How to Convert Lat Long to UTM in Excel (with Easy Steps)

We’ll use the following dataset, which contains several coordinates with their latitude and longitude values, to convert to UTM values.

Convert Lat Long to UTM Excel

What Is UTM?

The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) is a way to project maps and give coordinates to places on Earth’s surface. The UTM system divides the Earth into 60 zones, each covering 6° of longitude. A grid zone uses both a location and a band of latitude. Sometimes, N or S is added after the zone number to show the North or South hemisphere.

Convert Lat Long to UTM in Excel: Step-by-step Procedures

We will find the UTM Easting, UTM Northing, and UTM Zone from these Lat and Long values.

Dataset of converting Lat Long to UTM

Step 1 – Implement Excel VBA Functions to Find UTM

Part 1.1 – User-defined Function for UTM Easting

  • Go to the Developer tab and click on Visual Basic.

Open VBA editor to find UTM Easting

  • Choose Insert and click on Module.
  • Paste in the following code and Save.
Function CalculateUTMEasting(latitude As Double, longitude As Double) As Double

    Dim utmZone As Integer
    utmZone = Int((longitude + 180) / 6) + 1

    Dim CentralMeridian As Double
    CentralMeridian = (utmZone - 1) * 6 - 180 + 3

    Dim ScaleFactor As Double
    ScaleFactor = 0.9996

    Dim EquatorialRadius As Double
    EquatorialRadius = 6378137#

    Dim EccentricitySquared As Double
    EccentricitySquared = 0.00669438

    Dim N As Double
    N = EquatorialRadius / Sqr(1 - EccentricitySquared * Sin(latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180) ^ 2)

    Dim T As Double
    T = Tan(latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180) ^ 2

    Dim C As Double
    C = EccentricitySquared * Cos(latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180) ^ 2

    Dim A As Double
    A = Cos(latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180) * (longitude - CentralMeridian) * 3.14159265358979 / 180

    Dim M As Double
    M = EquatorialRadius * ((1 - EccentricitySquared / 4 - 3 * EccentricitySquared ^ 2 / 64 - 5 * EccentricitySquared ^ 3 / 256) * latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180 - (3 * EccentricitySquared / 8 + 3 * EccentricitySquared ^ 2 / 32 + 45 * EccentricitySquared ^ 3 / 1024) * Sin(2 * latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180) + (15 * EccentricitySquared ^ 2 / 256 + 45 * EccentricitySquared ^ 3 / 1024) * Sin(4 * latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180) - (35 * EccentricitySquared ^ 3 / 3072) * Sin(6 * latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180))

    Dim UTMEasting As Double
    UTMEasting = ScaleFactor * N * (A + (1 - T + C) * A ^ 3 / 6 + (5 - 18 * T + T ^ 2 + 72 * C - 58 * EccentricitySquared) * A ^ 5 / 120) + 500000

    CalculateUTMEasting = Format(UTMEasting, "0.00")

End Function

Paste code in module to calculate UTM Easting

Part 1.2 – User-defined Function for UTM Northing

  • Open the VBA Editor.
  • Choose Insert and click on Module.
  • Paste in the following code and Save.
Function CalculateUTMNorthing(latitude As Double, longitude As Double) As Double
    Dim utmZone As Integer
    utmZone = Int((longitude + 180) / 6) + 1
    Dim hemisphere As Integer
    If latitude < 0 Then
        hemisphere = -1
        hemisphere = 1
    End If

    Dim CentralMeridian As Double
    CentralMeridian = (utmZone - 1) * 6 - 180 + 3

    Dim ScaleFactor As Double
    ScaleFactor = 0.9996

    Dim EquatorialRadius As Double
    EquatorialRadius = 6378137#

    Dim EccentricitySquared As Double
    EccentricitySquared = 0.00669438

    Dim N As Double
    N = EquatorialRadius / Sqr(1 - EccentricitySquared * Sin(latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180) ^ 2)

    Dim T As Double
    T = Tan(latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180) ^ 2

    Dim C As Double
    C = EccentricitySquared * Cos(latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180) ^ 2

    Dim A As Double
    A = Cos(latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180) * (longitude - CentralMeridian) * 3.14159265358979 / 180

