Mashhura Jahan, BSc in Industrial and Production Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, invested 1.5 years at ExcelDemy. In roles like Excel & VBA Content Developer, Excel Charts, and Dashboard course trainer, she wrote 90+ articles. She was previously part of the forum support team and a junior software analyst on the Excel Add-in project. With interests spanning Excel, VBA, Power Query, Python, Data Science, and Software Development, Mashhura brings a diverse skill set to her professional endeavors.
Dataset Overview Let’s take a closer look at our dataset. It includes two columns: “Date” and “Sales.” This data is visualized using a column chart. We’ll use ...
Dataset Overview We'll use the following dataset to explain these methods. It contains 3 columns, State, Product, and Sales. Method 1 - COUNTIFS ...
This dataset contains 3 columns State, Department, and Sales Person. Let's show how you can translate this Excel file from English to Gujarati. ...
The VLOOKUP Function The VLOOKUP function looks for a given value in a data range and returns the exact match or an approximate match of that value. ...
This is the sample dataset. A filter was applied for Texas, but it is not working after row 6. Reason 1 - Blank Cells in the Range To ...
The below dataset contains employee Information: Employee ID, Name, and Designation. Reason 1: Having an Excel Table in Grouped Worksheets If you ...
If you copy a pivot table and then paste it in the usual manner (CTRL +C / CTRL + V), you will get the pivot table but not necessarily with the formatting of ...
What Is a VCF File? VCF (Virtual Contact File) is used to store virtual contact information. These files can be used as virtual business cards. VCF files can ...
Method 1 - Employ File Tab to Edit CSV File in Excel Step-01: Open CSV File in Excel Open the CSV file in Excel. Go to the File tab. Select ...
The sample PDF file (Employee Record) contains the following table. Method 1 - Using the Object Feature to Attach a PDF File in Excel Steps: ...
To demonstrate our methods we'll use the following dataset, containing columns for State and Sales Person. We'll concatenate the values in the Sales Person ...
We have concatenated string values in a cell and will use Text to Columns to store this information in different columns. We'll explain why Text to Column is ...
What Is Interest During Construction? Interest During Construction is the interest that is applied in the construction period. It is calculated on the debt ...
Step 1: Insert a Command Button in Excel Define a cell where you will put the input barcode. Here, I will put it in cell C4. Create a table ...
Method 1 - Numbers Stored as Text in Excel Solution 1: Use Error Warning to Convert to Number Steps: Select the cells where the numbers are stored as ...
Thank you for your comment. I am replying on behalf of ExcelDemy. Power Query sometimes shows grayed-out menus if you try to perform mathematical operations in multiple columns at the same time.
• To solve that problem, you can select the column >> select Standard >> select Divide (or whatever operation you want).
• Select the Value according to your preference. Here, I want to divide by 200 because these scores are in 200 >> select OK.
• Now, you can see the values in the column are divided by 200.
• In the formula bar, add your preferred operations >> click on the Tick mark.
• Finally, you will see that you have performed the grayed-out features without using them.
If this tip doesn’t work for you then please share a screenshot of your problem or the Excel file with us so that we can see what is causing the problem and solve it.
Mashhura Jahan
Thanks for your comment. I am replying to you on behalf of ExcelDemy. You can apply the following formula to insert the first date in the ‘daily’ section to get the correct weekday name.
Use the following formula for the second date.
Also, modify the rest of the dates accordingly to get the correct result. I hope this will help you to solve your problem. Please let us know if you have other queries.
