Convert Latitude and Longitude to Decimal Degrees in Excel

Latitude and Longitude have often been defined in the DMS (Degree, Minute, and Second) system. For practical purposes, this DMS system needs to be transferred to the DD (Decimal Degree) system. In this article, we will show you simple and quick methods to convert Latitude and Longitude to decimal degrees in Excel.

Convert Latitude and Longitude to Decimal Degrees in Excel: 2 Simple Ways

There are many ways we can convert latitude and longitude data to decimal degrees. Here, we are listing a couple of easy but handy ways.

1. Using Manual Process

We will use basic mathematical procedures to convert Latitude and Longitude data to Decimal Degrees.

For that, let us have a sample data set.

dataset to convert into Decimal Degrees

Step 1:

For this method, we have to separate Degree, Minute, and Second values in different columns and restructure the data table.

Here, we added a new column DD to store the converted result.

Now write the following formula in G5 and press ENTER.


Convert Latitude and Longitude

And we will get the value in Decimal Degrees.

covert Latitude in Excel

Step 2:

Now, Hold and Drag the G5 cell downward.

Thus, we will get values in Decimal Degrees for other cells as well.

convert Latitude in Excel

Step 3:

For Longitude values, we will use the same procedures to separate Degree, Minute, and Second values in different columns. Using the same formula will have converted Decimal values in column G.

Longitude to Decimal Degrees

2. Using String Manipulation Functions

String Manipulation using LEFT, MID, and FIND functions is an easy way to convert DMS values to Decimal Degrees. Even though it is a complex formula, it is comparatively easy to use.

Step 1: 

First, add two columns where Decimal outputs will be shown.

Then, write the following formula in E5 and press ENTER.

=LEFT(C5, FIND("°",C5,1) - 1)+(MID(C5,FIND("°",C5,1)+1,(FIND("’",C5,1)-FIND("°",C5,1))-1)/60)+(MID(C5,FIND("’",C5,1)+1,(FIND("”",C5,1)-FIND("’",C5,1))-1)/3600)

Here, the LEFT function fetches the values ahead of “°”. First MID extracts the portion between “°” and “’”. Then last the MID function portion extracts the value after “’”. After extracting the values it sums them to produce the final value. The FIND function helps to initiate the search for the desired character within each portion.

How to convert Latitude to Degree Decimal

By doing so, we get our first Decimal value.

Now, Hold and Drag E5 downward.

thereby we get all the Decimal values.

convert to Decimal Degrees

Step 2:

For Longitude,

Write the following formula in F5 and Press ENTER.

=LEFT(D5, FIND("°",D5,1) - 1)+(MID(D5,FIND("°",D5,1)+1,(FIND("’",D5,1)-FIND("°",D5,1))-1)/60)+(MID(D5,FIND("’",D5,1)+1,(FIND("”",D5,1)-FIND("’",D5,1))-1)/3600)

convert for Longitude

This formula works exactly the same as the previous formula.

By doing so, we get our first Decimal value in Degrees. Then, Hold and Drag the F5 cell downward.

And, we get all other Decimal Degrees.

Decimal Degrees Calculator

We are providing you with a calculator attached to the Worksheet in the Download section. You can provide value there to get results in the blink of your eye.

converting Longitude to Decimal Degrees in excel

Download Practice Book

You can download and practice from this workbook.


We have shown you a couple of easy ways to convert latitude and longitude to decimal degrees. Hope you will find it useful. You can check out other articles on this website related to the problem. If you have any queries related to these methods, please leave a comment.

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Sourav Kundu
Sourav Kundu

Sourav Kundu, BSc, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, is a dedicated technical content creator of the ExcelDemy project. He has a keen interest in Excel and he leverages his problem-solving skills to provide solutions on user interface with Excel. In his position as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy, Sourav Kundu not only adeptly addresses challenging issues but also demonstrates enthusiasm and expertise in navigating complex situations. Apart from creating... Read Full Bio

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