    Dim M As Double
    M = EquatorialRadius * ((1 - EccentricitySquared / 4 - 3 * EccentricitySquared ^ 2 / 64 - 5 * EccentricitySquared ^ 3 / 256) * latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180 - (3 * EccentricitySquared / 8 + 3 * EccentricitySquared ^ 2 / 32 + 45 * EccentricitySquared ^ 3 / 1024) * Sin(2 * latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180) + (15 * EccentricitySquared ^ 2 / 256 + 45 * EccentricitySquared ^ 3 / 1024) * Sin(4 * latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180) - (35 * EccentricitySquared ^ 3 / 3072) * Sin(6 * latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180))

    Dim UTMScaleFactor As Double
    UTMScaleFactor = 0.9996
    Dim UTMFalseNorthing As Double
    If hemisphere = 1 Then
        UTMFalseNorthing = 0
        UTMFalseNorthing = 10000000
    End If
    Dim UTMNorthing As Double
    UTMNorthing = UTMScaleFactor * (M + N * Tan(latitude * 3.14159265358979 / 180) * (A ^ 2 / 2 + (5 - T + 9 * C + 4 * C ^ 2) * A ^ 4 / 24 + (61 - 58 * T + T ^ 2 + 600 * C - 330 * EccentricitySquared) * A ^ 6 / 720)) + UTMFalseNorthing

    CalculateUTMNorthing = Format(UTMNorthing, "0.00")

End Function

Paste code in module to calculate UTM Northing

Part 1.3 – User-defined Function for UTM Zone

  • Open the VBA Editor.
  • Choose Insert and click on Module.
  • Paste in the following code and Save.
Function CalculateUTMZone(latitude As Double, longitude As Double) As String

    Dim utmZone As Integer
    Dim LatitudeBand As String
    utmZone = Int((longitude + 180) / 6) + 1
    LatitudeBand = GetLatitudeBand(latitude)

    CalculateUTMZone = utmZone & LatitudeBand

End Function

Function GetLatitudeBand(latitude As Double) As String

    Dim LatitudeBand As String
    If latitude >= 0 Then
        Select Case latitude
            Case 0 To 8: LatitudeBand = "N"
            Case 8 To 16: LatitudeBand = "P"
            Case 16 To 24: LatitudeBand = "Q"
            Case 24 To 32: LatitudeBand = "R"
            Case 32 To 40: LatitudeBand = "S"
            Case 40 To 48: LatitudeBand = "T"
            Case 48 To 56: LatitudeBand = "U"
            Case 56 To 64: LatitudeBand = "V"
            Case 64 To 72: LatitudeBand = "W"
            Case Else: LatitudeBand = "X"
        End Select
        Select Case -latitude
            Case 0 To 8: LatitudeBand = "M"
            Case 8 To 16: LatitudeBand = "L"
            Case 16 To 24: LatitudeBand = "K"
            Case 24 To 32: LatitudeBand = "J"
            Case 32 To 40: LatitudeBand = "H"
            Case 40 To 48: LatitudeBand = "G"
            Case 48 To 56: LatitudeBand = "F"
            Case 56 To 64: LatitudeBand = "E"
            Case 64 To 72: LatitudeBand = "D"
            Case Else: LatitudeBand = "C"
        End Select
    End If
    GetLatitudeBand = LatitudeBand
End Function

Paste code in module to calculate UTM Zone

Step 2 – Convert Lat Long to UTM Easting

  • Choose cell D6.
  • Insert the following formula.


  • Hit Enter.
  • Drag the Fill Handle icon to D13.

Convert Lat Long to UTM Easting

Step 3 – Convert Lat Long to UTM Northing

  • Choose cell E6.
  • Insert the following formula.


  • Hit Enter.
  • Drag the Fill Handle icon to E13.

Convert Lat Long to UTM Northing

Step 4 – Convert Lat Long to UTM Zone

  • Choose cell F6.
  • Insert the following formula.


  • Hit Enter.
  • Drag the Fill Handle icon to F13.

