Macros & Excel VBA

How to Copy Formula Down Without Incrementing in Excel

We have the price record of various items of a company. The dataset contains Item Names, their prices, tax, and prices with tax in columns B, C, D, ...

How to Convert Number to Words in Excel (4 Suitable Ways)

Method 1 - Using the LEFT, MID, TEXT, and CHOOSE Functions in Excel to Convert Numbers to Words We will convert the numbers into the Numbers in ...

How to Insert Square Root Symbol in Excel (8 Easy Ways)

Here's an overview of inserting the square root symbol via various methods. Method 1 - Using the Insert Tab to Insert the Square Root Symbol ...

How to Auto Populate Date in Excel When Cell Is Updated (2 Methods)

We will put a value in a cell in column B, and the adjacent column C cell will show the date and time of changing the cell. Method 1 - ...

How to Use For Each Loop in Excel VBA (3 Suitable Examples)

Example 1 - Using Excel VBA For Each Loop Statement with Range Object Let’s say we have a workbook with one worksheet, the cells E4: E11 containing ...

How to Use the Do While Loop in Excel VBA – 3 Examples

  Download Practice Workbook Download the practice workbook. Do While Loop.xlsm The Do While Loop in Excel VBA The syntax of ...

How to Use Do Until Loop in Excel VBA (with 2 Examples)

In this article, we will explain how to use the Do Until Loop in Excel VBA with two simple examples. What Is a Loop? A Loop is a programming ...

How to Use For Next Loop in Excel VBA (10 Suitable Examples)

A loop is used when we need to run an operation repeatedly. Without performing the same operation manually every time in Excel, we can apply the VBA ...

How to Use Select Case Statement in Excel VBA (2 Examples)

Excel is the most widely used tool for dealing with massive datasets. We can perform myriads of tasks of multiple dimensions in Excel. This article ...

How to Reference Excel Tables Using VBA (20 Examples)

Reference a Table with ListObject Property When writing VBA code, ListObjects are essential for referring to Excel tables. These tables can be ...

How to Use the INDEX MATCH with Excel VBA – 9 Steps

  Download Practice Workbook Download the practice workbook and practice. INDEX-MATCH.xlsx Use the INDEX and MATCH Functions ...

How to Use Form Controls in Excel (Detailed Analysis)

  Download the Practice Workbook Form Controls.xlsm What Are Form Controls in Excel? Form controls in Excel are objects we can ...

Best 7 Books on Financial Modelling Using Excel

Where do financial modelers work? The world of finance can be a very complex place that at times is quite tricky to navigate. One has, for example, ...

6 Best Excel VBA Programming Books (For Beginners & Advanced Users)

Do you often find yourself, doing repetitive tasks over and over again in Excel and wishing that somehow, someway these tasks could be automated? ...

How to Create a Body Mass Index Calculator in Excel Using VBA (Step-by-Step)

  Step 1 - Creating a UserForm Go to Developer > Code > Visual Basic options. Click on the UserForm option from the ...

Advanced Excel Exercises with Solutions PDF