Mashhura Jahan
Thanks for your comment. I am replying to you on behalf of ExcelDemy. You can apply the following code. By using this code, you will be able to double-click on any cell from columns C, G, or L and the entire range (A4:L60) will be sorted based on the column of the selected cell.
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. Please let us know if you have other queries.
Mashhura Jahan
Thanks for your comment. I am replying to you on behalf of ExcelDemy. You can apply the following formula for finding duplicate barcodes.
But, here the duplicates are also in Code 128 font to change that follow these steps.
• Right-click on the sheet name >> select View Code.
• Write the following code.
• Now, just drag the Fill Handle and you will get your desired result.
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. Please let us know if you have other queries.
Mashhura Jahan
Thanks for your comment. I am replying to you on behalf of ExcelDemy. You can apply the following formula to calculate working days until a future date. And then, drag the fill handle down to copy the formula in other cells.
Here, Cell C5 is start_date, D5 is end_date, 1 refers to Saturday and Sunday as the weekend, and range $G$5:$G$9 refers to the holidays.
Note: If you skip weekend and holidays arguments in the formula then it will take Saturday and Sunday as weekends and no holidays.
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. Please let us know if you have other queries.
Mashhura Jahan
Thanks for your comment. I am replying to you on behalf of ExcelDemy. If you insert pictures with text in the same cell like the following dataset, you will be able to search the pictures easily by following the first method from this article.
In the following image, you can see that the results for the router are displayed with pictures.
For this case, you will have to set the Properties for the pictures as Move and size with cells from the Format Graphic task pane.
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. Please let us know if you have other queries.
Mashhura Jahan
Thank you for your comment. I am replying on behalf of ExcelDemy. You can use the IF function to check through every error group. The formula will be something like this:
ID=IFERROR(IF(error group = 1,TEXTJOIN(“, “,TRUE,FILTER(ID array ,error group 1 array=”x”,””)),IF(error group = 2,TEXTJOIN(“, “,TRUE,FILTER(ID array ,error group 2 array=”x”,””)),IF(error group = 10,TEXTJOIN(“, “,TRUE,FILTER(ID array ,error group 10 array=”x”,””)),””))) ,””)
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. Please let us know if you have other queries.
Mashhura Jahan
Hey EXC,
Thank you for your comment. I am replying on behalf of ExcelDemy. If you are facing this problem with Method 1 then you will have to select the reference cell in the formula from the first row of the range you are selecting. You can see that range C5:D12 is selected in this article. And, cells C5 and D5 were used in the formula. These cells are in the first row of the selected range. You will have to maintain this rule while writing the formula.
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. And, if it doesn’t, let us know in which method you are facing the problem.
Mashhura Jahan
Thanks for your comment. I am replying to you on behalf of ExcelDemy. If you want to get the distance in KILOMETERS then you can use the following VBA code and the rest of the procedures will be the same.
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. Please let us know if you have other queries.
Mashhura Jahan
Hello ZAIN,
Thanks for your comment. I am replying to you on behalf of ExcelDemy. For Example 5, you will have to keep 2 things in mind.
1. You will have to change the ColumnCount in the ListBox Properties according to your dataset.
2. In the VBA code, you will have to change Row and Column numbers according to your dataset.
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. If it fails to solve your problem, then please specify where are you facing the problem.

