How to Reverse Axis Order in Excel (4 Suitable Ways)

We create an Excel chart to make a dataset more understandable and realize the variations of the data. We can add axis titles, chart names, and labels of data points to make the chart more attractive. But a fantastic feature of Excel is that it also allows you to reverse the axis order of a graph. In this article, we will discuss how to reverse axis order in Excel in 4 suitable ways. Let’s get started!

How to Reverse Axis Order in Excel: 4 Suitable Ways

There are 4 suitable ways to reverse axis order in Excel. The first method is by using the Format Axis feature, the second method is applying the Select Data option, the third one is by sorting data chart and the last method is by utilizing the Change Series Chart Type feature. In this article, we will discuss all of these 4 methods one by one.

1. Use of Format Axis Feature

Let us introduce our dataset first. Here, we have a dataset of Employee Names of a company and their respective Salary.

Use of Format Axis Feature to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

We have created a Column Chart based on this data.

Use of Format Axis Feature to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

Here, the Xaxis represents the Employee Name, and the Y-axis represents the Salary. Here, we want to reverse the X-axis by using the Format Axis Feature. In order to do so, follow the steps below.


  • Firstly, select the horizontal axis (i.e. X-axis) and right-click on it.

Then, a list of options will appear. Select Format Axis from the list

Use of Format Axis Feature to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

  • Then, the Format Axis dialog box will appear in the right corner of the Excel.
  • Here, check Categories in reverse order.


For Categories: check ‘Categories in reverse order’ option.

In the use of Values: check ‘Values in reverse order’ option.

For Series in 3-D chart: check ‘Series in reverse order’ option.

  • Hence, you will see that the X-axis has been arranged in reverse order.

2. Applying Select Data Option

Here, we have a dataset of the Employee Name, their respective Salaries, and Savings over a certain period of time.

Applying Select Data Option to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

We have created a Scatter Plot for the Savings Vs Salary of the Employees.

Applying Select Data Option to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

We want to reverse the X-axis to the Yaxis and vice versa. Follow the steps below to serve this purpose.


  • First of all, right-click on the graph, and a list of options will appear.
  • Here, click Select Data from the list.

Applying Select Data Option to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

  • As a result, the Select Data Source dialogue box will appear.
  • Now, click Edit.

Applying Select Data Option to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

  • Consequently, the Edit Series pop-up window will appear. You will notice that Series X Values represent the Profit value range and Series Y Values represent the Salary.
  • After that, change the series, assign Salary to Series X Values and Profit to Series Y Values.

  • Now, click OK.

  • After that, click OK to close the Select Data Source.

  • Hence you will see an output like the below image where both the X and Y axes are reversed.

Applying Select Data Option to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

  • Finally, change the Axis Titles and the Chart Title according to your change.

Applying Select Data Option to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

3. Sorting Chart Data

For the dataset described in Method 1, we will now reverse the X-axis by sorting the chart data. Here, it is noticeable that we have arranged our salary data in descending order.

Sorting Chart Data to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

We want to reverse it and arrange it in ascending order. In order to do so, just proceed with the steps below.


  • To begin with, select cells (C5:C10) >> go to the Home tab.

Sorting Chart Data to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

  • After that, click Sort & Filter >> select Sort Smallest to Largest.

Sorting Chart Data to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

  • As a result, the Sort Warning dialogue box will appear. Check the ‘Expand the selection’ option and click Sort.

  • Finally, you will see that both your chart data and the X-axis of the chart have been reversed to ascending order.

Note: You can apply this method if you arrange your dataset either in ascending or descending order.

4. Utilizing Change Series Chart Type Feature

For the same dataset, now we want to reverse the X axis with the ‘Change Series Chart Type feature’.

Utilizing Change Series Chart Type Feature to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

In order to use this feature, follow the steps below.


  • Firstly, right-click on any column of the chart, and a list of options will appear.
  • Here, select ‘Change Series Chart Type’.

Utilizing Change Series Chart Type Feature to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

  • Then, the Change Chart Type window will show up. From the All Charts menu, click Bar to convert to a Bar chart >> choose a Bar chart type (here we have chosen the Clustered Bar Chart type).
  • After that, click OK.

Utilizing Change Series Chart Type Feature to Reverse Axis Order in Excel

  • As a result, you will get your chart changed from column to Bar. You will notice that the series which was on the X-axis in the column chart has been reversed to the Y-axis in the Bar chart and vice versa.

Read More: Reverse X and Y Axis in Excel

Things to Remember

  • All 4 methods described above, can also be used to reverse the order of the Y-axis.
  • We use the Select Data option to manually exchange the axis.
  • In the Change Series Chart Type feature, we can follow the same process for changing the chart type from Bar to column.
  • In the Sorting Chart Data method, we can sort the main data to reverse axis only when it is arranged in ascending or descending order or by alphabetically ( A to Z or Z to A).

Download Practice Workbook

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Hence, follow the above-described steps. Thus, you can easily learn how to reverse axis order in Excel. Hope this will be helpful. Don’t forget to drop your comments, suggestions, or queries in the comment section below.

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Md. Asaduzzaman
Md. Asaduzzaman

Hello! I am Md. Asaduzzaman. Currently, I am working as an Excel and VBA Content Developer and I will be posting my articles related to this here. I graduated from Bangladesh University of Science and Technology(BUET) in 2022. I completed my BSc in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. I like to solve real-life problems in Microsoft Excel and share the solutions through articles. I post here regularly. Hope you find the articles helpful.

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