How to Calculate Sortino Ratio in Excel (2 Methods)


What Is the Sortino Ratio?

The Sortino ratio is a risk-adjustment statistics metric used to calculate the return from a certain investment for a given level of negative risk. It is a refined version of the more widely known Sharpe ratio. The Sharpe ratio considers total price deviation in the calculation, while the Sortino ratio considers a downside deviation while calculating.

The basic formula to calculate the Sortino ratio is:

  • Rp is the portfolio’s Expected Return or Actual Return.
  • Rf is the portfolio’s Minimum Acceptable Return (MAR)/Risk-free rate of return.
  • σd is the Downside Deviation or Standard Deviation of negative asset return.

How to Calculate the Sortino Ratio in Excel: 2 Methods

Method 1 – Calculate the Sortino Ratio Using Excel Formulas

We have the average return percentage of a certain company for 6 months. The risk-free return of the portfolio is 7%.

Calculate Sortino Ratio Using Excel Formulas


  • Calculate the Excess Return with the following formula in Cell D5.
  • Press Enter.

Calculate Sortino Ratio Using Excel Formulas

  • Use the Fill Handle (+) tool to get the return for the rest of the values.

Calculate Sortino Ratio Using Excel Formulas

  • Here’s the result.

Calculate Sortino Ratio Using Excel Formulas

  • We will separate only Negative Excess Returns with the following formula in E5, then using AutoFill through the column.

Calculate Sortino Ratio Using Excel Formulas

  • Use the following formula to calculate the square of Negative Excess Returns.

Calculate Sortino Ratio Using Excel Formulas

  • Use the SUM function for the total of Excess Returns.
  • We also calculated the total of the square of Negative Excess Return values using the SUM formula.

Calculate Sortino Ratio Using Excel Formulas

  • Calculate the average of the Excess Return using the following formula:

Calculate Sortino Ratio Using Excel Formulas

The formula to calculate the Downside Risk is:

 =√(∑(Square of Negative Excess Returns)/No. of months)
  • Use this formula to calculate Downward Risk:

Calculate Sortino Ratio Using Excel Formulas

  • To calculate the Sortino ratio, divide Average Excess Return by Downside Risk.


If you want to calculate the Sortino ratio against the Actual Return of a random month, follow these steps:

  • After calculating the Downside Risk following the steps above, subtract the Risk-Free Return from the specific Actual Return.
  • To calculate the Sortino ratio for the Average Return of Cell C7, use the below formula:

  • You can calculate the Sortino ratio for any other Actual Return and thus compare which investment is safe.

Read More: How to Calculate Sharpe Ratio in Excel

Method 2 – Excel VBA to Calculate the Sortino Ratio

We will use the same dataset that was used in Method 1.

Excel VBA to Calculate Sortino Ratio


  • From the Ribbon, go to the Developer tab.
  • Select Visual Basic.

Excel VBA to Calculate Sortino Ratio

  • The VBA window will appear.
  • Go to the Insert option.
  • Select a new Module.

Excel VBA to Calculate Sortino Ratio

  • Use the following code in the newly inserted Module.
Function Ratio_Sortino(returns As Range, MAR As Variant) As Variant
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim RetAvg As Double
Dim m2 As Double
Dim dev As Double
x = returns.Rows.Count
RetAvg = WorksheetFunction.Average(returns)
moment2d = 0
For y = 1 To x
If returns(y) - MAR < 0 Then
m2 = m2 + ((returns(y) - MAR) ^ 2)
End If
dev = Sqr(m2 / x)
If dev > 0 Then
Ratio_Sortino = (RetAvg - MAR) / dev
Ratio_Sortino = "undefined"
End If
End Function

Excel VBA to Calculate Sortino Ratio

  • Use this formula in Cell C13 and hit Enter.

  • We will get the Sortino ratio for the above data.

Read More: How to Calculate Ratio of 3 Numbers in Excel

Observations from Calculating the Sortino Ratio

  • By calculating the Sortino ratio for a specific portfolio’s Actual Return, you can check the return on investment.
  • By comparing the Sortino ratio of certain actual returns, you can check which investment is safer to pursue.
  • The Sortino ratio is really helpful to retail investors as it helps them to make the right decision about any investment.

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Hosne Ara
Hosne Ara

Hosne Ara is a materials and metallurgical engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is like a time-saving superhero for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B. Sc. in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she... Read Full Bio

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