Md. Asaduzzaman

About author

Hello! I am Md. Asaduzzaman. Currently, I am working as an Excel and VBA Content Developer and I will be posting my articles related to this here. I graduated from Bangladesh University of Science and Technology(BUET) in 2022. I completed my BSc in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. I like to solve real-life problems in Microsoft Excel and share the solutions through articles. I post here regularly. Hope you find the articles helpful.

Latest Posts From Md. Asaduzzaman

How to Reverse Axis Order in Excel – 4 Methods

Method 1 - Using the Format Axis Feature The sample dataset contains Employees' Names and their respective Salary. A Column Chart was created. ...

How to Create GST Bill Format in Excel with Formula: 4 Methods

Method 1 - Create Outline of GST Bill Format Create a basic dataset of the products, like the image below. We need to create another dataset of ...

How to Solve an Equation for X When Y is Given in Excel (2 Methods)

Method 1 - Use of Solver Feature Enable Solver Feature Go to the File tab. Select Options. Click on Add-ins and then Go. Check ...

How to Save Excel Macro Files with Filenames from Cell Values (2 Methods)

Dataset Overview To demonstrate the methods, we have taken the following dataset of the Sales history of some products in a shop. Method 1 - Using ...

How to Calculate the Average Score in Excel (7 Methods)

Dataset Overview Let’s start by introducing our dataset. We have Mathew Wade as our batsman, and our goal is to calculate his average score for 5 matches. ...

How to Draw Shapes in Excel: 2 Suitable Ways

Method 1 - Using Shapes Feature to Draw Shapes in Excel Steps: Open your workbook. Go to the Insert tab and click the Shapes feature as shown below. ...

Excel Formula to Return Blank If Cell Value Is Negative

There are 2 suitable ways to return a blank if the cell value is negative in an Excel formula: by using the IF function and by using the Format Cells option. ...

How to Calculate the Present Value with Different Payments in Excel – 5 Examples

  How to Calculate Present Value in Excel with Different Payments: 5 Easy Examples Example 1 - Calculate the Present Value for a Single Payment The ...

How to Create Employee Attendance Sheet with Time in Excel

We have a sample dataset that contains the Employee ID numbers and Employee Names. We will create an employee attendance sheet with time for the first employee ...

How to Combine Text and Numbers in Excel (4 Ways)

Method 1 - Using an Excel Formula with Ampersand Operator 1.1 Without Formatting Steps: Select cell D5 and enter the following formula: =B5&" ...

How to Create a Stacked Column Chart in Excel: 4 Examples

Example 1 - Create a Basic Stacked Column Chart in Excel Steps: Open the worksheet which contains the dataset. Select the required range of cells ...

How to Create Excel Scatter Plot Color by Group (3 Suitable Ways)

In our daily life, we often feel the necessity to create Excel scatter plots in Microsoft Excel. We can do the job in many ways. In this article, we will see 3 ...

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