Thanks for your comment. I am replying on behalf of ExcelDemy. You can not add a label directly in the QR Code. But, you can add a label to the cell where you are inserting the QR Code by following these simple steps.
Step-01: Write the following VBA code in the module instead of the code that is provided in this article.
Function GenerateQR(qrcode_value As String)
Dim URL As String
Dim My_Cell As Range
Set My_Cell = Application.Caller
URL = "" & qrcode_value
On Error Resume Next
ActiveSheet.Pictures("My_QR_CODE_" & My_Cell.Address(False, False)).Delete
On Error GoTo 0
With Selection.ShapeRange(1)
.Name = "My_QR_CODE_" & My_Cell.Address(False, False)
.Left = My_Cell.Left + 5
.Top = My_Cell.Top + 5
End With
GenerateQR = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value
End Function
Now, Save the code and go back to your worksheet.
Step-02: Select the cells where you want the QR Codes >> go to the Home tab >> select Bottom Align.
Step-03: Select the cell where you want the QR Code >> write the following formula in that cell.
Next, press Enter and you will get the QR Code with the Label.
Step-04: Finally, get the QR Codes for other data in the same way.
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. Please let me know if you have other queries.

Thanks for your comment. I am replying to you on behalf of ExcelDemy. If you want to get metadata from subfolders of the specified source folder then you can use the jamsoftware that is used in the “How to Export File Metadata to Excel” section of this article. Let’s see the steps.
• Firstly, download and then copy and paste the FileList.exe file to the folder from where you want to get the metadata by following the steps from the “How to Export File Metadata to Excel” section of this article.
• Secondly, press Windows Key + R.
• Thirdly, write cmd in the Open section.
• Then, select OK.
• After that, write
cd C:\Images
. Here,C:\Images
is the source folder path.• Then, press Enter.
• Next, write the command below.
• Then, press Enter.
• After that, minimize the window.
• Now, you will see a txt file is created in your selected location. It contains the metadata from all the subfolders.
• Next, open an Excel file >> go to Data tab >> select From Text/CSV.
• Afterward, select the txt file >> select Import.
• Now, you will see the metadata are imported to a table.
• Then, select Comma as Delimiter >> select Load.
• Finally, you will see all the metadata from the subfolders is loaded to an Excel sheet.
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. Please let me know if you have other queries.
Thanks for your comment. I am replying to you on behalf of ExcelDemy. For the provided practice workbook, I used the following VBA code and it solved this problem for me.
Function QR_Generator(qrcodes_values As String)
Dim Site_URL As String
Dim Cell_Values As Range
Set Cell_Values = Application.Caller
Site_URL = "" & qrcodes_values
On Error Resume Next
Worksheets("Using User Defined Function").Pictures("Generated_QR_CODES_" & Cell_Values.Address(False, False)).Delete
On Error GoTo 0
Worksheets("Using User Defined Function").Pictures.Insert(Site_URL).Select
With Selection.ShapeRange(1)
.Name = "Generated_QR_CODES_" & Cell_Values.Address(False, False)
.Left = Cell_Values.Left + 2
.Top = Cell_Values.Top + 2
End With
QR_Generator = ""
End Function
Now, Save the code and go back to your worksheet. Let’s see the steps of using the function.

Step-01: Select the cells where you want the QR Codes. Here, I selected cell range D5:D7 >> write the following formula.
Step-02: Press Ctrl + Enter and you will get your desired output.
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. Please let me know if you have other queries.

Thanks for your comment. I am replying to you on behalf of ExcelDemy. You can get the correct value by using the COUNTA function instead of the SUM function. Let’s see the steps.
Step-01: Write the following formula in the selected cell.
Step-02: Press Enter to get the Average.
Step-03: Drag the Fill Handle down to copy the formula to the other cells.
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. Please let me know if you have other queries.
Hello Alun Vaughan-Evans,

Thanks for your comment. I am replying to you on behalf of ExcelDemy. There is a way to keep the formatting and also values. You can follow these steps to do that.
Step-01: Select the range you want to copy and then copy the range by pressing Ctrl + C on your keyboard.
Step-02: Select the cell where you want to paste the range. And then go to Home > Paste > Values & Source Formatting (like the following image).
Finally, you will see that you have copied the values with formatting.
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. Please let me know if you have other queries.
Hello JC,
Thanks for your comment. I am replying to you on behalf of ExcelDemy. The downloaded file works for me.
You can follow the steps from the Feature of Eisenhower Matrix Template in Excel section. If it still doesn’t work then check if all cells contain the formula in the Eisenhower Matrix.
And, while making your own Eisenhower Matrix, check if you are applying for the same range as in this article. If not, change your ranges accordingly in the formula.
Lastly, if you are using an older version of Microsoft Excel then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter while entering the formula.
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. If none of these works then you can let us know at [email protected] with your Excel file and problem details. We will try our best to solve your problem.

Thanks for your comment. I am replying to you on behalf of ExcelDemy. If you want to filter dates older than a number of days from today, you can follow the steps from Method-2. But, instead of the formula used here, write the following formula.
Here, I wrote the formula for dates older than 30 days from today. You can change the formula according to your preference.
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. Please let me know if you have other queries.
Hi Penny,

If you check to see if the cells are blank or not then they will be evaluated as not blank because the cells contain formula. If you need blank cells then you can follow these steps.
Step-01: In a Helper Column use any of the formulas from this article. But instead of an empty string (
) write a letter or a special character ("#"
) in the formula.=IF((D5*E5)>2000,D5*E5,”#”)
Step-02: Copy the values from the Helper Column and Paste them as Values where you want the final output.
Step-03: Press Ctrl + H and the Find and Replace dialog box will appear. Replace # with nothing and you will get your blank cells.
Finally, if you check the cells, then you will see the cells are blank.
I have shared the necessary images for your convenience. I hope this will solve your problem. Please let me know if you have other queries.
Hello DQNOK,
Thank you for your feedback.
Hello Frank,
This article contains different methods for different situations. Method 1.3 hides the numbers that are less than Zero. But, if you want to hide zeros only then you can try the following code.
Option Explicit
Sub Hide_Rows_With_Zero()
Dim row As Long
Dim col As Long
Dim qq As Boolean
For row = 6 To 14
qq = True
For col = 2 To 4
If Cells(row, col).Value <> 0 Then
qq = False
Exit For
End If
Next col
Rows(row).Hidden = qq
Next row
End Sub
I hope this will help you to solve your problem. Please let us know if you have other queries.