Convert Lat Long to UTM Zone

Convert Lat Long to UTM Zone in Excel: 2 Simple Methods

For illustration, the following data set has both latitude and longitude values. We’ll convert latitude and longitude to UTM in Excel.

convert lat long to utm excel

Method 1 – Combine IF, CONCATENATE, and INT Functions to Convert Lat Long to UTM in Excel


  • Enter the following Excel formula into cell D5.
=IF(B5>=0,CONCATENATE(INT(31+C5/6),” N”),CONCATENATE(INT(31+C5/6),” S”))
  • Hit Enter.

Combine IF, CONCATENATE, and INT Functions to Convert Lat Long to UTM in Excel

  • Drag the Fill Handle to cell D10.

How Does the Formula Work?

  • INT(31+C5/6)

The mathematical expression gives the values – {13.36236052;11.56792704;11.18443451;14.66315629;11.98617117;34.99888883}

By involving the INT function we get – {13;11;11;14;11;34}

  • CONCATENATE(INT(31+C5/6),” N”) or CONCATENATE(INT(31+C5/6),” S”)

CONCATENATE(INT(31+C5/6),” N”) joins the output value of INT(31+C5/6) with N. And CONCATENATE(INT(31+C5/6),” S”) merges the output value of INT(31+C5/6) with S. Here, CONCATENATE function concatenates N for true and S for false.

  • IF(B5>=0,CONCATENATE(INT(31+C5/6),” N”),CONCATENATE(INT(31+C5/6),” S”))

The IF function evaluates cells B5 to B10 of our specified dataset – {True;True;True;True;True;False}

Therefore, we get – {13 N;11 N;11 N;14 N;11 N;34 S}

Method 2 – Transform Lat Long to UTM Through Excel VBA


  • Go to the Developer tab.
  • Click on Visual Basic.

Transform Lat Long to UTM Through Excel VBA

  • Select Insert and click Module.

  • Put the following code in the Module box.
Sub SOFTEKOlatLongToUtm()
Dim i As Integer
Dim lat As Double
Dim lng As Double
Dim UTMint
For i = 5 To 10
lat = Cells(i, 2).Value
lng = Cells(i, 3).Value
UTM = 31 + lng / 6
UTMint = CInt(UTM)
If lat >= 0 Then
UTMint = UTMint & " N"
UTMint = UTMint & " S"
End If
Cells(i, 4).Value = UTMint
End Sub

  • Press F5 or click the Run button.

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Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

Lutfor Rahman Shimanto, BSc, Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, has worked with the ExcelDemy project for over a year. He has written 50+ articles and provided solutions of 100+ comments for ExcelDemy. Currently, he works as an Excel & VBA Developer and provides support and solutions in the ExcelDemy Forum. He has solved 100+ ExcelDemy Forum problems. His work and learning interests are in developing various Excel & VBA and Desktop applications. Outside of work, he enjoys Chess... Read Full Bio

  1. Thank you but this doesn’t convert lat long to utm. Just telling which zone it is.

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Aug 13, 2023 at 12:37 PM

      Dear Amir

      Sorry for the late reply. Thanks a lot for bringing the issue to us. I have developed some user-defined functions using Excel VBA. These functions take Lat and Long values and return UTM Easting, Northing and Zone. I also have modified the article accordingly. So, I recommend you to go through the article again. You will not be disappointed, I promise.

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

    • Hello, AMIR!
      Thanks for your comment.

      Yes! The code you provided is a simple implementation for converting latitude and longitude to UTM in Excel VBA. However, it is not the most accurate way to convert coordinates, as it uses a simplified formula for converting latitude and longitude to UTM coordinates.

      The formula used in this code only accounts for the UTM zone and hemisphere based on the latitude and longitude values. It does not take into account the curvature of the Earth’s surface, which can lead to inaccuracies in the UTM coordinates. If you need this, then you can use the following code:

