  • You will find the three tables from the three worksheets arranged one by one.
  • Select the ones that you want to pull. For this example, select all three.
  • Click the small right arrow beside the title Content.

Using Power Query to Pull Data from Multiple Worksheets

  • You will get a small box. Click on Expand and then check (put a tick on) all the boxes.

  • Click OK. You will find all the items from three tables brought to a single table in Power Query Editor.

Using Power Query to Pull Data from Multiple Worksheets

  • Go to File and select the Close and Load To… option in the Power Query Editor.

close power query and load data

  • You will get the Import Data dialog box. Choose Table.
  • If you want the combined table to be in a new worksheet, choose New Worksheet. Otherwise, choose Existing Worksheet and enter the cell reference of the range where you want the table.

  • Click OK. You will find the data from the three worksheets arranged in a single table in a new worksheet named Query.

Read More: How to Pull Data From Another Sheet Based on Criteria in Excel

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Rifat Hassan
Rifat Hassan

Rifat Hassan, BSc, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has worked with the ExcelDemy project for almost 2 years. Within these 2 years, he has written over 250 articles. He has also conducted a few Boot Camp sessions on effective coding, especially Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Currently, he is working as a Software Developer to develop and deploy additional add-ins to enhance the customers with a more sophisticated experience with Microsoft Office Suits,... Read Full Bio

  1. Hello! I’ve used this guide successfully to create a big table (sheet 1) with the tables i have in several sheets (sheet 2 to 20+) of the same workbook, the point is i’m constantly creating new sheets and tables (one per day of the month), how can i add the info of those to the big table without creating a mess?

    I’ve tried a couple of things but Power Query always counts the sheet of the new big table (sheet 1) as part of the info that needs to be considered and i don’t want that, if there’s no way to fix it i guess i always can put the big table in a different workbook.

    • Reply Mahfuza Anika Era
      Mahfuza Anika Era Feb 27, 2024 at 1:29 PM

      Hello ANGEL,

      Thank you for your query. Counting the sheet of the new big table (sheet1) can be ignored. Suppose, you have added a new table named “April” and you want to include it in the big table. Unfortunately, the mother table cannot be updated automatically. What you can do is to create another query after inserting a new sheet and table.

      After adding a new sheet and table, follow the same process to pull data from different sheets using power query. But the problem is the previous query will be included in your new query. To remove that:

      1.Click on the dropdown icon.

      2.Uncheck Query1 >> Press OK.

      The new query is now removed.

      3. Click on the following icon >> Expand >> OK.

      The tables are expanded now. You can remove the marked column as it is not necessary.

      4.Now, close and load the table in a new worksheet. So, the previous mother sheet (sheet 1) will not be included now.

      You have to do this process every time you add a new sheet and table.

      Mahfuza Anika Era

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