      Function LatLonToUTM(Lat As Double, Lon As Double) As String
          'Declare variables for UTM coordinates
          Dim Zone As Integer, Easting As Double, Northing As Double
          'Convert Lat/Lon to UTM using Proj4 library
          Dim Proj As Object
          Set Proj = CreateObject("OSGeo.OSR.SpatialReference")
          Proj.ImportFromEPSG 4326 ' WGS84
          Proj.SetUTM Zone(Lon), (Lat >= 0)
          Dim LatLon(0 To 1) As Double
          LatLon(0) = Lon
          LatLon(1) = Lat
          Dim xy(0 To 1) As Double
          Proj.TransformPoint xy(0), xy(1), 0, LatLon(0), LatLon(1), 0
          'Convert UTM coordinates to string format
          LatLonToUTM = Chr(Zone + 64) & " " & Format(Easting, "0.00") & " " & Format(Northing, "0.00")
      End Function
      Function Zone(Lon As Double) As Integer
          Zone = Int((Lon + 180) / 6) + 1
      End Function

      To use this code, open a new Excel workbook, press ALT+F11 to open the VBA editor, and insert a new module. Copy and paste the code into the module, and save the module.
      Then, in your Excel sheet, you can use the formula =LatLonToUTM(lat, lon) where lat and lon are the latitude and longitude coordinates you want to convert to UTM format.
      This code uses the Proj4 library to perform the coordinate transformation. You may need to install this library on your computer if it is not already installed.
      And if you don’t want to use this library. you can use the following code instead.

      Function LatLongToUTM(ByVal latitude As Double, ByVal longitude As Double) As String
          'Define constants for the conversion
          Const PI As Double = 3.14159265358979
          Const a As Double = 6378137
          Const b As Double = 6356752.3142
          Const k0 As Double = 0.9996
          'Convert latitude and longitude to radians
          Dim lat_rad As Double
          Dim long_rad As Double
          lat_rad = latitude * PI / 180
          long_rad = longitude * PI / 180
          'Define constants for the conversion
          Dim e As Double
          e = Sqr(1 - (b / a) ^ 2)
          Dim e1sq As Double
          e1sq = (e ^ 2) / (1 - e ^ 2)
          Dim n As Double
          n = (a - b) / (a + b)
          Dim rho As Double
          rho = a * (1 - e ^ 2) / (1 - (e ^ 2) * (Sin(lat_rad) ^ 2)) ^ 1.5
          Dim nu As Double
          nu = a / Sqr(1 - (e ^ 2) * (Sin(lat_rad) ^ 2))
          Dim psi As Double
          psi = nu / rho
          Dim v As Double
          v = (k0 * nu) / psi
          Dim p As Double
          p = long_rad - (2 * PI * Int((long_rad + PI) / (2 * PI)))
          Dim l As Double
          l = (p - 0.2617993877991495) * 180 / PI
          'Calculate UTM zone number
          Dim zone As Integer
          zone = Int((long_rad + PI) / (2 * PI)) + 1
          If zone > 60 Then
              zone = zone - 60
          End If
          'Calculate UTM x and y coordinates
          Dim x As Double
          Dim y As Double
          x = v * Sinh(l / (2 * 1.005037))
          y = v * (Cosh(l / (2 * 1.005037)) * Tanh(Asinh(Sin(lat_rad) / Sqrt(1 + e1sq * (Cos(lat_rad) ^ 2))) - (e * Atanh(e * Sinh(Asinh(Sin(lat_rad) / Sqrt(1 + e1sq * (Cos(lat_rad) ^ 2))))))))
          'Convert x and y to UTM coordinates
          x = x + 500000
          If y  60 Then
              zone = zone - 60
          End If
          'Calculate UTM x and y coordinates
          Dim x As Double
          Dim y As Double
          x = v * Sinh(l / (2 * 1.005037))
          y = v * (Cosh(l / (2 * 1.005037)) * Tanh(Asinh(Sin(lat_rad) / Sqrt(1 + e1sq * (Cos(lat_rad) ^ 2))) - (e * Atanh(e * Sinh(Asinh(Sin(lat_rad) / Sqrt(1 + e1sq * (Cos(lat_rad) ^ 2))))))))
          'Convert x and y to UTM coordinates
          x = x + 500000
          If y < 0 Then
              y = y + 10000000
          End If
          ' Define UTM zone letter
          Dim letters As String
          letters = "CDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXX"
          Dim zone_letter As String
          zone_letter = Mid(letters, zone, 1)
          ' Return UTM coordinates as string
          LatLongToUTM = zone & zone_letter & " " & Format(x, "0.00") & " " & Format(y, "0.00")
      End Function

      This code converts latitude and longitude coordinates to UTM coordinates and returns the result as a string in the format "Zone Letter X Y". You can call this function by passing the latitude and longitude values as parameters, like this:

      Sub ConvertLatLongToUTM()
          'Define latitude and longitude values
          Dim latitude As Double
          Dim longitude As Double
          latitude = 37.7749
          longitude = -122.4194
          'Call LatLongToUTM function
          Dim utm_coordinates As String
          utm_coordinates = LatLongToUTM(latitude, longitude)
          'Display UTM coordinates in message box
          MsgBox utm_coordinates
      End Sub

      Make sure you have the LatLongToUTM function defined in your VBA code module before running the ConvertLatLongToUTM sub.

      Hope this will help you.
      Good Luck!

      Sabrina Ayon
      Author, ExcelDemy.

  2. Nothing on Eastings and Northing, its all about zoning only.

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Aug 13, 2023 at 12:34 PM

      Hello MOSES

      Thanks for reaching out and posting your comment. You are absolutely right. However, I am delighted to inform you that I have modified the article. After going through the article, you must be able to convert Lat Long to UTM Easting, Northing and Zone. I have developed some user-defined functions using Excel VBA to achieve the goal.

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

  3. Hi

    This article has been extremely helpful, The codes above worked for Easting and Zone but not the Northing UTM…. I can’t seem to find a fix that works at the moment, even with your numbers it wouldn’t work. Any tips?

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Aug 16, 2023 at 3:22 PM

      Dear Faisal

      Thanks a ton. Your appreciations mean a lot to us. I am glad you have found the article very helpful.

      You mentioned the user-defined functions only work for UTM Zone and UTM Easting on your end. The user-defined function for calculating UTM Northing is not working.

      However, the issue you are addressing is unclear to us. On our end, it is working perfectly. I am using Microsoft 365. However, It should not make any difference. The code should work for all versions of Excel.

      Please share your workbook containing a dataset with us. You can also post your query and attach the dataset in ExcelDemy Forum. We need more information about your problem, such as if it returns any error or wrong values.

      The functions often may return values using scientific notation like 2.34344E+13. To avoid this type of notation, you may use an Event procedure.

      Excel VBA Event Procedure:

      Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
          Dim cell As Range
          Dim funcName As String
          funcName = "CalculateUTM"
          For Each cell In Target
              If InStr(1, cell.Formula, funcName) > 0 Then
                  cell.NumberFormat = "0.00"
              End If
          Next cell
      End Sub

      I am looking forward to receiving your reply. Stay blessed and Good luck.

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

  4. hi ,sir
    you table northing cannot use ,it doesnot working ,would you please update it again ,we use the office 2016 or 2019,thanks .

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Nov 20, 2023 at 3:11 PM

      Hello XU

      Thanks for reaching out. All the User-Defined functions mentioned in this article calculate UTM Easting, UTM Northing and UTM Zone accurately.

      I am comparing the result with an Online UTM Calculator website ( like the image below for demonstration.

      If you still have doubts, you can share your dataset in our ExcelDemy Forum. Good luck!

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

  5. hi sir ,would u please write UTM convert to Lat long we want to this ,thanks so much.

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Nov 20, 2023 at 3:16 PM

      Hello XU

      Thanks for thanking me. Your appreciation means a lot to us. You wanted to convert UTM (UTM Easting, UTM Northing and UTM Zone) to Latitude and Longitude values.

      I am presenting some Excel VBA User-Defined functions, and these functions will achieve your goal.

      Follow these Steps:

      Step 1: Open the VBA Editor window => Paste the following code in a module => Save.

      Function CalculateLatitude(UTMNorthing As Double, UTMZone As Integer) As Double
          Dim EquatorialRadius As Double
          EquatorialRadius = 6378137#
          Dim EccentricitySquared As Double
          EccentricitySquared = 0.00669438
          Dim UTMScaleFactor As Double
          UTMScaleFactor = 0.9996
          Dim UTMFalseNorthing As Double
          If UTMNorthing < 0 Then
              UTMFalseNorthing = 10000000
              UTMFalseNorthing = 0
          End If
          Dim M As Double
          M = UTMNorthing / UTMScaleFactor - UTMFalseNorthing
          Dim Mu As Double
          Mu = M / (EquatorialRadius * (1 - EccentricitySquared / 4 - 3 * EccentricitySquared ^ 2 / 64 - 5 * EccentricitySquared ^ 3 / 256))
          Dim Phi1Rad As Double
          Phi1Rad = Mu + (3 * EccentricitySquared / 2 - 27 * EccentricitySquared ^ 3 / 32) * Sin(2 * Mu) _
                      + (21 * EccentricitySquared ^ 2 / 16 - 55 * EccentricitySquared ^ 4 / 32) * Sin(4 * Mu) _
                      + (151 * EccentricitySquared ^ 3 / 96) * Sin(6 * Mu) _
                      + (1097 * EccentricitySquared ^ 4 / 512) * Sin(8 * Mu)
          Dim phi1 As Double
          phi1 = Phi1Rad * 180 / 3.14159265358979
          Dim N1 As Double
          N1 = EquatorialRadius / Sqr(1 - EccentricitySquared * Sin(Phi1Rad) ^ 2)
          Dim T1 As Double
          T1 = Tan(Phi1Rad) ^ 2
          Dim C1 As Double
          C1 = EccentricitySquared * Cos(Phi1Rad) ^ 2
          Dim R1 As Double
          R1 = EquatorialRadius * (1 - EccentricitySquared) / ((1 - EccentricitySquared * Sin(Phi1Rad) ^ 2) ^ 1.5)
          Dim D As Double
          D = (UTMNorthing / (N1 * UTMScaleFactor))
          Dim Latitude As Double
          Latitude = Phi1Rad - (N1 * Tan(Phi1Rad) / R1) * (D ^ 2 / 2 - (5 + 3 * T1 + 10 * C1 - 4 * C1 ^ 2 - 9 * EccentricitySquared) * D ^ 4 / 24 + (61 + 90 * T1 + 298 * C1 + 45 * T1 ^ 2 - 3 * C1 ^ 2 - 252 * EccentricitySquared) * D ^ 6 / 720)
          CalculateLatitude = Latitude * 180 / 3.14159265358979
      End Function
      Function CalculateLongitude(UTMEasting As Double, UTMZone As Integer) As Double
          Dim CentralMeridian As Double
          CentralMeridian = (UTMZone - 1) * 6 - 180 + 3
          Dim ScaleFactor As Double
          ScaleFactor = 0.9996
          Dim EquatorialRadius As Double
          EquatorialRadius = 6378137#
          Dim EccentricitySquared As Double
          EccentricitySquared = 0.00669438
          Dim UTMEastingShifted As Double
          UTMEastingShifted = UTMEasting - 500000
          Dim A1 As Double
          A1 = Cos(CalculateLatitude(0, UTMZone) * 3.14159265358979 / 180) * UTMEastingShifted / (EquatorialRadius * ScaleFactor)
          Dim A2 As Double
          A2 = -Sin(CalculateLatitude(0, UTMZone) * 3.14159265358979 / 180) * UTMEastingShifted / (EquatorialRadius * ScaleFactor)
          Dim A3 As Double
          A3 = Tan(CalculateLatitude(0, UTMZone) * 3.14159265358979 / 180) * UTMEastingShifted / (EquatorialRadius * ScaleFactor)
          Dim A4 As Double
          A4 = -Tan(CalculateLatitude(0, UTMZone) * 3.14159265358979 / 180) * UTMEastingShifted / (EquatorialRadius * ScaleFactor) ^ 3 * (1 + Tan(CalculateLatitude(0, UTMZone) * 3.14159265358979 / 180) ^ 2) / 2
          Dim A5 As Double
          A5 = Tan(CalculateLatitude(0, UTMZone) * 3.14159265358979 / 180) * UTMEastingShifted / (EquatorialRadius * ScaleFactor) ^ 5 * (5 + 3 * Tan(CalculateLatitude(0, UTMZone) * 3.14159265358979 / 180) ^ 2 + 6 * Tan(CalculateLatitude(0, UTMZone) * 3.14159265358979 / 180) ^ 4) / 24
          Dim A6 As Double
          A6 = -Tan(CalculateLatitude(0, UTMZone) * 3.14159265358979 / 180) * UTMEastingShifted / (EquatorialRadius * ScaleFactor) ^ 7 * (61 + 90 * Tan(CalculateLatitude(0, UTMZone) * 3.14159265358979 / 180) ^ 2 + 45 * Tan(CalculateLatitude(0, UTMZone) * 3.14159265358979 / 180) ^ 4) / 720
          Dim Longitude As Double
          Longitude = CentralMeridian + (A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5 + A6) * 180 / 3.14159265358979
          CalculateLongitude = Longitude
      End Function
      Function GetUTMZoneNumber(UTMZone As String) As Integer
          GetUTMZoneNumber = Val(Left(UTMZone, Len(UTMZone) - 1))
      End Function

      Step 2: Return to the sheet => Choose cell E4 => Insert the following formula => And drag the Fill Handle icon to cell E11.


      Step 3: Choose cell F4 => Insert the following formula => And drag the Fill Handle icon to cell F11.


      Things to Keep in Mind:
      As we cannot use all decimal points for some values (UTM Northing), we may not get the same value (Latitude) like previous one.

      Hopefully, the idea will help you. Good luck.

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

  6. The CalculateUTMNorthing function is simply giving a #VALUE! error on Excel. Not really sure how to debug this because it is very generic

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Feb 7, 2024 at 4:48 PM

      Hello CHRISTOF

      Thanks for sharing your queries. Depending on your OS Version, the User-defined functions may give this type of error. Ensure you run a 64-bit Windows, and let us know if you still face the error.

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

  7. Hello, thank you for the codes. Extremely helpful. However, when I entered the codes and then calculate the Northing, I got “#value” as an output. Wonder if you can help.

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Mar 7, 2024 at 6:05 PM

      Hello! DIANA. Thanks for sharing your queries. Depending on your OS version, the user-defined functions may cause this error. Ensure you run 64-bit Windows, and let us know if you are still facing the error.

      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

  8. Reply
    Alan Jorge Innes Mar 5, 2024 at 3:17 AM

    Hi I have a question. I am trying to use your code and it worked for UTM Easting and UTM zone but I am getting a “#VALUE!” error for northing. Please contact me and I can send you my dataset if you are able to help. Thank you.

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Mar 7, 2024 at 6:10 PM

      Hello ALAN

      Thank you for reaching out. Please ensure that you’re using a 64-bit Windows system. Let us know if the issue persists.

      You can share your dataset by creating a Conversation with my forum account in the ExcelDemy Forum.

      Best regards
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

  9. I’ve already done every step, UTM to Easting and UTM Zone is done but it didn’t work on UTM to Nothing (Excel shown as “#VALUE!).

    • Hello Chansokong,

      Thank you for your comment! The #VALUE! error often occurs if there’s an issue with the formula or input data. Please double-check that all cell references are correct and that your latitude and longitude values are formatted properly. Ensure the cells don’t contain extra spaces or invalid characters.
      If the issue persists, feel free to share more details about your setup, and we’ll be happy to assist further!


      • Hello Shamima Sultana,
        I am trying to double check everything and it worked for UTM Easting and UTM zone but I am getting a “#VALUE!” error for northing.

        Best regards

        • Avatar photo
          Shamima Sultana Nov 26, 2024 at 6:59 PM

          Hello Chansokong,

          Thank you for the update! The #VALUE! error for Northing might be due to incorrect references, data format, or an issue with the latitude values. Make sure the formula is correctly applied, the latitude and longitude are in decimal degrees, and there are no extra spaces or non-numeric characters. Additionally, ensure the latitude falls within the valid range for UTM zones.

          In our end everything is working perfectly.

          If everything seems correct, feel free to share your formula or more details, and I’d be happy to assist further!


  10. please how do i donwnload this datasheet

  11. This worked like an absolute charm for me! Even compared it to some PPP processed coordinates and found it accurate to 0.005m! Thanks!

    • Hello James,

      You are most welcome. Thank you for the wonderful feedback! We’re thrilled to hear that it worked so well for you and provided such impressive accuracy. Happy analyzing!


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